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Closing The Gap Between The Prophecy and The Promise David's Story  pt 5 7:2:23

Closing The Gap Between The Prophecy and The Promise David's Story pt 5 7:2:23

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The host, Dr. Faye, discusses the story of David being anointed as king. Despite not having a throne or crown, David remained faithful and continued his duties as a shepherd. Years later, David faced the giant Goliath and defeated him. This story teaches the importance of being prepared and faithful in the meantime, while waiting for God's promises to be fulfilled. Dr. Faye also gives shoutouts to pastors and chambers of commerce in the city. Welcome to Faith Alive in 5, the 5-minute gospel. Now here's your host, Dr. Faye. Remember the psalmist David. He was anointed to be king while he was still a shepherd boy. He was out tending his father's sheep. The prophet came through. Prophet Samuel came through and he was told by God to go to Jesse's house and to anoint the next king of Israel because Saul's turn was up. And there were beautiful men living in that household. And all of those beautiful men came before the oil in Samuel's hand. And the oil stayed in Samuel's hand because none of those guys were appointed. That Jesse was pushing forward. And Samuel asked, is there not another one? Because he was looking for the one. Somebody say the one. When God has the one in mind, no substitute will do. The one is the only one that the oil will be happy to be poured out upon. So David was called out of the shepherd's field. And he was called in. And when he came in, immediately Samuel poured the oil on David's hand and said, this will be the next king of Israel. Now in that moment, David didn't have a throne. He didn't have a crown. He didn't have a scepter. He didn't have a robe. What did he do? He went back to the shepherd's field doing shepherd things. Watching over his father's Jesse's flock as he had always done. And did it from a place of gratitude. A place of praise. He had his heart. He learned how to soothe the sheep. He learned how to tackle the lion and the bears that will come out to devour his father's sheep. He became a protector of and a good steward over what was placed in his hand. It was not until years later that David was in a position where he was actually placed on the throne. In the meantime, what happened was that the army of Israel were fighting this battle against the Philistines. And the Philistines, I mean, you know, they had a different God. So they didn't really care about love and compassion and all of that. And Saul with his army went out to against the Philistines. And there was a Goliath, a giant bear that was huffing and puffing and intimidating Saul and his army. Now part of Saul's army was also those beautiful men that the Oral had an objection to. And they were alongside King Saul ready to fight battle. David went out to take them some lunch and to do what his father asked him to do. To see how they fare because they had been gone for a while. And he went out and his brother said, what are you doing out here, you little runt? You're coming out here just to start trouble or whatever. So you know they're already jealous because the Oral found favor on David's head. But David asked them, what will the king do for the man who will kill this beast, giant Goliath? And they told him you get to marry the king's daughter. You're going to live tax-free. You're going to be cool. You're going to be okay for the rest of your life. You will be set. So David said, no problem. He finds five smooth stones. He's a man given to carrying a slingshot. He's been accustomed to using it. And when he took his slingshot and he grabbed the five smooth stones, he took this one stone and he swung it and he hit the giant Goliath and he fell dead before David. David took off his head and gave it to the king. You see that was in the beginning, in the meantime place, the beginning process of David stepping up into the limelight because he had been in the background for so long. You see the place of closing the gap between the prophecy and the promise, it begins at the moment the oil finds your head. You see we're in this series, closing the gap between the prophecy and the promise. There's some oil waiting to be poured on you. And you are in a prime position right now because God has some oil waiting on you. My time has already lapsed here in this Faith Alive in five to five-minute gospel. I want to get a shout out to Pastor and Lord London over at Wayside and all of the beautiful pastors here in our city. And I want to shout out to Chambers of Commerce that I think are doing an amazing job in our city. I mean this is not a great big town but let me tell you it's a powerful and a strong town and it's getting stronger all the time. I'm Dr. Fayette Pastor Cook and I'll see you guys next time. Bye-bye now. Thank you for tuning in to today's broadcast. Dr. Faye would love hearing from you. Contact her today at 870-860-9758 or email coach at drfaye.com and remember the calling is a gift but the choice is yours.

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