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Epidosde #1-Nobodies to Friends

Epidosde #1-Nobodies to Friends

Brianna Mayfield



Join Bri and Hannah for Episode 1 where we tell the story of becoming college roommates and friends.

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Brie and Hannah talk about how they became friends after not really knowing each other for three years. They ended up living together in a house where strange things happened, like hearing noises and seeing lights flicker. They suspected someone was living in the attic. They changed the locks and the strange occurrences stopped. They also encountered a homeless man named Wayne who would go to people's houses asking for food or to use their bathroom. They saw him trying to open their door one night. What's up everybody? It's Brie. It's Hannah. And this is College Knock-Off's podcast. Woohoo! We are here just to have a good time, laugh, have some fun. We'll cover some different topics every week probably, but right now we're just going to kind of talk about like how we became friends and the crazy story that all that involved. So let's get started. Okay. Okay. How did we become friends? Um, it was pretty forced. Forced. We were not friends. We knew each other how many years before? Like three years. Three years. Didn't like each other. I wouldn't say that we didn't like each other. We just like didn't ever talk to each other. Like we worked together too for like two years. We worked together. And we were like, even then, we just kind of were like, yeah, this is what we did. This is what needs to be done. Yeah, we worked at a daycare. So like when I was in the room in the nursery room, I'd just give you a baby's face. They were fed their time. See you later. Yeah. So, and we were in the same sorority together and still like the first year. So like the first year I feel like, and that, I think it was the second year of the sorority, but it was like kind of when we knew each other and it was only from working together. Yeah. And we took a picture together at the sorority event. It was at Maddie's house. We did. Yeah. But like we never talked to each other. I remember. You took a picture. You said, hey, let's take a picture. And I was like, oh, okay. I'm sure. And then we like sent it to each other. I don't even remember who had it on their phone originally. And then like we didn't talk. Yeah, we never really talked. For like three years. We never talked. So it just kind of happened. We were both looking for somewhere to live senior year. Senior year, we both didn't have any friends to live with. So we're like, well, I guess we'll just live together. I mean, we know each other. We know we're, we know we're not like ax murderers. So yeah, I put it in the, was it because I put it into the group chat? Yeah. Does anyone need a roommate? And did you respond? Yeah, I did. I messaged you like individually. And I was like, yeah, I need a roommate. Okay. And that's kind of how it happened. But that's still not even really when we became friends. We just kind of lived together for, I mean, like a few months. We didn't really become friends until like, I don't know, like, November, December, like we lived together for a while before we actually became friends. And like, we would kind of hang out in the house together. But yeah, we'd just be on our phones. Yeah. Sitting in the living room. Yeah. But luckily, our rooms were right next to each other. Because we were downstairs. And I feel like since we were downstairs, we had to be like, yeah, we had to be. We shared a bathroom. It was just like, creepy there. And like, you had to pick somebody, right? Yeah. Well, we okay, we kind of skipped that part about how we ended up in a house. Yeah, we were looking for a two bedroom house to live in. And there weren't any good ones. And we went to look at this one. And as we pulled up, like this other girl was leaving. And we looked at the house. And then we're like, Oh, it's kind of weird. Weird layout. And this girl pulls back up as we're trying to leave. And she's like, Hey, I know this is weird. But me and a friend of mine have been looking at two bedroom houses. And we haven't found any good ones. But we know this four bedroom house. So you guys just want to live with us? And we're like, I mean, I guess we don't really know. Sure. Yeah, I guess. So I think it was like the next day or a couple days later, we all went and looked at it. And it looks like a nice house. It looks like it was in a nice neighborhood. And it was the opposite. It was actually the house from H.E. Double Hockey Sticks. Yeah, it definitely wasn't good. So here's the first story from that house. I, you hadn't moved in yet. No, I moved in. And then one of the other girls had moved in. But she wasn't like there. She was like still staying in her parents or something. Or maybe just like that weekend. She was staying at her. So I was there by myself that night. And it was like 2am. And I was in my room. I was watching TV. And I heard something and it sounded like it was inside the house. And I was like, what the heck? So I called this girl and I was like, Are you home? And she's like, No, I'm still like at my parents house. And I was like, I hear noise. And she's like, Well, and the other girls like she's supposed to come home. So maybe like it's her. Yeah. So I called her and I'm like, Is that you? And she's like, No, I'm still like, a few miles away. And I was like, Oh my gosh, I hear something upstairs. Like I swear. And all I have is a hammer. I get up and I lock my bedroom door real fast. And I just grab my hammer and sit on my bed. And I wait and like 30 minutes goes by. And I like kind of keep hearing stuff. And then eventually it stops. And eventually I think I just like fell asleep. I can hear Kevin. Eventually, I just like fell asleep and woke up the next day. And then Oh, no, I waited until Emma got home. But and then I went to sleep because she walked the house with me. But yeah, and then the next day is when the neighbors came over. Oh, and they were like, they said somebody was in our house. They did. They said somebody they were like, so one of my roommates got home last night. And he said that he saw someone on your front porch. And at first, he just assumed it was a boyfriend. But then he saw him kind of struggling to get in. And then the guy finally made it inside. And he was like, but then he saw like lights flickering and like heard noises. And so he went over there and he told him to get out and like they were yelling at each other. I was like, Okay, I don't know if that's true, because I would have heard him yelling. You know, what's weird is that they never went downstairs. So no, yeah, if someone was in the house, they never went downstairs. But I also didn't hear anybody talking or yelling. And he was yelling at him telling him to get out. So unless he was yelling at him after he left. I don't know. He said he went over to the house and went in the house where the guy was and told him to get out. And I was like, I didn't hear that. And I definitely would have. Yeah. So then I was like, I don't know who to believe. And then at first we kind of thought he was lying. And it was one of them that was in the house. Because we were surrounded by a bunch of wackos. Yeah, it was. I hate that. I don't I don't want to say that. I don't want to call them wackos. But I mean, it was just not a very good place to live. We so the people next door would walk through our backyard. And we would ask them multiple times to be like, Hey, don't walk through our backyard. And they always would. And so they just Yeah, so that I remember seeing the text going off on my phone. And I was like, you're like, I think somebody's in the house, blah, blah, blah. And I was just like, holy crap. Like we're moving into this house. Like I haven't moved in yet. And we're having problems. Yeah. And then that was just the beginning. Yeah, well, yeah. Because then after all that happened, it was when the lights were like, on and we thought someone was like living in the attic. We would all turn the lights off when we left. And then someone would come home and lights would be on. Yeah. And we would do it on purpose. Like make sure they were make sure that they were off to be like, Okay, this is weird. Like, is there going to be lights back on? And there was lights back on. Yeah, we seriously thought someone was living in the attic. And so when the girls, dads came over and like looked around, and then he bought ring cameras and put them at the front door in the back door. And that was my addiction. Looking Yeah, looking at the ring cameras. Oh, my gosh. Yeah, it was so crazy. My dad was mad. We tried to ask the landlord, we tried to call him and ask if we could change the locks, and he never answered. And so then we're like, you know what, we're just going to change the locks. Yeah. So we changed my dad, my dad came up and changed the locks for us. And we just threw all the old doorknobs in a ziplock bag and put them in the laundry room. Like, well, there they are, if you want them back, but we think so. And then everything stopped. So like, we tried to go through any one that could possibly like one of the people that lived there before us. The landlord himself or like, is he being a creep and like coming in here? Yeah. And when we change the locks, everything stopped. So it was so weird. Yeah, I it was weird. I wonder if the people before us had problems. I don't know. I was wondering that too. I wonder if the people after us had problems. Yeah. Oh, yeah. I think somebody bought the house. Somebody bought it from him. I think I did. Um, but yeah, that was creepy. And then like, what happened right after something happened? The guy? What was his name? Wayne. Wayne. Yeah. Wayne. There was this homeless guy in the, he was homeless, right? Yeah, he was homeless. Um, in the town we lived in, and everybody, like all the police officers knew him because he would go up to people's doors and like, ask for food or to use their bathroom. Well, one night, he, on a ring, we saw him. He knocked in. He tried to open our door. Um, which that makes me think like that was Wayne was like the one in there. And he's just stumbling like his stomach, you could hear his stomach gurgling. Yes. And you could tell he's holding his stomach like that. That guy had to go to the bathroom. You heard him rip some. And like he had to go to the bathroom and he tried to get in and he just moved on, moved on to the next house. Yeah. Yeah. There was a Facebook page dedicated to him. Yeah, to him going to people's houses. But he would also dress up in like women's clothes, right? Yeah, because I saw him one time walking around town and he was literally wearing, um, like a crop top and these jeans shorts where he had his boxers underneath. You could see them because they were so short. Yeah. And I was just like, what in the world is wrong with this person? Oh, wow. We lived in a wacky place. We did live in a wacky place. Oh my God. And then there's times where like, we, um, my car got broken into. Mm hmm. Yeah. Yeah, there might not probably shouldn't go through that. My car got broken into and it was very shady. Um, one time this wasn't like a, we called the police, called the police a few times. Yeah. Honestly, they eventually just knew it was us. Yeah. They're like, oh, it's those girls again. Yeah. Yes. Um, but yeah, that place was wacky. Well, cause Wayne came several times and every time he would come around, he'd call the cops. Yeah. And there was that one time I ordered door dash and the neighbor saw someone on the front porch and they called the cops. Yep. And I'm like, Hey, there's someone trying to get in their house again. And the cop shows up and I'm like, no, no, that was just my food. But thank you for washing it out for us. Yeah. Um, yeah, our house. And that's why I said like us living, like our rooms being next to each other. Like if there was some creepy sign, I would run to your room. I'd wake you up. And like, even the one, like there's been twice that I, we've called the police and I was too shaky to call. Yeah. Cause I, I like freeze and I just shake when I'm scared. Yeah. I remember. Yeah. Yeah. Wow. That's insane. I can't believe, I can't believe all that happened. Yeah. And I can't believe we lived there and stayed there. It was, um, yeah, we were desperate. And then we ended up like having problems with the people we lived with and eventually we were like basically the only two people that lived in the house. Yeah. Yeah. The last like month and a half was just us. Yeah. And we ended up moving upstairs. We did. Yeah. Yeah. That was fun. Yeah. Um, yeah, we like, we moved all of our stuff upstairs. Just the two of us were bad. My bed was so hard because we couldn't take it apart. Your whole wooden and we had to like basically like roll it into my room. Yep. Yeah. I can't believe we got that in there. It was so hard when like my parents came and we had to move it out. I was like, I was trying to tell him, I was like, no, we did it this way. Like this is the only way to get it out of here. And so, I mean, I don't know. Crazy. Yeah. Us leaving that house or it was just like, there's so much trash in the garage that we had to throw out. It was bad. Like not even our stuff. No, it was pretty crazy. Crazy, crazy. And we learned that we should probably not live with people that we don't know anymore. Oh yeah. The people we meet off the street. Yeah. Probably not a good idea. No. Not gonna do it. Oh my gosh. No. But yeah, we didn't become friends until like a few months in. Yeah. And it was because, it was honestly because you had no one to go with you to Texas and you're like, will you please come? And we really, we weren't friends. No. Not really. And I literally called work and I was like, I can't go. I have to go with my roommate so that she doesn't go by herself. Yeah. And they let me go. And that's, that's literally how we became friends. We literally just took a road trip. We took a road trip to Texas. Yeah. And how fun was it? It was, I don't know. What time did we leave? We had to leave after I worked. Mm hmm. Like that one day. Cause then I got the next day off. Cause we left on a Thursday. Okay. Thursday afternoon sometimes. Cause we, we made it down there by like nine. Okay. I don't know. It was maybe like eight hours, nine hours. Yeah. I feel like. But that was crazy too just in the snow. Like us getting there. So we were driving, well I was driving and it got dark and then it started getting so windy. It was, it was literally when we cropped the state line is when it got windy. I was like, how does that even happen? No. It was like pushing our car around and then there was those big old tumbleweeds. Tumbleweeds. I've never seen tumbleweeds. Hitting the car. Yeah. Hitting my car. And they were so big. I thought they were deer in front of me because I would have like a heart attack every time it flew in front of me. Like, yeah, that was crazy getting there. And then we got there and we went to the good old hotel. We thought we got a steal. Yeah. We thought it was like the best ever. Yeah. We were like 60 bucks a night. Heck yeah. Don't ever go to a hotel that's 60 bucks a night please. Yeah. We straight up watched the drug deal in the parking lot. I forgot about that. Yeah. We watched the drug deal. We watched the drug deal and then we walked into our hotel room and like doors were open, cabinets were open. TV was on. Entertainment center was pulled out. Hair, dirt on the bed. Blood. Wasn't there like a blood spot? We thought somebody was in there when we walked in and we didn't know what to do. I called my mom and she yelled at us. She yelled at us and my mom was like, well, take pictures to have, to show them what it looks like. And so we had to go back in there, take pictures, get out real fast. Went to the front desk said, we're not staying. Can we get a refund? And she said, yeah, no problem. Yeah. I didn't fight it at all. Yeah. You know, it's a problem and they don't even fight it. And then we went across the street and paid like double, double for the Hampton. And we had that. Her first time at the Hamptons, her first time with continental breakfast. Oh my gosh. Life changer. Like literally we had an omelet for breakfast and you know how this was like real eggs because at other places you don't get the real eggs. Yeah. Real eggs. They had jalapenos to go on top. Yeah. And salsa. Yeah, man. Continental breakfast is amazing. I love it. But yeah. And so we stayed there and then we went towards your school. Yeah. That I didn't go to. That you didn't go to. And then we left and we're like, since we're kind of close, let's go to Dallas and Fort Worth. And we're like, but we don't have any more money to like stay anywhere. And my mom and my aunt had a friend that lived in the area and she called him and she was like, Hey, my kid and her friend need a place to stay. Can they stay with you? And he was like, absolutely. I'd only met this man like one time in my life. Yeah, I did. I barely knew him. I just knew like of him and kind of who he was to my aunt. Yeah. And that was it. But he was so nice. Yeah. We got like an Airbnb in the apartment. In the apartment complex we stayed in. Yeah. It was great. It was a lot of fun. Yeah. You guys, you and his friend, I don't remember his name, talked conspiracy theories into like two way in. Oh, we all did. Yeah, we all did. Like we're getting into it. Like I've heard some conspiracies I've never heard of. And I was like, man, there's people out there like me. Yeah. And then we went around Dallas. We, what did we do? We went to, we went to Fort Worth the next, like we woke up the next day, went to Fort Worth, went to the stockyard. Wrote a bull. Hannah wrote a bull. I saw people, kids on these bulls and taking pictures. And I was like, that has to be me. By the end of the day. And I, she did it. His name was Maverick. The bull's name. And I have pictures to tell the story. Yeah, she has proof. Me and Maverick, we just stood there on that street corner. It was fun. The stockyards, the stockyards were fun. What else did we do? We went to Super Target. It was my first time at a Super Target. Yeah. And then we, we went to all these coffee shops. We, oh my gosh, we had the best coffee. Yeah. That was in Abilene. Yeah. In Abilene. And then in Dallas too. Yeah. Or wherever we stayed. Oh yeah. Cause the moose one was in Abilene. Yeah. Kind of by the school or something like that. And that one was a really good. And then we went to, yeah, it was right down the street from Jesse's apartment. We walked down there one morning and it was so good. That was, we have like, there was one of the days we had like four coffees in one day. Oh yeah. Cause we also met your friend. That was a regular. Like that was normal for us. That's true. That coffee is normal for us. Um, but yeah, we went and that was cool. I liked that. Remember when we were walking down the street and we saw all these escalators, these black escalators. Yeah, we're like, is that the FBI? I know. We were first making up these like conspiracies like this is the FBI. This is what's happening. Cause we were like downtown Dallas. I was like, they heard us talking last night and we're right. Yeah. They were listening to our phones. I was like, we're onto something and that's why they're following us around. Yeah. Or they're just here to kidnap us. Right. Yeah. But I don't know. It was crazy. Yeah. There was a lot of them, but no, that was also fun. And then we drove back and we were friends, like best friends. Best friends after that, like driving there. Cause it was like nine hours. Yeah. We had a lot of time to get to know each other. Yeah. We talked a lot and then it was a lot of fun. Yeah, it was. We, so like when we got home, we decided that we were like, like we went and we'd go get Sonic blast, ice cream blast. We would go for walks cause I eventually brought my dog. You had Bria and then I brought Cletus. We would take our dogs for walks. We'd go work out. We would, um, watch the bachelor or love is blind. Yeah. Yeah. We, then we were friends after that. We just did a lot of things together. Yeah. We were literally attached to it. Yeah. And that's how it's been ever since really. Yeah. But we don't live together anymore, which is sad. It is really sad. It's hard. We live in different states. Yeah. Which is sad, but make it work. We do make it work. We're really good at being adult friends. Yeah. Like we don't have to talk to each other every day. We'll just like, you're like, Hey, this is what's going on right now. Or if it's super juicy, we'll call each other and we're like, guess what happened? And yeah, that's just kind of how it's lit. Yeah. And yeah. Brie's here for the weekend. I'm here for the weekend. We were recording the podcast. We were recording the podcast. Together. Episode one. Yes. But then we'll do it separate. Separate. Unless I come up sometime or you come down. Or I come and see you. Yeah. Yeah. Which, I don't know if, will I hit your house on the way to, nevermind. Okay. I don't know. Yeah. But if you're listening to our first podcast, definitely, I don't know where it's going to be, but comment or let us know what you want us to talk about. It'll be on Spotify. I haven't looked into Apple podcast yet, but for sure on Spotify for now. Spotify. Let us know what you want us to talk about. We're College Knockoffs. Should we talk about why we did it? Oh my gosh. Yeah. We totally forgot to say how we came up with that name. You came up with the name. So you go. We're College Knockoffs because, I mean, we went to college. Oh, sorry. Sorry. I hit you at the table. We went to college, but we're like, oh gosh, how did I say it? You were like, okay. So meaning one, we went to college together and we went thrifting all the time. So College Knockoffs. Yeah. We love thrifting. And then also we got degrees in things that we're both not doing. Yeah. We have college degrees that we're not using at the moment. Yeah. So that's, I mean, kind of, I mean, kind of, I feel like you kind of use yours more, definitely more than I use mine, but. College for you. College. College. And then you get out of college and you're like, now what do I do? And you're like, oh, I forgot this was an option. I guess I'll just do it instead. Like, oh wait, I could have done this. And I probably should have, but. Yeah. It's all right. It's okay to make mistakes. Yeah. We're just learning. We're still young. We're so young. We have time to learn. Yeah. Well, I think that's all for episode one. Yeah. We're so glad you guys listened. Subscribe. If you listened. Yeah. If you listened. I hope you listened to the whole thing. If you're listening to this part right now, you're the MVP. Yeah. MVP. You win. All right. Signing off. We'll see you guys later. Have a good week.

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