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FAF 82822 The Importance Of The Bible pt4

FAF 82822 The Importance Of The Bible pt4

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The speaker emphasizes the power and importance of the living Word of God. They encourage listeners to read the Bible daily and connect it with prayer. They explain that Jesus is the truth and that the Word became flesh in the form of Jesus. The Bible is described as a lamp and a GPS for spiritual guidance. They urge listeners to become students of the Bible and highlight that all Scripture is inspired by God. The speaker concludes by inviting people to join their Sunday program and providing a contact number. For the Word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the dividing of soul and spirit, of joints and marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intents of the heart, or the intentions of the heart. That's the power of the living Word of God. Now, if your Bible is lying on your table, laying on your table right now, you need to get the dust off of it, open those pages. I grew up in a community and a home where the Bible, this big family Bible, was always on the table. Now, I remember my mom actually sitting down and reading the Bible. I recall my grandmother reading the Bible. They were Bible readers, and they were praying women. I find that people who read the Bible daily also have a tendency to pray daily. The two become one, the prayer and the Bible. They go hand in hand because you kind of have to, you know, pray when you're reading it because it just brings you into that place. And it's one of those situations where I really have to say, you got to be there to know what I'm talking about. So you got to read it. And John 17 and 17, Jesus was praying. I call this, this is the Lord's true prayer in St. John 17, and I'll talk to you about that sometime. But he says, sanctify them through your truth. Your Word is truth. Jesus also taught us that I am the way, the truth, and the life, and no man can come to the Father but by me. And in St. John, the Bible says in chapter 1, Jesus became flesh, the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us. So here we have the walking, living, breathing, talking Word manifested in human form so that we can experience divine Word. In John 1 and 1, he says, in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God. Hey, and the Word was God. Awesome. So when we talk about the Bible, know that the Bible leads us into this place of the Word. And I know through church culture, we call the Bible the Word of God, as if it's alive. But it becomes alive when we begin to immerse, immerse, baptize ourselves into Him and into the Scriptures. Because Scriptures are inspired by God, so the humans wrote it as they were inspired by God. And Psalms 119 and 105, it says that your Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. So therefore, it becomes your inner GPS. When you start studying the Bible, and I mean a hard copy, love the apps, they work in the airport, they work on flights, they work in doctors' offices, or wherever you might be. But when it comes to being a student of the Bible, you need the book. You need the Bible. Get one. Go to the library and read it. Go visit your local library. They are wonderful people ready to help you with anything, by the way. So go read the Bible at the library and begin to become a student of the Word of God. And as you will feed your body on a regular basis, feed your spiritual soul, feed your spirit on a regular basis. Because Word wants Word. 2 Timothy 3 and 16 says all Scripture, somebody hashtag all or highlight all. All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, and for correction, and for training in righteousness. How will we know if we don't have this Word? So I want you to stop right now, wherever you are, and talk to your mind. Say, today is the day that I'm going to get my Bible out, and I will begin to read it every day because it will do my body good. It will do my life good. It will never pass away. 1 Peter 2 and 2 says, like newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the Word of God, that you may grow up into salvation. Many people are still in infancy trying to figure out what they're going to be and do when they grow up. I want you to know that the Bible will grow you. It will get you into maturity. It will get you into wisdom. It will get you into knowledge. It will get you into the ways of God. Because since you were born, the Word of God has not ceased to be, and it will never cease to be long after you have left your body. I'm so glad you joined me again for this month's series on the importance of the Bible. Tell somebody you know to join us right here every Sunday at 12 noon Central Standard Time for Faith Alive and 5, the 5-Minute Gospel. I look forward to hearing from you. Text me at 501-521-1381.

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