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TCA Tue27Aug24 - Responding Supernaturally #2 - Apst J Sithole

TCA Tue27Aug24 - Responding Supernaturally #2 - Apst J Sithole

Bethsaida Word CentreBethsaida Word Centre



The Apostle led a discussion on the role of the Holy Spirit in achieving success in various spheres, including politics, business, and personal growth. He emphasized the importance of perseverance, wisdom, and alignment with God's principles, using examples from historical figures who overcame adversity through their faith. The conversation ended with a call to action for the next generation to get involved and make a difference, with a focus on women as agents of change.


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Vamo reta, Renau, amarela Vamo reta, Renau, amarela Vamo reta, Renau, amarela Renau, amarela, mutimu adijaca Mutemu amarela de Vová tuvamu colhera de pente Nadevura voce Cusamandabu Vamo reta, Renau, amarela Mutemu adijaca Mutemu amarela de Vová tuvamu colhera de pente Nadevura voce Cusamandabu Vamo reta, Renau, amarela Mutemu adijaca Mutemu amarela Vová tuvamu colhera Nadevura voce Cusamandabu Vamo reta, Renau, amarela Mutemu adijaca Mutemu amarela Vová tuvamu colhera Nadevura voce Cusamandabu Vamo reta, Renau, amarela Mutemu adijaca Mutemu amarela Vová tuvamu Vová tuvamu colhera de pente Nadevura voce Cusamandabu Vová tuvamu colhera Vová tuvamu colhera de pente Nadevura voce Cusamandabu Vová tuvamu colhera Nadevura voce Cusamandabu Vová tuvamu colhera de pente Nadevura voce Cusamandabu Vová tuvamu colhera de pente Nadevura voce Cusamandabu Vová tuvamu colhera de pente Cusamandabu Vová tuvamu colhera de pente Nadevura voce Cusamandabu Vová tuvamu colhera de pente Nadevura voce 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Cusamandabu Vová tuvamu colhera de pente Nadevura voce Cusamandabu We respond in a way of success We respond in a way that We respond in a way that That will give God the glory And also Leave our consciences Intact in this evil And wicked world And wicked world I want us to look at several areas The first area Where we need to look at It is now The area of politics The area of politics Politically How do I survive in the so called Corrupt Dangerous world Where there is Attacks And so on How do I survive We can quote one politician Saying that now If you mobilize against me I'm ruthless This is what happens This is what happens in politics There is political assassination Character Just defamation And many other things That happen in that political sphere And it affects us As Christians The second area Where we We need to understand How do we respond How do I carry myself In the area of business Which is called Dog eat dog business The area of business That area Well most of you Might not be playing in that space Or aspiring to play in that space Of business But it is also a dangerous Sphere Because once you Start competing with certain people And you are gaining more clients And you are successful They come for you And they destroy you One good example around the province It happens everywhere But one good example around the province Right there in Livuahomu There is a garage in the outskirts of Livuahomu It was attacked by criminals And they robbed the place Finally it is burnt down I don't know if it has been rebuilt And so on You have a better story Globally In the area of business It is a very dangerous business Can you survive As a Christian in that sphere Then we have The professional sphere Where you are just Vendoring services As a person who is employed In the professional sphere Right there People fight there You fight for posts You fight for promotions You fight for everything In that sphere How do I survive How do I survive How do I come up on top And be a successful person In that sphere And lastly How do I succeed in the family sphere How do I succeed And how do I climb up And keep family together And overcome things that happen In the family I think I have just laid the introduction Of how we should really interact Now we must interact with Scripture And look at the power of the Holy Spirit In all the spheres Let's start with the political sphere And we look at Let's look at 2 Kings Chapters 6, 8-10 2 Kings 6, 8-10 Yes Then the king of Syria Walked against Israel And took counsel with his servants Saying In such and such a place shall be my camp And the man of God sent unto the king of Israel Saying, beware That thou pass not such a place For neither the Syrians are come down And The king of Israel sent to the place Which the man of God told him And set himself there Not once nor twice Amen Not once or twice Now here Let's also Get to verse 17 of the same chapter 2 Kings Verse 17 Just You can do NLT So that we must not get to this NLT, 2 Kings 6 Let's start perhaps from 12 to 17 As well It is not as my lord the king One of the officers replied Go and find where he is And the king commanded So I can send troops To seize him And the report came back Elijah is at Dothan So one night the king of Aram Sent a great army with many chariots and horses To surround the city When the servant of the man of God Got up early the next morning And went outside There were troops, horses and chariots everywhere Oh say, what will we do now The young man cried to Elijah Don't be afraid Elijah told him For there are more on our side than on theirs Then Elijah prayed Oh Lord, open his eyes And let him see The Lord opened the young man's eyes And when he looked up He saw that the hillside around Elijah Was filled with horses and chariots of fire Amen This is in the political sphere The kingdom of Israel Had a king And there were other kings Especially the king of Armenia They wanted to attack Israel Collect things And in those days When you attack a kingdom You take over their wealth You take over Even their good human resources And so on Politically, nations Can be attacked by other nations For different reasons If they don't attack you using the army They will use the academia to attack you If they don't use the academia They will use the business world to attack you So all you need to do Is understand that When you are in politics You are in a dangerous terrain You must always Be in contact with God Now here is The king of Israel He is always warned By the prophet The prophet always Tells him what the enemy Is planning And he will tell him Then the king of Israel Was always steps ahead Just steps ahead Of his enemies When they try to do that They find that the king is already there The king of Israel is already blocking that area And so on Now let's bring it down To our lives What is this? Do I have a prophet that will always talk to me? Yes, you do have one But the most important Thing is that The Bible says we will receive power After the Holy Spirit has come upon us And this Holy Spirit Comes with the nine gifts Of the Spirit And one of the nine gifts of the Spirit Is what we call the weight of knowledge The weight of knowledge If you go through The book of Corinthians That is chapter 11 of Corinthians Chapter 12 of 1 Corinthians And chapter 15 of 1 Corinthians And chapter 14 of 1 Corinthians They are the different gifts Of the Holy Spirit are listed there They are all nine And they are in categories Of three Then you have The group that deals With knowledge That's now the weight of knowledge The weight of wisdom And the descending of spirit These three gifts Are very important This is the trio That can put you ahead of your enemies And these are the gifts That can make you conquer in every sphere So the prophet Elijah Used what we call the weight of knowledge I hope somebody understands what I'm saying The weight of knowledge Was in operation Right there The weight of knowledge Was in operation In the life of the prophet Elijah Because these gifts That deal with the mind And giving us knowledge Operate in the office of the prophet But at the same time You don't have to be a prophet As an ordinary believer You interact with the Holy Spirit And everyone who is baptized In the power of the Holy Spirit Can move in the power Of these nine gifts of the Spirit The nine gifts of the Spirit Are not gifts that are Just exclusively Belonging to the fivefold Which is pastor, teacher, apostle And so on The nine gifts of the Spirit Are for all believers And that is key in this instance And therefore if you activate this gift Operate in this gift Through the Holy Ghost You can know what your enemy is planning Before he executes You begin to know That my adversaries Are planning 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 I think it is important To have time of fellowship With the Holy Spirit And when you are fellowshipping With the Holy Spirit You can know things That your enemies are up to Before they do it Then you begin to plan otherwise And after benefiting from this word of knowledge He was always ahead Of his peers To the point that now The king of Amnon Said no There is a spy among us Who always talks to the king of Israel About us because when we try to act He is always ahead of us And he knows what we are planning And so on And one of the officials said There is no spy among us There is a lie today This person knows what you are saying In your bedroom Hallelujah Which is the bedroom A lie knows So that is how the word of knowledge goes It can go further Into the most private places of your enemy And know what your enemy is planning And how you should do it Hallelujah Therefore When you get into the sphere of politics You must get there armed With the power of the Holy Spirit Whether you are A councilor Whether you are a mayor Whether perhaps you are a professional And you are interacting with politicians And they are just letting things Can be up to no good in many ways And so on But this is the issue The power of the Holy Ghost is key Because through the Holy Spirit We get the mind of Christ And the mind of Christ is omniscient It knows everything Everything There is knowledge there Now we have to understand That Operating in that sphere Armed with the power of the Holy Spirit We can overcome Amen Another person Who operated In the area of politics It's Daniel There's a lot of scriptures That I really wanted to read But Daniel operated within the most weakened System Of the day The Babylonian system Him and his friends They were operating in such a sphere But they conquered How did they conquer? The Bible says the Spirit of the Lord Was upon this man, Daniel And he had that Spirit The other thing is The Spirit of God gave him excellence Excellence You cannot conquer In the sphere Of politics Without excellence Or in any other sphere What is excellence? Excellence is just Doing more than the call of duty That is excellence And doing more than what you are expected to do You excel The next thing is the Spirit of God Was upon him Giving him interpretations Of dreams And vision He operated in the spirit Of the living God And he rose to the top In the area of business Let's move to the next sphere Which is now We dealt with politics Now, let's come to this point Now, the area of business In the area of business Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let's read Let us read 1 Samuel 18 verse 14 1 Samuel 18 verse 14 And David behaved wisely in all his ways, and the Lord was with him. Amen. And David behaved wisely in all his ways, and the Lord was with him. Now, he was employed, he was serving under Saul, and how did he rise to the top? He rose to the top because of wisdom. The Bible says, he who lacks wisdom, let him ask. But there are three levels of wisdom. The first level of wisdom is that the day you receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and the Savior, you have received the wisdom of God. Because Christ himself is your wisdom. 1 Corinthians chapter 1 verse 30 It says, Christ is made our wisdom and our righteousness. So, immediately you receive Christ, you must understand Christ is your wisdom. Amen. Amen. The next level of wisdom is the level of the Word of God. Just the Scriptures, there are wisdom, just reading through Scripture, understanding Scripture, there's a lot of wisdom there. There's wisdom for every situation, every setup, there's wisdom. On Sunday, I sat there, halfway the sermon, when Joseph was teaching here in our Polokwane campus, and so I could hear her speaking a lot of wisdom. That comes from Scripture. Just sitting in church, listening to sermons, you get a lot of wisdom right there. And you've got to, that's why when you are in church, record stuff. If you don't have a record, if you can't record, write down and you will comprehend stuff. Because for you to deal with situations, you need wisdom. Hallelujah. And the third level of wisdom, where you can recall a Scripture that speaks of the wisdom of God, around a situation, interact with the Holy Spirit. There is a gift that I have mentioned earlier, which is the Word of Wisdom. Amen. The Word of Wisdom, what is the Word of Wisdom? This is the gift that operated in the life of Solomon in the Old Testament. He operated in this gift of the Word of Wisdom. And the Bible says he had the ability even to solve hard questions. The Queen of Sheba came to him and asked him hard questions and he answered those questions, all of them. Ladies and gentlemen, there are hard questions in life. Hard questions in life. Questions your ordinary mind cannot answer. Questions, now, here in SA today, we have this problem of women that are abused and killed. Children that are killed. Well, those who are in the LGBTIQ, they call it gender-based violence, but we say women who are violently killed as the people of the Bible. And now, this thing, politicians have no solution for it. All spheres of influence cannot give a solution on this thing. The more we talk about it, the more we try to attack this thing. It keeps on raising its ugly head. And, ladies and gentlemen, even women conferences. I'm so disappointed that women conferences all throughout and this month. You see, women are living in another cocoon land. Don't know where they are living. Pertinent problems are not addressed. We are not tapping into solutions. And, ladies and gentlemen, and especially women, again, if we can interact with the hard questions. Hallelujah. Amen. So, you need the word of wisdom to deal with hard questions. The Bible says, David behaved wisely and through his wisdom, he avoided to be killed by King Saul. And, even in the book of Daniel, Daniel and his spheres, these people walked in wisdom, lived in wisdom, and they avoided a lot of problems in their day and time. May you tap into the Holy Ghost and draw from the wisdom of God. Draw from the wisdom of God. Any adversary, anyone who attacks you, anything that is planned in the working sphere, respond wisely. And don't respond like a carnal man. Don't respond in a fleshly manner. Because when you respond in a carnal way, in a fleshly manner, you will further injure yourself and destroy yourself. Wisdom and wisdom. Ladies and gentlemen, let us be committed to attending church services. Because in every service, I'm talking about services where we are presiding. Amen. I have to be selfish on this one. Amen. And everybody shout Amen. Amen. I have to be selfish on this one because I don't know what's happening in other churches. I only attend other churches when I'm invited and preach. I don't know what is going on there. But here, we strive to share the heart of God and we prepare. Once the Lord reveals something, we prepare. Amen. We research, we prepare, and we make sure that people are fed and equipped. Those who listen, they come up tops. Yeah, Amen. Those who listen and who attend church, they come up tops. And in most cases, I don't have to tell you that I've heard from the Lord. I don't have to tell you that I've heard from the Lord. When we start giving you Scripture and we start preaching, we are prophetic. We know what God is saying to the people. This Sunday, we're talking about perseverance. The Bible says if we persevere, we will inherit the promise of God. Hallelujah. Amen. Because there are all kinds of attacks, all kinds of things, but don't give up. That was the message. Hallelujah. I don't want to continue it now because it looks like I'm out of time. I can go on and on and on and on. Amen. But now, let me just use the remaining minutes. Let me use the remaining minutes, and then we go into prayer for some minutes now because we have to pray around this. Ladies and gentlemen, above all, there was a research that was made by a reputable company. They wanted to research, how do people succeed? How do these top people come up on top and they succeed? How do successful people succeed? That was the question. They researched in all spheres of influence. They researched in almost all critical walks of life. They made a very, very, very important discovery that now success goes to people who have this one thing, adversity quotient. In most cases, we think people succeed because of their intelligent quotient, IQ. People don't succeed because they are intelligent. Have you ever met some very successful people? Here, I'm dealing with an idiot, a serious fool. And you begin to wonder, how did this person make it to the top? And when you check, you really don't find, how did this person go to the top? And you end up concluding, ah, no, this one was just lucky. Ah, this one, the favor of God was just upon. Ah, this one was just blessed, and so on. Their success, most people succeed because of the adversity quotient. I said it on Sunday. But now, what is adversity quotient? Quotient is one's ability to recover from setbacks and failures. Can I repeat this? Mm-hmm. IQ is that adversity quotient. And the meaning is the ability to recover from setbacks and failures. And that is esoteric. From the book called Grit, I quoted that one on Sunday, and explaining what grit is. And grit is passion and perseverance towards long-term goals. And ladies and gentlemen, the Bible says the kingdom of God suffers violence, and the violence will take it by force. The NLT says the kingdom of God advances forcefully. Hang in there when there are problems. Stay in there when there's failure. When there is setbacks, seek and make a comeback. God is with you. Use the fruit of the Spirit. Persevere. Passion. Self-control. You will come back from any setback and failure. Don't cry and say, Every time you get a puncture, there's a problem. And so on. Hang in there. You will come up on top. Hallelujah. Let us all pray. Father, in the name of Jesus, I pray for all the people in the set today. I pray, Lord, that as they interact with you, Holy Ghost, lead them, prepare them, prepare them, Holy Ghost, may we have fellowship with you. I pray in the name of Jesus for that fellowship of the Holy Ghost to prevail. May we be dedicated and be devout in the things of God. Father, as we proceed with this one, How do we respond to adversity? Help your people. Touch your people. Turn things around. In Jesus' name, we have prayed. And God bless you. Have a good day. Let us pray, Lord. Let us pray, Lord. Let us pray, Lord. Let us pray, Lord. Let us pray, Lord. Let us pray, Lord. Let us pray, Lord. Let us pray, Lord. Let us pray, Lord. Let us pray, Lord. Let us pray, Lord. Let us pray, Lord. Let us pray, Lord. Let us pray, Lord. Let us pray, Lord.

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