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william anthony venta editada

william anthony venta editada


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Hi, this is Marta from National Gas and Electric, a qualified supplier of electricity and natural gas for your local utility company. This call is being recorded for quality and insurance purposes. Are you the person in charge of the building's account? Yes. Okay, perfect. Thank you. If not, are you currently receiving any utility or government assistance such as LIHEAP, MEEP, ECU, or USPP? No. No. Okay, that's great. So, are you more than 60 days past due on your bill or have received a shut-off notice? No. No. Okay, thank you. So, in the state of Pennsylvania through the Energy Choice Program, you now have the ability to choose an energy supplier like NGE. Now, with NGNG, you will receive a price-protected rate for the supply portion of your bill. This means that no matter how much energy or natural gas you use or any changes in the market or weather, this rate won't increase. So, great, there is some information we will need to get you started. First, please confirm the name as it appears on the bill. William Anthony. Okay, thank you so much. So, can you confirm the address as it appears on the bill? 455 East Washington Street, Apartment 13, Rochester, PA, 15074. Thank you. Is the billing address the same? Yes. Thank you. Can you provide the account number as it appears on the bill? 8746240651. Thank you. Can you provide your email address? Is that really necessary? Okay, no, it's not, sir. Don't worry. It's not, sir. Don't worry. So, National Gas and Electric is an independent seller of electricity and natural gas and is not affiliated with your utility. Your utility will continue to read your meter, respond to emergencies, will continue to send your electric and gas bills always, which will include NGNG charges on the supply portion of the bill. NGNG will submit your enrollment to your utility. You will receive your terms and conditions from NGNG within the next few days, confirming everything we have talked about today. You will also receive a letter from your utility confirming your switch to NGNG. If you change your mind for any reason, you can call your utility within three business days to cancel without penalty. After that, there will be an early termination fee. What is it, E-N-G-E? What is it, E-N-G-E? National Gas and Electric. Oh, N-G-E. Exactly, yes. So, for your protection, the last thing we have to do is connect you to an automatic third-party verifier who will ask you a series of questions to confirm everything we have talked about today. The automatic verifier and myself are not able to answer any questions, and all the questions must be answered with a clear yes or no. So, please wait until the system finishes asking the questions before you respond. So, here we go. Give me a second, please. Yes. Okay. Okay, the first questions are for me and they are for you. I'll let you know when they are for you, okay? Yes. Okay, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for calling TPV.com. My name is Kathy Hardin. May I have your rep ID, please? It's T-I-E-G-7-3-1-1. Okay, thank you. Hello, Martha, may I have your confirmation code? It's 4-0-6. 4-0-6. 8-1-0. 9-3-0. 4-4. Okay, great. Thank you. I shall be speaking with William Anthony. Is this correct? Yes. Martha Beltran, please bring the customer on the line to confirm your enrollment. Thank you, and you have a wonderful day. Goodbye. Okay, thank you. William, the questions are for you, okay? Okay. Okay, thank you. Hello, Mr. Anthony. This is Kathy with TPV.com. We are an independent third-party verification company calling to verify your new service order with National Gas and Electric. Was the sales call initiated by a live operator? Yes. Okay, great. Thank you. For your protection, this call is being recorded. Is that okay? Yes. Okay, thank you. Please respond with a clear yes or no when answering questions. Today is Saturday, March 9, 2024, and the time is 1150 a.m. Eastern Standard Time. Please state and spell your first and last name. William Anthony. W-I-L-L-I-A-M-A-N-T-H-O-N-Y. Okay, great. Thank you. Are you the account holder for the premises? Yes. Okay, thank you. Are you authorized to enroll this account from your current service provider to National Gas and Electric? Yes. Okay, thank you. Thank you. Are you on any type of energy assistance, such as budget, billing, HEAP, PIP, or CAP? No. Okay, great. Thank you. Are you more than 90 days past due on your bill? No. Okay, thank you. Great. Let's take a moment to quickly verify your contact and account information. Do I have the correct phone number as 724-417-2069? Yes. Okay, thank you. May I have the email address where National Gas and Electric may send important account information? No, I don't want to have my email. Okay, that'll be fine. You are enrolling your electric account with National Gas and Electric with the following service and billing address, 455 Washington Street, Apartment 13, Rochester, Pennsylvania, 15074. Is that correct? Yes. Okay, thank you. I show William Anthony as the name that appears on the bill for this account. Is that correct? Yes. Okay, thank you. I show the following account details. One electric service agreement ID, 8746240651. Is that correct? Yes. Okay, thank you. You are voluntarily enrolling your account in the Duquesne Light Electric Choice Program for the opportunity to receive National Gas and Electric fixed rate of 13.99 cents per kilowatt hour for the next 12 months. Correct? Yes. Okay, thank you. Yes. Okay, thank you. Do you understand these terms that savings are not guaranteed and agree to enroll with National Gas and Electric as your electric provider? Yes. Okay, thank you. Your enrollment in the Electric Choice Program includes 100% green energy. Do you understand? Yes. Okay, thank you. And, of course, you could cancel your service with National Gas and Electric at any time, but if you do so before your term expires, there is an early termination fee of $50. Do you understand and agree to that? Yes. Okay, thank you. National Gas and Electric will send out the terms and conditions within one business day confirming the information we've discussed today. You may cancel without penalty within three business days from the confirmation notice postmark date or if you move out of your utilities electric service territory. Do you understand? Yes. Okay, thank you. National Gas and Electric will send out the terms and conditions within one business day confirming the information we've discussed today. You may cancel without penalty within three business days from the confirmation notice postmark date or if you move out of your utilities electric service territory. Do you understand? Yes. Okay, thank you. By providing your electric account today, do you agree to authorize National Gas and Electric to confirm your usage history with Duquesne Light for enrollment purposes? Yes. Okay, thank you. You will receive written confirmation from your utility and your current supplier of your switch to National Gas and Electric, and the service start date will occur within approximately one to two billing cycles. Do you understand? Yes. Okay, thank you. And I have just two disclosures that I need you to acknowledge and we will be done. Your local utility will continue to read your meter, handle any emergencies, and bill you just like they always have. National Gas and Electric does not offer budget billing for the generation portion of your bill. Do you understand? Yes. Okay, thank you. So National Gas and Electric is not the utility or acting on their behalf, but they are an independent energy seller registered and certified with the commission to offer you this service. Do you understand? Yes. Okay, thank you. And lastly, your participation in the Duquesne Light Electric Choice Program is voluntary. You may choose to remain with Duquesne Light for your electric supply. Do you understand? Yes. Great. Well, that covers it. Your PTV ID is 4068109340681093044. Yes, so that was 40681093044. Thanks, Mr. Anthony. Enjoy the rest of your day. You're welcome. Goodbye. Thank you. Okay, sir, thank you. And please don't forget to make it to not make any changes on your account. Yeah. Okay, thank you. So have a great day. And as I told you, please don't make any changes on your account. Thank you. Yeah.

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