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TCA Thu13Jun24 - Meaningful Prayer - Ps Josie Sithole

TCA Thu13Jun24 - Meaningful Prayer - Ps Josie Sithole

Bethsaida Word Centre



Pastor Josie led a session on the importance of meaningful prayer, focusing on its private and humble nature, and its relevance to Jewish culture and Christianity. She also emphasized the significance of forgiveness, respecting God's holiness, and the need for unity in South Africa. Additionally, Pastor Josie offered guidance on effective prayer, including the use of scriptures and structuring prayers with specific examples.

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I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you I'll put you in front, in front of my memory You are all that matters, you are all that matters I'll make room for two, you and I, Jesus You are all that matters, you are all that matters Oh way, oh way, you are all that matters Oh way, oh way, you are all that matters Oh way, oh way, you are all that matters Oh way, oh way, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, Showing God that He is all that matters, as we start our day. Welcome to all from far and near, as we start this day with a word of, sharing the word of God, and also praying. Today I just want us to go to a very well known portion of scripture. It is in Matthew chapter 6. We will start. It is a story, as I said, it is a story that is well known of the disciples of Jesus when they asked Jesus to say, teach us how to pray. And He taught them that, it is found in Matthew 6, He taught what not to do when we pray, and also a model of how to pray, how to approach God. First, He shows that our prayer should be done not as an act of, you know, showing off. He says when we pray, it is something that must be done in secret, because our God is in secret, and He sees in secret, but He rewards prayers openly. He even speaks about entering one's closet and closing the door. Our prayer, this prayer, we have a prayer group, I don't know how many are in that prayer group, the church prayer group that is the prayer closet. I made a mistake by saying a church prayer group. It is not a church prayer group. It is a prayer group which we call the closet prayer, which is something that we are doing around this thing of saying we enter into a closet. And when you look at the physical closet in Matumi, it allows only one person. You can only get in there, put your chair there, or you can put a mat or whatever. But it is something that allows just, it is a little room that allows just one person to get into a closet, and you shut yourself in there, and you are with God. So that is the one thing that Jesus highlighted, that when we pray, it must be something that is done in secret. It is something that must be done not to show off. The main aim here is Jesus is trying to say to us, do not pray because you want to show off, but everything you do when it comes to prayer, let it be done, let it be between you and God. And then in verse 6, that is where he says you have to shut your closet and talk to God who is in secret. And then the second thing, okay, so while we are still there, it does not mean that when you are in public you cannot pray. It also does not mean that you have to always find a room where you can shut yourself in for you to pray. It just means that our prayer should never be done as an act of trying to show people how holy we are. It is not something that must be done as an act of showing off. That is one thing. Yes, there will be times where you need to have a prayer time alone with God, but there are also times where we pray corporately. We also see Jesus, sometimes he would pray in public, sometimes he would pray with his disciples, but he also had time where he would be alone with God. So that is number one about prayer. Prayer is between you and God, whether you are in public or you are alone, it is something that you do between you and God. Now the second thing in verse 7, he warns against vain repetitions. Vain repetitions. When we look at us, especially we Pentecostals and Charismatics, we come to a point where we get these words that we like repeating as we pray. Sometimes if you say to somebody that they must pray, you can even know beforehand, if you have been around that person for a while, you can even know beforehand how they are going to start their prayer, the words that they are going to be using in their prayer, because sometimes we get to have these words that we fall in love with and we start using them and we repeat them, most of the time, without even understanding the meaning or without even being conscious of what we are saying at that point. We just carry on and say them because we are now so used to using them. And another way of using vain repetitions is because we Pentecostals, we also pray in tongues. You find a person just repeating or babbling tongues that are not even coming from their spirit. It is something that somebody is just doing because they are used to them. I have seen a disturbing trend as well where people, when we were growing up in the Lord, the baptism of the Holy Spirit was something that you would pray, they would pray over you or somebody will just say, okay, today it is the day where we are going to be praying for people to receive the Holy Spirit. Maybe they will lay hands on you and pray and pray and pray. There is nothing like teaching somebody to say, what do you say when you pray in tongues? It is never in scripture. It is not biblical because it is the spirit, it is the spirit, the language of the spirit and it is the Holy Spirit who will give you utterance. It is not someone who will teach you or give you utterance of what to utter. So the issue of vain repetitions is also found mainly, like I said, among us. And vain repetitions are something that we, it is like kiki recitation, you are just reciting something that you don't even mean. So how do you avoid vain repetitions? When we look at Jesus, he says, when you pray, you must say this. And then he starts with saying, you must say our father. In other words, he is introducing God as a father. He is telling the people around him that when you come to God, first you must come before him knowing that he is your father, he is your source. The reason why the next one says, okay, and then who is this God? When he says, yes, he is your father, but he is not just a father. He is holy. He is holy. His name is holy. When you come before him, you come before him knowing that you are coming before a holy God. When you come before a holy God, you come with all humility. You come with all submission. You come with all honor. You don't talk to somebody you honor just anyhow. You don't talk to somebody you respect. You don't just talk to them anyhow. So Jesus is saying when you come before your father, you must talk to him as a father and knowing that his name is holy. I gave an example one time when I was ministering about issues of honor. How do we honor? In Exodus chapter 3 where God is giving them the Ten Commandments, there is a commandment that commands the Israelites or commands people not to hold his name in vain. So when they do that, when Jesus says, hallowed be thy name to the Jews, they understood that it is connected to that commandment to say his name must be held holy. So I gave an example one time to say when the Zulus try to express how they honor or respect somebody, the example of a daughter-in-law, when you get into a family and you find that you have a father-in-law, one of the ways of showing your honor is never to call your father-in-law by name. Such that if your father-in-law's name is manzi, which means water, even if you want to send a child to say please bring me a glass of water, you can never say bring me a glass of water. You must say something, okay, bring me something to drink or please bring me, I'm thirsty, please attend to my thirst or something. You must find a way of asking for water without calling water by name because your father-in-law, his name is manzi, his name is water. So when the Israelites, even today, when you look at most of our English Bible translations, you will find that the word L-O-R-D, everywhere it is spelled in capital letters in the Old Testament. You find that in some areas the word L-O-R-D is written in small letters and in some areas it is written in capital letters. It is because the translators were applying this rule to say they don't want to hold the name of the Lord in vain. So they don't want to even call the name Yahweh. So they would just say Lord instead of calling him by name. Which I don't think when Moses came with that message to them, that's what he meant because in the Bible he says those who will call upon the name of the Lord will be saved. I also thought I think sometime about the importance of calling the name of Jehovah and exactly what it means which will be a subject for another day. But today when Jesus said, hallowed be thy name, he was talking to the Israelites, I mean to the Jews at that time who understood the importance of holding the name of God holy. Always coming before him and understanding his holiness because he is holy. Now, one other thing that we no longer do, which I don't know is it because we are now wearing expensive clothes or what. When I was growing up, our posture of prayer was that of kneeling. Kneeling in many of our cultures, it is a sign of respect. It is a sign of respect and even biblically when they come before God and they bow, that posture, it is a posture of respect. So, God is a father, but he is holy. And when we talk about holiness, it is something that is separate, that is not treated as common. When you talk to somebody you respect, especially in my culture and other people's culture, you don't come before an elderly person and you just stand and talk to them. You bow, you bend your knee or you kneel and then you speak to them. So, our posture also shows if we hallow God or not. And then, when we come again, avoiding those vain repetitions. The best way, like you see, when Jesus says you must not do vain repetitions. Another way, because what Jesus has written there, hallowed be thy name, your kingdom come, it is a model that models how we should pray, how God's kingdom and will should be done on earth as it is in heaven. And also, as he continues to say, give us this day our daily bread, it shows that because God is a source, he is a father, he is the one who gives us the bread. It is not our employer, it is not our work or our hands, but it is God who gives us our daily bread. Apostle was talking to somebody yesterday and then this person says, I used to think that I don't have to follow all the rules about giving, tithing and all the rules that we are given in church about giving. Because I knew that I have a salary, whether I give or not, I will still get my salary. So you can see that some people, some of us, we look at our employment or our businesses as our source. So Jesus is saying, even if you are in business, even if you are employed, even if you are a child who has a parent, God is your source. So when we come before God, we come knowing that he is our God. And also when we come before God, we are coming to ask him to forgive us. And why do we want to be forgiven? Because we are human, we are, and also we want God to forgive us as we also forgive others that sin against us. So when we come before God, in another portion of scripture, Jesus says, when you come before God and you know you have something against somebody, if you are coming to give an offering and you know you have something against somebody and you have not fixed it, he says you must leave that offering at the altar. Go and fix your matters with your brother, then come and give that offering. In other words, before we engage with God, before we pray to God, before we talk to God about anything, we need to make sure that we are in harmony with those around us. Yes, sometimes we will be coming before God to pray about an offense that you are experiencing, maybe your brother offended you. In that case, it is obvious that you cannot go to a brother because at that time your brother or your sister is not in a position to even talk to you. So what you do is you go to God and tell God about the issue or ask for wisdom of how to deal with the matter before your brother. Because sometimes if you can go there without having calculated how to approach the brother, you may find that you even cause more damage than you meant, because maybe you wanted to fix things and you find that because you went there without the wisdom of God, you ended up messing up things. So sometimes, yes, if your prayer to God is about being offended by somebody or somebody did something that really didn't sit well with you, it is best to go to God and ask God to help you. First, help you how to approach that person, how to talk about that, and also ask God to help you to forgive them. Because without forgiving them, actually your prayer will be in vain as you come before God. Try to talk to God or try to ask God to forgive you because your forgiveness is hinged to you forgiving others. Because He says, if you forgive, you will also be forgiven. If you don't forgive, you will not be forgiven. So it is a very serious one that my forgiveness before God is connected to me forgiving other people. It is a very difficult one, but it is something that God expects us to do. He says, when you come before me, pray, ask for provision because God is your source. Also, the kingdom and any kingdom deals with rules. There are laws in the kingdom. So when you say your kingdom come, in other words, you allow the rules of God to govern your life on earth. You allow God's rules to govern your life. In other words, you do everything according to the rule of law of heaven. You don't do things according to how you feel. You don't do things according to how you want. But because you belong to the kingdom of God, your life is ruled by the laws of God. And then He also talks about fasting. Also, it goes in the same way of fasting not to be seen, but fasting must be between you and God. You must not look like you are fasting. You must anoint your head. You must not move around showing people that you are on a fast. Unless, of course, if it is a corporate fast where you are with people that you are fasting with and you both know or you all know that you are fasting. So what is the best way? Sometimes, I know most of the things that I'm saying now, I'm repeating them to some people. But allow me to do so. One of the ways of ensuring that you pray constructive prayers without vain repetitions, it is to write down points that you want to pray about. You write them down and also look for Bible verses that back up that prayer point. And when you pray, you can allocate. Let's say you have maybe five prayer points or three prayer points. First, maybe you want to pray for the government, for instance, because you realize that, okay, tomorrow these people are going to be meeting in parliament to choose a new government. So I want to pray for government. You put it down to say, I'm going to pray for government. And you also look for scriptures that talk about us praying for our leaders. Then you also write down the areas of governance that you would like God to intervene in. Government has many departments. And all those departments, they affect you in one way or another. So with government alone, if maybe you give yourself five minutes to pray for government, you will find that you will not have to repeat anything vainly. So if you have written down to say, Lord, I pray that when they appoint a minister of the police, let them appoint a person like this and this and that, because currently our nation has a lot of crime or there are many criminal cases that are not being resolved. Or you pray that the police must not look for gain and take bribes because they will subvert justice. Then you go to the Word of God to say, I think it's in the book of Samuel, where the Bible tells us about the children of Samuel who did not walk according to Samuel, who took the bribes and they subverted justice. Then you give all those examples. Then you move to education. You move. Believe me, by the time you finish praying for the government, that five minutes, it's a life deal. If you tell yourself, I'm going to pray for the government for five minutes, there is enough for you to pray for the government in five minutes. If you sit down and write down points that you want to bring to God, if you say you are praying for your family, and indeed you give yourself time to write down the names of each of your family members that you want to bring to God, each one has a unique need that you know about that you need to bring to God. And there is a scripture that can back that kind of a prayer that you can bring to God to say, according to your word, O Lord, this is what you promised in your word, and this is what I expect for this member of my family. Help them when they do this. Help them when they do that and all those things. So one of the things that will make you to pray, one, without vain repetitions, two, to pray for, sometimes people cannot pray for an hour because that prayer is unplanned. It has no structure. If you come before God, the only time you find that a person is able to pray for an hour is when they have a need that is making them really, really, really, really, really sleepless. Then you will find them really coming to God and crying and praying to God to address that because that thing is causing them sleepless nights. But when things are okay, you find that that person is just repeating words without even knowing what they were praying about. So one way of spending, if you set aside an hour for prayer, you can write down your points, okay, this is what I want to pray about, this is what I want to pray about, this is what I want to pray about. Then you allocate minutes for each point and also look for the scripture references that talk to that point that you are addressing. Then you start praying and then each point, you pray for each point according to the allocated time. Believe me, you will be able to pray for an hour or you will be able to pray for even more than an hour depending on your points that you have set aside. So in that way, it will help you not to come to God with vain repetitions. It will help you to know areas of prayer that you have covered in your prayer. You will know even when God answers, even if He can answer you after a year, you will know that on the 13th of June, I prayed to God about this matter and I thank God that He answered me. So this is just an example or a way of following a structure as Jesus shows us in His Word to say, when you pray, pray like this. In other words, your prayer must be structured. You have to bring things to a God who is your Father, who is your source. So because He is your source, when you need things, you come to Him and ask for Him to supply. He is your provider. So there are many verses in the Bible that talk about God's provision, God's providence. So when you come before God, you can pray and ask God to provide for you, to give you your daily bread, your daily needs, to address your daily needs, whatever kind of needs they are because He is your source. And He also teaches us to live a life before God, a holy God, before a holy God. You see, sometimes with us, because we are not living at the time where God used to, where they had an act of the covenant, where they would say only this is how you deal with the presence of God. You don't just carry Him anyhow. It is not only just anyone who carries Him. It is only going to be the tribe of Levi that carries Him, and this is how they carry Him. And you must not open to see what is in there. And if you open there, you die. And we know that God is so big. It was just God trying to show or teach His people that He is a holy God, and He must be regarded as holy, and He must be treated as holy. But even though we do not have a physical object that shows us that this is how we must treat God, we must know in our hearts that when we approach God, we are approaching a holy God, and we must have that reverence before Him. We must know that He is holy, and His holiness, when Isaiah saw God, he was lamenting to say, I am undone because I saw God, and I live among people of unclean lips. I'm also unclean. He saw Himself as this sinner when He compared where He is and the God that He was looking at. Holy, holy, holy. So our God is holy when we come before Him or when we live before Him, because when we say your kingdom come, we are living in a country with laws. But the laws of God supersede all the laws of any country or of any family. God is holy. God is a king. God is a father, and He has laws that He gives us. So our lives must be governed by the laws of God. But as we conduct our lives, we have to conduct our lives knowing that we are walking before a holy God who is our king, our provider, and we know He hears us wherever we are. And the most difficult part being that one of forgive us as we forgive. There are many people who will offend us. Some will offend us many times, especially among family members and work colleagues, because those are the people that you are around most of the time. Those are likely to offend us more than once. And God expects us to forgive them more than once as they offend us, so that we can also expect God to forgive us when we sin against Him. I think my talk for today has come to an end, and I'm just going to allow us to come to God and pray. I am not going to lead to say what do we pray for. Each one of us, we have many things that we can pray for, and the Bible guides us as to how to pray. Yes, it says first of all we need to pray for those in government, all the people in leadership. Those are the people that we need to pray for so that we may live peaceable lives. And for South Africans, on a Thursday like this, yes, many parties are in talks as we speak. They are trying to get each other. So it is an important item to consider in our prayers, because whatever is decided today and tomorrow is going to affect our children, ourselves, and how the outside world relates to us, which translates into our economy. So it is important indeed to pray. As we pray today, we must never forget to pray for the government as they are struggling to deal with this issue of government of national unity. Because today the world is full, and the reason why we have this government of national unity is a very ironic thing. The reason why we have the government of national unity is because we have too many parties. Everybody wants to be an individual. Everybody wants to be the president. Everybody wants to start their own party and be the president of that party. And because everybody wants to be an individual, we ended up finding ourselves in a place where we are forced into unity. Isn't that ironic? We all wanted to have these small Anjana parties on the side, but that ended up leading us back to government of national unity. I think God is looking down at South Africa, and I don't know whether He is laughing at us or He is just shaking His head to say, why didn't... I will just start with the Christian parties. Why didn't Christian parties unite and become one party and say we are this Christian party and we stand for these values and we campaign among the Christians to vote for our values? But we have so many little parties there, another party there, another party there. Some of them don't even have a manifesto. And then today we are sitting with a government of national unity. Very interesting to me. So let us, as we start to pray, let us not forget that we are at a point where our nation is facing a very difficult time because the fact that we had about 70 different little parties, it shows how divided we are as a nation. So we need unity, and the master of unity is God Himself. So as we pray, please don't forget to include that. I'm going to ask that we all pray, and then I'm not going to come back, but we are all going to pray for different areas in our lives. I was just giving a picture of how we need to structure our prayers as we pray so that we can know what we prayed for, and when God answers, we know we have prayed for this. And if you have written it down, you even can go back and check exactly how or when you had prayed for that. May God bless you all. May God be your guide as you pray. May it be your way of prayer. May your prayer never be scattered. May your prayer never be vain repetitions. May you continue to pray meaningful prayers. Even when you come before God, God must really... Have you noticed that if somebody comes before you and they were supposed to prepare themselves and they did not prepare, you get disturbed a bit, that how this person knew, especially teachers. You tell your students, we are going to write a test next week, Wednesday, and they come in the exam room and they are not prepared. It shows in the way they present themselves that this person is not prepared. And then another one before we go to prayer, also it's something that I'm repeating, I think, I don't know how many times, but allow me to do that as well. Another question would be, how long should I pray in a day? There is one thing that I once read, somebody saying, sometimes I don't spend an hour in prayer, but an hour does not end without me praying. I don't always spend an hour in prayer, but an hour never ends without me praying. In other words, everything we do, everything we engage in, find a time to whisper a prayer to God to give you guidance in everything you do. Believe your life on your knees, even when you are standing, even when you are driving, even when you are sitting around a boardroom, be on your knees. Ask God to guide you in everything you do. May God bless us all. May prayer indeed be our shield. May prayer be our lamp. When it is dark, let us use prayer as a way of illuminating our way so that God gives us guidance, God gives us wisdom where we need wisdom. And God gives us peace where we need peace. And God gives us the favor with men when we need it. As we pray, let us pray. Dear Heavenly Father, we come before you this morning. Dear Heavenly Father, we are praying before you. Dear Heavenly Father, we ask you to be close to us. We are in need of you. We are in need of you. We are in need of you. We are in need of you. We are in need of you. Dear Heavenly Father, we are in need of you. Thank you for all that you do. Thank you for all that you do. We need you. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. 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We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord. We need you, Lord.

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