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Episode #7-It's the Little Things

Episode #7-It's the Little Things

Brianna Mayfield



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Brie and Hannah discuss little things that have a big impact, such as stretching, remembering details in conversations, comfortable silence with a friend, integrity, the first flower in spring, family hugs, being able to sleep in, and dancing. They also mention the importance of acknowledging others and giving a smile when passing by. They have different opinions on whether to ask how someone is doing when passing by, but both agree on the importance of acknowledging each other's presence. Hey guys, welcome back to College Knockoffs, this is Brie and Hannah, I'm Brie and Hannah's back! Woohoo! I'm back! How was your trip? It was good. We were only there for a few days, but I saw a lot of my family, and yeah, it was good. It's good. Good. I had a long, it wasn't a long week, it went by fast, but I feel like the days were long. I don't know, I'm just tired. I say that every time. Yeah. I'm sorry guys, I'm uninteresting. I'm just tired all the time. I feel rejuvenated because it's still spring break technically, and I didn't have school. Oh. So, I'm like, this is great. See, that's nice. I just worked on my spring break. Oh. Yeah. Worked on that stuff. Yeah. It's okay though. But anyways. Yeah. Anything else about your week? Um, oh, well, this week's been good, since I don't have school. Right. But, I worked at the gym the other days, and yeah, I feel like each day was very eventful. But also, besides work, I've been trying out these new recipes, and honestly, I'm becoming a pretty good cook, I think. So, I'm not bad. Nice. Yeah. Cool. All right. Let's get started. We're doing little things that aren't little, so little things that are actually big things. And we have some pretty long lists, so we're going to get started. Yeah. Longest list that we've ever had. Right? Yeah. So. Oh my gosh. My microphone's making noises. All right. Do you want to start? Sure. All right. I'll start with little things that aren't little. My first one is stretching. So, that comes from my personal trainer side. Yeah. I've started stretching, and rolling out literally changes everything. Yeah. The way I move in my exercises and running, it's a miracle, and everybody should stretch. We sit so often. Yeah. And that messes up everything. But if we just stretch, it loosens everything up and makes everything in alignment. It's great. So, everybody should stretch because it's life-changing. Yeah, I probably should do that. I have back problems because I sit hunched over all the time. Stretch your chest. Oh, anyways. Okay. My first one is calling to check in. Oh, yeah. Okay. It's a little thing, but I feel like it makes a big difference for me. Yeah. You know? Those are nice. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. My next one is when people remember the conversation with you, and they remember details. Yeah. Hey, that's one of mine, too. So, I'll just go ahead and check that one off. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's because I feel like, well, I'm not the best at remembering what I talk about with people, but I feel good when I ask people, like, in detail questions, like, how was this? Like, when they talked about it, like, three weeks ago. Right. And, yeah, it's just, it's great. I love them. I like that, too, a lot. My next one is comfortable silence with a friend. Oh, yeah. And that's us. Yeah. We'll just sit there and be okay. No, she's just come in my room and lay on my bed and hang out. Okay. So, what's your next one? My next one is integrity. Okay. When somebody has integrity and, like, they mess up and they say they messed up, like, Yeah. or whatever, like, that's a big thing to me. Mm-hmm. And... Owning up to it, yeah. Uh-huh. Yep. Even, like, with my clients. Mm-hmm. Like, if something's too easy or, like, I don't know, tell me so we can make it better. Right. Yeah. Yeah, cool. Integrity. Oh, let's see. My third one is the first flower in spring or just the first one I see. Oh, yeah. You know? Mm-hmm. Awesome. Jake has this spot where he always picks my flowers and I got, I don't remember what they're called. They're just, you know, like wildflowers, but I've had three different ones so far this year. Nice. The first two, I don't remember. I don't know what they're called. The third ones were irises, though. He just got them the other day. They're pretty. Nice. Yeah, I like when you start seeing the trees, like, have leaves back. It's like, oh, I've been missing that. Right, yeah. Everything dead is so depressing. Yeah. My next one is family hugs. They're the best. When, like this past weekend, well, okay, when I was younger, when my parents would hug, we always jump on them. Mm-hmm. And, like, we would yell if, like, if my brother was on the other side of the house, be like, Daddy! And we'd just jump on my mom and dad, and we did that during Easter, and it was, I was like, oh, I miss this. That's nice. That's really nice. Yeah. All right. Yeah. People are gonna hate me for this one. Probably not. Being able to sleep in. Yeah. Like, having a day to where you can sleep in, that's very nice for me. Yeah, I agree. Which, I don't normally make plans on the weekends until, like, the afternoon anyways, just so that I can sleep in. But, yeah. Yeah. I like to sleep. Yeah, I would second that. I would also say being able to go to bed early. That's nice for me, because I want to go to bed early. But when I work late, and then I have to eat, and then get ready for bed, I'm just, it's too late for me. Yeah. We're only, like, what, 23 and 24? That's sad for us, that we want to go to bed early. What? Whatever. We are, we are, what's the word? Responsible. Okay? Yeah. That's what we'll say. We're not boring. We're just responsible. Responsible. Okay. My next one is, which one do I want next? I'd say dancing. Oh, yeah. Like, when you are, like, home alone, and you can dance, oh my gosh, that makes, that makes your day. It's fun. Makes mine. Right? Even Trevor and I, like, we start dancing when we're making food. I'm like, this is fun. This makes my day. Mm-hmm. And they're not good dancing. Like, we look like idiots. But it's funny, and it's fun. Yeah. It's just fun. That's, that's sweet. That's cute. Yeah. Someone, like, getting something, or saying something, and saying, this made me think of you. Yeah. It's like, melts my heart. I'm like, what? You thought of me when you saw this? That's so sweet. Yeah. That is sweet. My next one is dogs. Dogs, yeah. Just seeing dogs. Like, I don't know, like, you see somebody walking a cute dog, you're like, well, I'm like, oh my gosh. Sometimes it makes my whole day. Yeah. Like, oh, or Bria. Oh my gosh. Some, when she's get all excited when I come home. Yeah. I'm just, oh, I love it. I love dogs. They are a gift from God. Yeah. They really are. They really are. Um, carrying something for me. You know, just like, I have it, and I'm like, here, I'll get it. Oh, yeah. Yeah. You wanna know my toxic trait? What? Making Trevor carry stuff for you? No, sometimes I, I, I don't let him carry things, but then I'll make, like, a comment like, oh, I'll carry it, or something like. I'd do that too. Like, thanks for the help, but literally I'm the one who grabbed it. Yeah. I feel like sometimes we just make it impossible for them to please us. I know. I'm glad I'm not the only one. No, you're not. You're not. Oh, my gosh. Can't even. Um, let's see. Oh, when you're talking, like, about something that, like, just grinds your gears, and somebody is like, yeah, that makes me mad too. Just knowing that they, they think the same thing, it's like, yeah, we stand together, we unite, two is better than one, and hallelujah, amen. We unite. Yeah. Oh, my gosh. Can you tell I wrote that when I was, like, mad about something? Yeah. Yeah. That's so funny. Oh, my gosh. Um, being asked my opinion, even if I have no idea what they're talking about, you know? Oh, yeah, that's good. Yeah, I like having opinions. I know. Yeah. Um, okay. My turn? Yeah, your turn. Oh, dang. I have three. Three. Oh, yeah. Like, knocking someone. Acknowledging someone when you walk past them. Yeah. Giving them a smile. Yeah. You don't, okay. Okay. I have opinions on this. When you're walking down a hallway, I say give a smile, give a nod. You do not need to say, you can say hi, but do not ask how I'm doing. Yeah. Yeah. Like, just give a, hey, hey. Yeah. Like, and keep on walking. Asking me how I'm doing is, like, good, and I really don't want to ask, how are you? Yeah. Like, half the time I don't because I don't want to. Don't care. Um, which is probably rude, but at least I'm acknowledging. When people walk by me and they don't even look me in the eyes, that infuriates me. Yeah. I'm like, I know you know I'm here. So, just look at me because I'm looking at you. Yeah. And now I feel like a weirdo looking at you. Yeah. So. I will admit I'm one of the people that doesn't always acknowledge the other. I mean, I definitely have the days, too. But, like, most of the time I'm, like, smiling. I don't know. I guess, yeah. I guess most of the time I'll, like, smile at them. I don't, it depends. It honestly depends because, like, if I don't know, like, like, know the person, like, have a relationship with them, I feel like it's awkward when you're both, like, smiling at each other and I'm like, I don't really. Oh. Like, we're not friends. Oh. We're not sociates. We're just, like, we just know each other's names. So. I, even if you don't, just look and smile. I feel like, because. That, that is so awkward for me, though, just because it's always this smile. It's always. No, I have the biggest smile and I feel like an idiot. No, I don't. I'm like. Don't. That's okay. No, I'm just like, hi. Oh, my gosh. No. Yeah, I give that, like, awkward, you know, those memes where it's like when Midwesterners pass each other. It's like that. Smile. Yeah, that's, that's me. I think this is going to sound bad, but I think that I say hi and smile at more students than I do adults when I'm walking through the school, always. Yeah. I mean, I don't walk through the school, but I mean, there's more kids than adults. So. Oh, yeah. But I mean, like. Oh, when you just see one and you're like, hey. I mean, I'm like putting my head down, but when a kid's coming, I'm like, smile. Smile. Because I want them to know I'm a nice teacher. Oh. I don't care what the adults think, obviously. I'm kidding. Kidding. Yeah. I'm just, I'm, I'm awkward with adults. I don't know why. I can be, too. Yeah. I, I mean, I have my days where I'm like, I don't want to talk to anybody, but then like some, most time I'm just like, hi. Hi. Okay, let's see. My next one is falling in love with a book after a reading slump. Mm-hmm. Like that happened senior year. Remember when I started ordering all those books? Yeah, you got into it. I read that one. I was like, yes. And so then I was just reading all the time. And now I'm kind of in a slump again. I've been reading. I'm just not like enjoying it as much. Yeah. So I need a, I need a good book to pull me out of the slump. But anyways. Yeah. I'm waiting for that. I need to start reading again. Sure. Let's see. My last one, I'll make this one my last one. Okay. Like with people, talking with people that you don't know well, I mean, when you, you know them too, but especially when you don't know them so much, but talking to them about God or like what you're reading in the Bible. Mm-hmm. Like I, that's my favorite part. I feel like with my job is just, I mean, everybody, not everyone, but most of the people I train are Christians and like you, like they want to talk about it just as much as you want to talk about it. So just like bring up like you went to church or something because I've noticed like every time it, you feel more comfortable with that person. And it's just a little thing like saying, oh, I went to church or just so they know. Yeah. And then if they end up being a Christian, then they'll want to talk about it. And then if they don't, then they just move on and you just keep pestering a little bit. Yeah. But yeah. Oh my gosh. Okay. This is my last one too. And it kind of goes with one you said earlier, but just a hug. Yeah. Honestly, anybody. Not anybody. Not a stranger. Yeah, this is where I don't agree. I know. I know. You're not that person. You're not that person. So I'm a, I'm a hugger and I feel like I need it to like decompress and release all of my stress. I saw this thing. It was a Facebook memory from like a few years ago, but it said the number of times a person craves a hug in a day is 13, 13 times. And I was like, well, it might be a little more than that. And then the number of seconds an average hug last is three, but the number it should last to have medical healing properties is 20. Oh my gosh. Mike. Wow. 20? Yeah. 20 seconds. Hmm. Yeah. Sometimes that is like, especially if I'm like, if it's been rough. All right. Well, yeah, those are our little things that aren't little. Oh, we had one reply to our Instagram story. Thanks, Sam, for that. Oh, we had one. We had two. No, we had one. What did you say? Which one? Was there more than one? No, it was the one I posted yesterday. Oh, no, I don't. I wasn't. I deleted Instagram. Oh, well then. Okay. What was it? Oh, well, I just said like, I put the question box and said little things that aren't little and told him to share with us. Oh, what was it? So that we could say it on the podcast and Sam's the only one that helped us out there. He said lies. So ours are all more positive and his are lies. Ooh, somebody hurt him. Yeah. Yeah. Oops. Anyways. I'm guessing. It's true, though. I mean, sometimes. He's from Pitt. Sometimes it's a little. But it can be a big thing. Like, it can blow up, you know? So anyways. Yeah. All right. We will now transition into what we read this week. And I will go ahead and say that I did read the first chapter of Isaiah. However, I do not feel comfortable. I do not feel comfortable. I do not feel comfortable. I do not feel comfortable. I do not feel comfortable. I do not feel comfortable. I do not feel comfortable. I do not feel comfortable. I do not feel comfortable. I do not feel comfortable. I do not feel comfortable. I do not feel comfortable. I do not feel comfortable. I do not feel comfortable. I do not feel comfortable. I do not feel comfortable. I do not feel comfortable. I do not feel comfortable. I do not feel comfortable. I do not feel comfortable. I do not feel comfortable. I do not feel comfortable. I do not feel comfortable. I do not feel comfortable. I do not feel comfortable. I do not feel comfortable. I do not feel comfortable. I do not feel comfortable. I do not feel comfortable. I do not feel comfortable. I do not feel comfortable. I do not feel comfortable. 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I do not feel comfortable. I do not feel comfortable. I do not feel comfortable. I do not feel comfortable. I do not feel comfortable. I do not feel comfortable. I do not feel comfortable. I do not feel comfortable. I do not feel comfortable. I do not feel comfortable. Okay? I'm sorry. What? We love Jesus. But I was looking through my pictures because I was trying to find a quote, but then I saw these screenshots that I took, so now I have some tea for you if you want to hear it. Yeah. So you know... I want to hear it. Uh-huh. You know how I'm in my college classes? Mm-hmm. OSU. Mm-hmm. Okay. Okay. So I get a text from our curriculum director the other day, and she was like, hey, I just saw this on Facebook. And the school, OSU, started a program... Oh, no. People that are teachers that don't have a teaching degree can now take classes for free. Oh. And they're all my classes. And I was like... Can you get something from it? I was like, are you kidding me? Because I'm almost done, and you're just now putting this out here? It's not my curriculum director's fault. I'm pretty sure they just started it this year. Like, they're starting it in the fall. Oh, my gosh. But I was just like, I have been paying so much money, and now you decide to make it free for Oklahoma teachers? That's wild. And then two days later, to top it off... Oh, no. Our superintendent forwards an email to me and one other person that's trying to get our teaching license that you can apply for a scholarship to take the PPAT for free, which is that thing that's been taking up my entire life. Is that what you took already? I'm still kind of in the process. But, yeah, I've already started it, and now for the next, like, it's not like a semester, but the next registration, there's a scholarship you can apply for to get it, like, paid for or get some of the money, like, dropped. Yeah? Did you already pay for it? Yeah, I already paid for it. I had to pay for it when I registered. Oh, my gosh. And I was just like, dang. Why do these things happen to me? Oh, that's infuriating. I was so mad. I was like, really? I was ranting to Jake about it, and he said, I'm sorry, I just don't really understand what you're talking about. What? Because he doesn't know what the PPAT is. Oh. But... Well, that's just wild. I know. That's, like, straight up... I was like, really, I'm almost done, and now you come out with all this? Like, after I've paid thousands of dollars? Rude. Yeah. Is this your last semester? I have to take one more class in the fall semester. See if you can get that one paid for. I don't know if I... Because I think you have to apply for the whole program. And I can't... I mean, I'm already almost done. I literally have one more class. So there's no point. I'll just pay, like, $2,000 more and just get it done. Whatever. That sucks. I was mad. Yeah. And then that big test? That big test I went to the other day? I don't get my scores back from that until May 10th. And I'm like... May fricking 10th? Yeah. I'm like, man, this is... I have so much anxiety right now. Oh, dude, I bet. Oh, my God. Oh. I don't mess up. Oh, yuck. I have to... Yeah. I need to actually start studying for my recertification. I have to pick something. I don't even know what I want to do next. But, yeah, I'll figure it out later. Yeah. It's fine. Yeah. Procrastinators. That sucks. Me. Oh, gosh. Well, yeah, that's the T for me, anyways. I hadn't told you that yet. So now everybody else knows my business, but it's okay. I mean, that's ridiculous. That is so annoying. Yeah. Oh, gosh. All right. So I think we're done. We don't have anything else. Do you have anything else to add? Nope. I'm done. All right. Well, then, we... Oh, next week we're going to have a story or two from our past. Yep. Childhood. Maybe not childhood for me because I'm pretty sure I have memory loss and I don't really remember much. But something. We'll have a story or something. Yeah. And you'll get to know us a little better through that episode. Yeah. That's it. Thanks for listening. This is episode... Thank you. Episode seven. We're almost to double digits. Seven? Yeah. Oh, my gosh. I know. We're almost to double digits. It's crazy. Awesome. Okay. Yeah. So join us next week. Send it to a friend. Don't forget to share it. Amen. Amen. We'll see you next week. All right. Say your line. What? Say your line. Uses.

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