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TCA Fri03May2024 - Pray n Watch prt 2 - Ps Matimba Power

TCA Fri03May2024 - Pray n Watch prt 2 - Ps Matimba Power

Bethsaida Word CentreBethsaida Word Centre



Apostle Matimba Power emphasized the importance of watching and praying, as stated in Matthew 26:41. He explained that the word 'koinonia' means partnership and fellowship with the spirit, and 'para' means growth and increasing fruitfulness. He highlighted that a life of fruitfulness leads to happiness and celebration. Matimba also pointed out that the Lord Jesus invites us to this space to understand its significance.


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Good morning, my name is Nkulu Iyed, and welcome to my YouTube channel, my name is Nkulu Iyed. Today, I'm going to talk to you about how to make a YouTube channel, how to make a YouTube channel, how to make a YouTube channel, how to make a YouTube channel, how to make a YouTube channel, how to make a YouTube channel, how to make a YouTube channel, how to make a YouTube channel, Good morning. Welcome to this morning's Closet Prayer Altar. As we close the week in prayer before God, and we believe that God is going to be with us in the weekend until we come again together like this on Monday morning. We continue to listen to the Word of God as we start the day in prayer. Yesterday, we were with the men of God who shared the Word of God with us so powerfully, encouraging us to pray, to watch and pray, and not allow ourselves to fall into temptation. Reminding us that at a time when things are abnormal in our lives, we need not act normal. As much as sleep is a natural thing and normal thing to happen, it sometimes becomes abnormal to sleep when things are not okay. We were encouraged to let out a prayer, let out a shout, let out a worship to God in the midst of our darkest times so that we can be able to be guided and know what to do. We believe that God is going to continue to speak to our spirits as we listen to Him once more this morning. Thank you for yesterday, and we believe that God also has something for us through you this morning. Thank you for availing yourself once more to be an instrument that God can use to reach His people this morning. Over to you. Thank you very much. Kingdom greetings in the name of our Lord our Savior and our soon coming King Jesus Christ. I am so grateful to God for grace, honor to man and death, for the privilege to serve in your presence. I am deeply and gratefully grateful indeed. And special greetings to the five-fold ministry that is represented, and to the sons and daughters of our beloved, highly gifted and anointed parents. By the special grace of God, I wish to bring our attention to the same text that by God's grace we dealt with yesterday, Matthew chapter 26 verse 41. We will use it as a starter pack today and see how the Lord will help us build from there. The Bible says, Watch and pray that ye enter not into temptation. The stiff is willing, but the flesh is weak. Matthew 26 verse 41. Watch and pray that ye enter not into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. Just to look back a little bit in just a few minutes on things that we captured yesterday, even as our mom has taken the time to summarize, we looked at Gethsemane, which is defined as oil press, a place where olives were pressed and oil was released. And we indicated that oil deals with the power of the Holy Spirit. Oil deals with the anointing. And the anointing is so crucial. Dad has taught a lot about the importance of the anointing and what it does. And we reminded each other that a place of prayer is a place of power. A place of prayer is a place where we can interact with the Spirit. And even as we interact with the Holy Spirit in the words of the season, the apostle Paul, the saints in Corinth. He ends that letter by saying the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of the Father, the love of God, and the koinonia of the Holy Spirit. And we indicated that the word koinonia deals with partnership. So a place of prayer is a place of partnership with the Spirit. Number two, koinonia means fellowship. A place of prayer is a place of fellowship with the Spirit. A place of prayer is a place where we can be able to also have intercourse. Koinonia deals with intercourse. The word intercourse can be understood in several levels, but one of it is that it deals with interconnection. So a place of prayer is a place where we interconnect. And in that place where we interconnect, we can be able to conceive, and we can be able to give birth. Our lives can be able to have fruit. I believe that a life of fruit is a key life. We are wired to be creatures that ought to be fruitful. The first Adamic covenant that God had with us in Genesis 1, verse 28. Genesis 1, verse 28. The Bible declares, and God blessed them. And God said unto them, Be fruitful and multiply. That is, yes, subdue it, have dominion over the fish of the water, over the bird of the air, and everything that moves upon the earth. A Hebrew word for fruitful is the word parah. Parah means to bring forth. Number two, parah means to grow. Number three, parah means to increase. Number four, parah means to break through. Parah means to be fertile. A life of fruitfulness is a life of happiness. When we give birth, we are able to be so grateful. We are able to be happy. We are able to celebrate as well. In a place of prayer, it's a place whereby the special grace of God, we are able to be fruitful. The Lord Jesus takes us to that place because he wants us to understand those dynamics. We also initiated yesterday, the purpose for him taking them there. Even apart from that, we dealt with the time. It was a night time. He indicated that we ought to pray even in our night season. Night is a place. It's a time where our vision is under siege. Our vision is not at its best, but we ought to pray. We're looking at the place of prayer. We're looking also at the purpose, the season, and also the purpose. The purpose is why he took them there. One of the intentions why he took them there is it was for them to watch and pray. To watch and pray. Jesus prayed in different seasons of his life. He prayed at different moments of his life. I want to use that today as a place of departure. He prayed early in the morning. He prayed at midnight. I mean he prayed the whole night. He prayed number three after a great blessing. He prayed in Matthew chapter 14. When we do the calculations, the Bible says after he performed the miracle of multiplying the five bread and two fish, he fed the multitude and he released his disciples to go. And we see him also releasing the crowd. And he went to the mountain to pray. And the evening came while he was still in prayer. And the Bible says in the early hours of the morning. Different solstices helps us understand around 3 a.m., 4 a.m. So when we do the calculations from around 6, we can say that he prayed for more than nine hours. He prayed at different moments just to help us understand that no matter the season of your life, never stop to pray. And I want to deal with the different times you and I can pray. Last time, yesterday, we dealt with pray even in the darkest moment of your life. There's one of my very interesting scriptures that is dear to me. Psalms 119 verse 62. The Bible says at midnight. Psalms 119 verse 62. The Bible says at midnight, I will rise to give you thanks because of your righteous judgment. Even when you are faced with a midnight moment, still be intentional about praying unto God. At midnight, I will rise to give thanks unto thee because of thy righteous judgment. Midnight is one of the moments we can rise to pray. Early hours of the morning is another moment we can rise to pray. Before making a great decision is another moment we can rise to pray. After a major breakthrough, we can rise to pray. Prayer has capacity to capacitate us to continue to have a successful life. Some of us at this point in time, we are faced with some midnight. Midnight deals with very interesting seasons of our lives. Number one, it deals with the end of an old day. An old day would be a successful one for one. An old day, an ending day, would be a tough one for one. So regardless of whether the day has been a great success or the day has been a horrible one, still we ought to watch and pray. Man always ought to pray and not to faint. Midnight also does not represent the end of an old day, but it also deals with the beginning of a new day. A day does not begin around six and seven and when the sun rays permeate through the mountains, but a day begins while it is still dark. Some of us, we may be going through that dark moment, but we ought to pray. In your midnight where you can't see much, in your midnight where you are going through a rough moment, in your midnight where it is dark, you still ought to pray. You may not know how the day is going to turn out to be, but pray. Because we are praying to the One. We are praying to the One who is all-knowing. We are praying to the One who is all-present. We are praying and talking to the One who is all-powerful. He is the same yesterday. He is the same today. He is the same forever. In the words of a bosom friend, Moses, in Psalms 90 verse 1, in the Hebrew language it says, which is beautifully translated in the message translation of the Bible, God, it seems to have been our home forever. Long before the earth was born. Long before the mountains were brought forth. From everlasting to everlasting, the kingdom's rendition puts it, You are God. We are talking to a God who is all-knowing. We are talking to a God who is all-powerful. We are talking to a God who is all-present. Even if you don't know how this day is going to be, even if you don't know how this day is going to be, but still, pray. In your midnight, reciting Psalms 119 verse 62 again, At midnight I will rise. I will. I will. The word will deals with determination. In the Greek, the word will, when we study it from 1 Thessalonians 5 verse 18, the Bible says, In all things give thanks, for this is the will of God. I will. The word will there is the Greek word thalema, which means determination. Number two thalema means purpose. Number three thalema means desire. Number four thalema means decree. Five thalema means inclination. Six thalema means will. It is somebody's determination. Somebody who purposes to pray, even when faced with your midnight. Be intentional about prayer, even when you are faced with your midnight. If we were to look at somebody in the Bible who had faced a midnight and prayed, the first person that comes to mind for me is David of old. In 1 Samuel chapter 30 verse 6, 1 Samuel chapter 30 verse 6, David had faced his midnight, but he was determined. He purposed in his heart to pray. He desired for God. He reached out to God. Verse 6 of 1 Samuel 30 verse 6, And David was greatly distressed for the people spake of stoning him, because the souls of all the faithful were grieved, every man for his sons and for his daughters. But David encouraged himself in the Lord. There are a few things to look, even as David encouraged himself in the Lord, and I will go ahead of myself and say, even as David prayed and talked to God, he had gone through a lot. It was truly a dark moment of his life. It was truly a moment of uncertainty, because even as the day begins in your dark moment, you don't know how it's going to be, but he still spoke with the Lord. And we look at a few things about his life. Number one, he had gone through the following situations. One, his city Ziglag was burnt. Number two, his wives, two wives were taken. Number three, his children were taken. Number four, his blessings, his wealth were also taken. And not only that, the Bible says in verse 6, where we just read, David was greatly distressed for the people's sake of stoning him. So here, we also see David being stressed, because the people that he took from nothing, the people that he empowered, the people that he equipped, the people that he raised, were now in a position of wanting to stone him. In the midst of that midnight moment of his life, we see David talking to God. Oh, I don't know the midnight you may be facing. Maybe some financial midnight. It is dark in your finances. Maybe family struggles. It is dark in your family. Maybe the business is not going accordingly. It is dark in that area. But still, encourage yourself in the Lord. Do not allow the distress. Do not allow stress. Do not allow anxiety to permeate your life, but commune with God. Watch and pray. It is interesting, even as we look at the blessings that David had, even as we were to zoom closely to some of them. Number one, the first one that was destroyed is a city. It's called Ziklag. Ziklag, according to 1 Samuel chapter 17, verse 6, the Bible says, And Achish gave him Ziklag that day, wherefore Ziklag pertain unto the kings of Judah unto today. I'm on 1 Samuel 17, verse 6. I'll also zoom into verse 4, but let's read verse 6 together. And he had, 1 Samuel 17, verse 6, And Achish, then Achish gave him Ziklag that day, wherefore Ziklag pertain unto the kings of Judah unto this day. If we were to also glean on verse 4, And it was told Saul that David was fled to Gaza, and he sought no more again for him. So Ziklag was a gift. Ziklag was a city. A city is a place of development. A city is a place where connectivity is at its best. A city is a place of glory. A city is a place of beauty. A city is a place where you can be able to navigate and get certain things done with ease. It's a place of resources. David's life, David's city, David's place of development, David's place of connectivity, David's assets, David's investment, David's resources were burned to ashes. It was rendered to a place of hopelessness. But we see him, even in that space, talking to God. Even when your blessings, even when your gift is under attack, even when your connectivity is under attack, still watch and pray. In your midnight moment, in your darkest moment, in your moment where you can't see far, in your moment where that which was handed to you is being destroyed by the enemy, still encourage yourself in the Lord. If I were to go ahead of myself and deal with the word encourage, it's a very interesting Hebrew word. The word to encourage simply means to pray. It actually means to pray. He talked to God. He began to tell God of his goodness. He began to remind God of his faithfulness. The Hebrew word used there is chazach. It means to fasten upon. The perfect way of explaining chazach is the way a snake fastens itself upon its victim and envenomates the victim. When we study the different types of venom, we know that there is hemotoxic venom, which is the venom that affects the blood. We have the cytotoxic venom, which is the venom that attacks the cells. We have the cardiotoxic venom, which is the venom that attacks the heart. We have the neurotoxic venom, which is the venom that attacks the nervous system, the communication system. Those four areas or those four types of venom are crucial, revelatory speaking, to how, when we fastened ourselves upon the Lord, and there is that inner connection, there is that envenomation by God, there is that intercourse, there is that fellowship. When we look at that, we can see how the positive venom of God can affect our blood. Blood talks of life. Life has different compartments. Your spiritual life, intellectual life, mental life, physical life, financial life, sexual life, material life, relational life, academical life, economical life. When we fasten ourselves upon the Lord, when we can interconnect, when we can chazach, when we can connect with God, His power, His capacity to strengthen one, all areas of our life, spiritual empowerment, intellectual empowerment, mental empowerment, emotional empowerment, physical empowerment, sexual empowerment, business-wise empowerment, financial empowerment. But not only that, we also have spoken about the neurotoxic venom. When we chazach, when we fasten ourselves upon the Lord, He is able to positively impact our hearts and deal with the hard issues of our lives and correct what needs to be corrected and empower us to know what to do when we don't know what to do. Also, when we chazach, when we fasten ourselves upon the Lord, it also impacts positively our communication system, our nervous system, our communication system with the Holy Spirit. We are able to have insightful information, kingdom intelligence, so that we cannot fall into temptation. Even in the darkest moment of your life, even in your midnight hour, David, even when your city is burned, David, even when your wives are taken, David, even when the fruit of your labor is taken, even when your covenant blessing is taken, even when the wealth that you have labored for all these years, the streams of income that you have created over the years are under siege, they are being challenged, we have a place of prayer and a place of prayer is a place of rejuvenation, a place of prayer is a place of revival, a place of prayer is a place of empowerment, a place of prayer is a place of koinonia with the Holy Ghost, is a place of partnership where his divinity is infused in our humanity and empowers our humanity to do what our humanity cannot do, could not do without the empowerment of his divinity. In that place of prayer, David was able to stand again and some of us may remember the words that he said to God, Lord, shall I pursue, number one. Number two, Lord, will I overtake. Number three, Lord, will I recover all. And we hear the word of the Lord. In that midnight moment, God said to him, oh, pursue. Number two, you will recover all. I wish to speak like that. I decree and I declare over somebody that even if this day begins, whatever the enemy has taken in your life, it might have taken your connectivity, it might have taken your wealth, it might have taken your confident blessings, that gives you the grace and the ability to be fruitful. Because when the women were taken, he could not bring forth more. He could not be an immediate progenitor for the next generation. Even when that confident blessing is taken, you can know today, with the way that the Lord is giving us today, you will recover all that the devil has taken from you. It is a season and a moment for somebody to recover your wealth. It is a season and a moment for somebody to recover your connections. Strategic relationships that are significant for the next level of your life. It is the time to recover all that the enemy has taken intentionally to discourage you. It is your time to even recover your gift. Remember, when we talk about a gift, we are talking about something crucial. And I want to maybe slow down a little bit and come on it this way. Ziklag was not just an ordinary city. It was a gift. We indicate that it was a gift according to 1 Samuel chapter 27 in verse 6 IAVP. Then Achish gave him Ziklag that day. Therefore Ziklag pertained unto the kings of Judah until this day. So Ziklag was a gift. But it was not just a gift. Remember, we read verse 4 intentionally. And it was told Saul that David was fled to Gath and he sought no more against for him. So in verse 4, we know that when Saul was going after David, Saul ran to Gath. Why Gath? And what is interesting about Gath? Gath was a city, was a place where Goliath came from. So the attack over Gath was an intentional attack. One, to destroy the testimony when God fought for David against Goliath. The enemy wanted to destroy, to wipe away that testimony. Let me break it even further. Gath was a city where Goliath came from. Number two, after Goliath died and Saul was after David, somehow David fled to Achish. David fled to Achish and Achish gave Gath that city. It's amazing that the victory of David did not only end with him destroying the giant, but God gave him the land, if I was to be allowed, that belonged to the Goliath died, that belonged to the enemy, that belonged to giants. God gave him that city as a gift. And when the devil burned that city through the Amalekites, it was to destroy the testimony. It was to destroy the blessing of the Lord. It was to destroy the faithfulness of God. We are going there to say, some of us, the testimonies of God in our lives are being destroyed. The enemy is trying so hard to stress and strangle you so that you don't even have a record of where the Lord has taken you. Oh, in that place, in that moment, when the enemy is trying to erase the testimonies of God upon your life, it is time to engage with the Lord. Oh, He's able, He's able to restore, He's able to cause us to recover all. It may not be there in the scriptures, but I believe that the enemies that destroyed and burned Zigglar to ashes were used, their wealth were used, were taken, so that He could rebuild again the place where God showed His faithfulness and could help Him to continually remember that He's the same God that saved Him from the paw of a lion. He's the same God that saved Him from the paw of a bird. He's the same God that delivered Him from Goliath the giant. He's the same God who is able to cause us to pursue and recover all. A place of prayer is a place of recovery. A place of prayer is a place of hope. A place of prayer is a place of conversations with God. Because I believe by the grace of God, every conversation with God is for our conversion. Every conversation with God is for our conversion. God does not convert for jokes. He converts, He converts, He converses with us in order to convert us. It was a place where David was converted. He was energized. There was again the vavavum that made his life, that made his life to experience what our Father calls the quantum leap again. He was able to regain that which was lost. My brother, my sister, our fellow family, I don't know what you lost. But I want you to say it again prophetically by the grace of God, even in this beautiful day. It is your season to recover. It is your season to recover. The Bible says, number two, you will overtake and you will recover all. Oh! You will recover all. Your finances, you will recover in the name of Jesus. Your love life is going through rejuvenation in the name of Jesus. Your family life will be happy again in the name of Jesus. Your children will celebrate the goodness of God again in the name of Jesus. It's a season to recover. It's a moment to recover. Even when you are facing the midnight of your moment, don't stop to talk to God. Watch and pray. Gregor, you all, converse with God. Be alert. Don't sleep when your situation is not normal. Don't act normal. We are encouraging based on what we shared yesterday. It is abnormal to act normal in an abnormal situation. David, it is normal to be distressed because even the people that we have helped are talking of stoning you. But oh David, I am not going to act normal. I am going to pray even when I am distressed. I am going to pray even when I am under attack. I am going to pray even if the knife that is stabbing me with threat of saying, we are taking you out. We have nothing because of you. Even when the sharpest knife is stabbing you, encourage yourself in the Lord. Chazach, I want to end with Chazach. Chazach, fasten yourself upon the Lord. Encourage yourself in the Lord. Let the Lord envenomate your system, your communication system. Let the Lord revive your fellowship with the Holy Spirit. Let the Lord restore the building blocks of your life. Let the Lord restore the things that makes you who you are. Let the Lord restore the purposes of your life. Let the Lord restore the areas of your life that makes you to teach. Let the Lord restore your purpose. Let the Lord revive the reason why you are on this earth. Even if it is midnight, still watch and pray. The Spirit is willing, Jesus said, but the flesh is weak. Do not allow the flesh to have an upper hand. Do not allow normalities to have an upper hand to encourage you to settle for less. While God is saying, oh man, it is not over. There are still great and wonderful things that you are going to experience. Don't let the normalities of life make you act normal. You are not an ordinary person. We have a great God in our lives. We have the I Am that I Am in our lives. You would have heard that the very air that we breathe is by our sight. The One who is and was and is to come is by our sight. And He is ready to make us testify again. The devil will not destroy your testimonies. The devil will not win in destroying your gift. Allow me to slow down a little bit even as I round up. Remember we said that Ziklag was a gift. And I pondered on it by the grace of God. Why gift? Why was his gift destroyed? We learn according to the book of Proverbs. Proverbs chapter... Where is that scripture? Thank you Lord. Proverbs 18 verse 16. Proverbs 18 verse 16. A man's gift makes room for him. And brings him before great men. One says a man's gift makes room for him and assures him before great people. A man's gift makes room for him and brings him before great men. The reason why the devil was attacking Ziklag. It was a testimony of the faithfulness of God over the giants. That God gave him the city of God. The blessing of your enemies. But further than that, he knew. When we look at, we connect that with the principle of a gift. The Bible says a man's gift makes room for him and brings him before great people. When your gift is destroyed. Your passport to realms of glory and greatness is also destroyed. I will say that again. When your gift is destroyed. Because you need your gift. In order to have access into places of glory. Into places of honor. Places of beauty. Places of splendor. Places of power. Places of weight. Places where your life will have glory. A reflection of God's beauty. When the gift was destroyed. The enemy was destroying the passport. So you will not cross over to realms of power. To realms of influence. So we will not occupy those mountains of influence and fulfill purpose. I want to encourage us. God is the restorer. God is able to restore. I don't know the gift that has been destroyed in your life. Some of us we have been allowed a job to destroy our gift. We have been allowed a salary to destroy our gift. But I want you to know that God is a restorer. In that midnight moment of your life. Don't let the enemy have an upper hand. God will restore. A place of prayer is a place of restoration. A place of prayer is a place where we can still say again. I will make it. God will make it beautiful. God will make it wonderful again. In Jesus name. Amen. Shalom. Shalom, shalom, shalom. Thank you so much for ending the week on such a high note of encouragement. To know that indeed in the midst of all the losses. All the discouragement. We must get the strength to pursue. Because God promises that we will recover all.

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