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TCA Fri07Jun24 - Don't Tithe 4 Money - Apostle J Sithole

TCA Fri07Jun24 - Don't Tithe 4 Money - Apostle J Sithole

Bethsaida Word Centre



The team led by Joseph and Shirley discussed the importance of having a diverse set of skills, the concept of tithing, and the idea that true riches are not material possessions but qualities like kindness and wisdom. The team concluded with a call to action, emphasizing the importance of gratitude and love in the face of the country's current economic challenges.


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The Apostle discusses the importance of having a livelihood formula and multiple qualifications in the current economic climate. He emphasizes the need to prioritize true riches over money and explains that money is the least important thing in the kingdom of God. He also highlights the presence of a deity called mammon in relation to money and encourages giving for true riches, such as human beings, wisdom, and knowledge. And welcome to this morning's prayer as we close the week, it's been a very good and informative week and we thank the Apostle for spending himself on our behalf, may God bless him. Over to you Apostle. Thank you Pastor Joze. Greetings to everyone. I was told I make controversial statements. Like I did this week and I'm going to redeem myself and explain myself on the issue that don't hide from money. Ladies and gentlemen, the situation in the country is showing us that we're heading for rough times and the rough times are the rent doesn't like the name Coalition Does Rent. And officially we are in a recession. We have an economic down swing and I've addressed a number of things. Yesterday I was talking about the livelihood formula, something that you have to fall into even when you succeed perhaps in your hobbies and other things, but you've got to have what we call a livelihood formula. If a child is good in sport, it is not good to encourage that child only to go ahead with sport and never have a livelihood formula career where that child has something to fall back to. At the same time, some careers have a short lifespan. If a child is going into boxing, that is short. His career might not last long and he cannot make money there to have what we call for his own livelihood. If a child is going into soccer and so on, it's good. Let that child be encouraged to go into sport, but let there be some balanced bargaining there. The bargaining must be there that he must do well with his academics and the academics that will give him a livelihood formula. Somebody say Amen. Amen. Yeah, if a child is very good in the area of business, it is not wise to say, OK, fine, go ahead and do business. Only that person must also have another career and a career that will give him some livelihood, some income, so that when he fails in business, he might fall back into some sort of a career and some sort of qualifications. And we finished by saying that all people that are in the fourth industrial revolution, they must have multiple qualifications. Amen. Multiple qualifications, how? Because some of these qualifications or skills that you acquire, you might not need just to go into an institution and so on, but you can acquire certain skills so that you can go ahead and just become something to fall back to. But in the fourth industrial revolution, it's worse, it's worse, it's worse because you have the robots might take over the work, the electronics, the digital systems might take over that kind of a career and you find that now you are swallowed up, then you must rescale and so on. So you must make sure that you learn, unlearn and relearn. You learn, unlearn and relearn. That is the language of the fourth industrial revolution. And we said, don't move away from your basics. Your basics of typing are very important. Typing, offering, giving, those basics are key and important because these are the things that will take you very far. Then we said, first, do not just type, but when you type, do not understand the benefits of typing. The benefits of typing is that now you don't type for money, but you type for things that money cannot buy. Amen. I repeat again, you don't type for money, but you type for things that money cannot buy. Things like what? Things like divine interception that we saw in Genesis. Divine interception. The interception, the Bible says a wise man sees danger from afar and he hides from it. In other words, there is this interception which we saw when Abraham was being attacked by the king of Sodom. Then there was a divine interception. At the same time, intercept spirits from your income, the income that comes into your hand. Intercept those spirits because money is matter that can carry spirits that mess you up. Now, this morning, I'm coming to this one. Type not for riches, but for true riches. Type not for riches, but for true riches. Where do we get that? Luke 16, 11-12. Luke 16, 11-12. Or go back to 16 and look at the previous verse because... Okay, yes, it's 10. It says, he that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much. And he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much. Continue, yes. If you have not been faithful in the unrighteous man, who will commit to you at first the true riches? Thank you. That is the whole spirit there. If you are not faithful to that which is least, the word least means that the lowest, the last. Can you read that, the same verse in the NLT? I hope people are following. Amen. Amen. NLT says, if you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won't be honest with greater responsibilities. And if you are unjust about worldly wealth, who will trust you with the true riches of heaven? Jesus is making a comparison here. He is saying, money is the least in the scheme of things of the kingdom. Can I repeat it again? Money and other things is the least in the program of the kingdom. So, while many people prioritize money, everything about them rotates around money. And money in the kingdom of God is the last thing. Jesus calls it unrighteous mammon, which is least. Therefore, money is not something of a priority, something to be held on, well money must be managed. But money is the least in the scheme of things. Jesus said, in Matthew chapter 6, he said that the Gentiles seek after these things, which is money, clothes and houses and everything. Those things are least in the kingdom of God. But he said, you, you need not to seek the least things. Seek ye first the kingdom of God and everything shall follow. Now, Jesus is saying, money is just the least. The second thing is that now, you got to understand that now. I want to teach you this morning, that you can make money follow you like a puppy. Because it's a little thing, it will follow you wherever you go. I want to decree this and make a declaration of everybody who is within the sound of my voice. Money is the least and the thing, the worldly whatever is the least in the kingdom of God is the last thing. And this thing can follow you everywhere you go, like a little puppy. In a sense, you don't have to pray for money. You don't have to pray for money, that thing must just follow you. It's a little thing, useless madness. We don't have to struggle when it comes to money. A giver and a child of God that is in the kingdom of God doesn't struggle. It is the least. Money is not just the least. According to Jesus, has a God in it. He calls it unrighteous mammon. Mammon is the God of money. Money has a God which is called mammon. Jesus said you cannot serve two masters. You will hate the other and love the other. Then he said you cannot serve God and mammon. You cannot serve God and mammon. What did he mean? He meant that mammon is a deity. It's a God. It's a spirit that elevates itself to the level of God. And he calls it unrighteous mammon. So the money of this world was not created in heaven. And it's not the creation of... It's not within the creation of God. It is an unrighteous mammon. It comes with a God. Therefore, always when we talk about money and when money is involved there is this God called mammon who speaks. Right now I'm talking about money in this Zoom meeting. Somebody is offended. You know why this person is offended? You know why this person is offended? It is the God of money that is talking and offending you. The flow of the Holy Spirit can be fine in the church. But let's talk about money. Let's talk about mammon. Wow! The flow of... The atmosphere changes. In fact, What is happening here? Where the subject of money is there is a God of money. And that God of money comes in. He's called the unrighteous mammon. So when you tie to God, when you give anything, don't give for money. Give for what we call true riches. Amen. Am I talking to somebody? Amen. Now, true riches. In true riches, true riches now, in true riches then we get, we have what we call by-products. Oh no. Are we still together? Amen. Amen. Amen. Now, trade for true riches. And what are true riches? What are true riches? True riches, number one is a person a human being who is made in the image of God. Amen. Top on the list. The person who is true riches is a person. Now, when we say human beings are true riches, let me put it under general. Human beings are true riches. God doesn't want money. God wants people. Amen. The second under the true riches is wisdom. Third under true riches is knowledge. And the list is almost 15 things that we call true riches. But on the list is a man that is made in the image of God. Let me read scripture so that you may understand what I'm talking about. I said it on Sunday but I was just teaching one corner and the other corners are not taught about this. Let's go to Mark 12. Mark 12 16 to 17. Yes. It says and they brought it and he said unto them what is this made a subscription and they said unto him scissors and Jesus answering said unto them render to Caesar the things that are scissors and to God the things that are God's and they marveled at him. Amen. What did they bring to him? They brought the lawyers came to tempt him and they were asking him about paying taxes and they said should we really pay taxes to Caesar and all those then they said bring a coin here bring a denarius they brought it and said whose image is on that coin they said Caesar who was the leader of the Roman Empire at that time then he said give to Caesar that belongs to Caesar but give to God that which belongs to God Amen. Now watch the Roman coin who made it who made the Roman coin it was Caesar and because he made the Roman coin he also put an inscription so currency now let's come to the laws of currency the laws of currency because the hundred grand that you have the five grand that you have it has an image the image of Mandela there because that image the image the inscription there is that of the owner this is what Jesus is saying anything that bears your image you own it give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar it is his currency the currency what belongs to Mandela if we had to put it in the South African language what belongs to Mandela the South African land what belongs to Ramaphosa it is the South African land it belongs to him now money does not belong to God Amen money belongs to the government when you take the dollar it has an image of George Washington George Washington a thing that you own belongs to you it bears your image so this thing called money it bears the image of the owner and the owner is the government but it does not stop there it says give unto God it belongs to God what belongs to God I am asking you every one of you what belongs what belongs to God it is me because I have the image of God thank you thank you thank you Genesis 1.26 it says let us make man in our own likeness and in our own image so human beings bear the image of God and as a bearer of the image of God it means you belong to God so give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and give to God what belongs to God what belongs to God is what bears the image of God and it does not bear your image and inscriptions you own it and God in this whole universe the highest respect is a human being you did not hear me can I repeat it again the highest respect is a human being now when you are made you are made in the image of God as a born again child of God a sinner sinners the image of God in them is compromised because of sin and they are dead spiritually the image of God is not alive but when as a born again child of God the image of God is alive in you you are born again you bear the image of God you are God's asset you are God's currency let us all say I'm God's currency I'm God's currency I'm God's currency come on say it again I'm God's currency I'm God's currency I'm the true vision Hallelujah because I bear the image of the one who owns me now watch let's come to the laws of currency the law of currency is that now the higher currency defines and controls the lower currencies I repeat the law of currency is that the superior currency defines and controls the lower currency Amen in the world today in the global village the dollar is the higher currency it is the one that defines and controls all the currencies when they deal with our economy and so on our economic outlook as a country they measure the rent against the dollar the value of things in South Africa is that they are measured against the value of the dollar the dollar is a trading currency that you use when you come out of the borders of South Africa anywhere in the country when you take out the rent they don't want it it's a lower currency but when you produce the dollar you can buy goods in China, in India everywhere the trading currency the official trading currency of the world is the dollar in the global village we trade through the dollar because it's a higher currency it defines and controls the lower currencies now you are the higher currency and you define and control the lower currency the bible says the kingdom of god is the highest kingdom above all the kingdoms of the world and when you are the higher currency you define and control the lower currency and what is the lower currency? the dollar is lower than you the rand is lower than you the euro is lower than you any currency of the world is lower than you it is lifted when you are the higher currency you define and control all the currencies of the world and that's why the higher currency doesn't follow the lower currency it is the higher currency that is followed by the lower and that's why david said surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life the lower must follow the higher amen the lower must follow the higher you are the higher currency you are the higher and therefore that's why jesus was so worried around in matthew chapter 6 he said seek ye first the kingdom of god and everything shall follow you everything must follow i decree and declare as a taster you activate the presence of god in your life you activate the image of god in your life and when it is activated and revived it begins to define and control currencies will follow you surely dollars will follow you like a puppy everything must follow you like a puppy why? you give yourself to god listen let me give you the secret of giving the secret of giving you know why many people who give us entitlement it is because they fear for themselves you are you are you are a fear of yourself but when you first before you give me food you must first give yourself ah you didn't hear me when all my life i have given away cars not because i have a lot of cars it's just because i made a covenant with god that i have to give away i don't trade in car i don't sell car i give away cars and when we have to take that decision we first gave ourselves you must first give yourself to god then everything follows but before you surrender because god is not interested in you he is not interested in what you have he is interested in what in you as a person because you are the currency that he wants amen and when you submit every titan knows what i am talking about every giver knows what i am talking about you must first commit yourself amen you can be a giver but you are not a giver amen he is a higher currency amen amen now the image of god gets activated in you and things start following you like an apple amen ladies and gentlemen if you can get this revelation very well that i am the higher currency amen and i am higher than i am of bigger value than anything money will follow you like a puppy then the day i discovered that i am the higher currency in the kingdom of god then money and things started following me i decree and declare amen paul was not a strangler 2nd corinthians the scripture we read 2nd corinthians chapter 12 can we read that one again 2nd corinthians chapter 12 verse 15 lets read that one i hope somebody heard me amen and i will very gladly spend and be spent for you though the more abundantly i love you the less i be loved amen paul is saying i spend my things and i spend myself but he says the first thing that i spend is myself he says paul is trying to say i am the higher currency and i spend myself i give myself first the people of thessalonica they gave themselves first before they gave anything amen they gave themselves first you are the higher currency and you got to surrender lord i give myself unto you spend me amen let me ask you a question if you are a young girl and a man or a boy comes and he says to you i have riches i have everything and between my riches and me who do you choose who will you choose him the man its quiet choose the man choose the man why if you choose the man the riches will follow he will come with those now true riches is not cash and money true riches is a man that is made in the image of god so do you see that money is still not featuring anywhere here money is the last thing in the economy of god jesus was confronted by the parents and he got lost and they said where were you and he said i was busy with my fathers business what is the business all about the business of jesus was not about money it was about people the business of god is about people human beings are a higher currency in the kingdom of god the next thing is true riches is wisdom money follows wisdom things of the world money follows everything like that they bow before wisdom solomon is a good picture of what we are talking about when he was taking the kingdom of his father david he went to mount gibria and challenged god and said give me wisdom god gave him a blank check and said you may ask anything instead of asking for money and riches he asked for wisdom and god said just because you did not ask for the death of your enemies and money and riches and everything like that you ask for wisdom then everything will follow wisdom because wisdom is the principal thing it is the true riches when you get wisdom do you find husband and wife fighting for wisdom and all those things the issue is wisdom is so higher because wisdom is the thing you must strive for it is true riches so don't for money time for higher currency time for true riches which is wisdom and finally true riches is ideas logos true riches logos ideas in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word became flesh and the word manifested among ourselves now that word word it means logos meaning ideas ideas control the world when i have an idea creating something innovation inventions and so on those ideas those are true riches so go away from the space of mammon and unrighteous mammon get into the space of true riches true riches so you use this money to get true riches hallelujah and you will never go wrong when you have ideas ideas wisdom and you understand you are the higher currency i hope you are now dreaming i hope you now see the picture in this time where south africa is going through a rough time claim your true riches be a titer and a giver using this mammon and all those things but to gain the true riches be faithful in that to gain the true riches you will be the most prosperous person remember what is scripture job 36 verse 11 those who obey and serve him they shall live in prosperity all the days of their lives and live in pleasure all the days of your life you will never know lack people will say the interest rates are high what is going on hey inflation hey there is unemployment hey there is whatever whatever but you are going to live in pleasure you are going to live in prosperity why because you have keys of moving on ladies and gentlemen this time is time for the basics don't let go of the basics don't take money for the true riches and give and you will live in prosperity in hard times that's why when you check the tsunami woman lived in prosperity the widow lived in prosperity in hard times while the whole world was perishing why because the basics of the kingdom were not ignored father I pray for all these people that are within the sound of my voice father it's been a long week spending time with these people investing in them father I pray that the wisdom shared this week might be applied and we see better people in the name of Jesus I decree and declare that none who is within the sound of my voice will be a victim of the politics and the economy of this country they will rise above it and prosper and succeed even in hard times I pray in the name of Jesus that our children will be wiser they will get their they will define and get their livelihood formulas none of them will ever live under the roof of their parents, none of them will ever dry what comes from their parents none of them will ever ink and wear anything that comes from the hands of their parents they will rise and take care of their parents in the name of Jesus and none of the old ones will ever live they will rise in the name of Jesus I decree and declare that none will be a social security victim a charitable a charitable case they will rise in Jesus name I pray for business that they will rise in this economic times in Jesus name I pray Amen and Amen have a good weekend and be blessed Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah

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