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Incl.... Chelsea Flower show…. Glastonbury….. Saints….. Taize….. K-town Music Fest Prayer International news headlines Birthday dedication And more... Let us know what you want to include!

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The question was raised as my conscience fell, a silly little lie It didn't mean much, but it lingers still in the corners of my mind Still you call me to walk on the edge of this world To spread my dreams and fly But the future's so far, my heart is so frail I think I'd rather stay inside But you love me anyway It's like nothing in life that I've ever known Yet you love me anyway Oh lord, how you love me, how you love me It took more than my strength to simply be still To seek but never find All the reasons we change, the reasons I doubt And why do loved ones have to die But you love me anyway It's like nothing in life that I've ever known Yet you love me anyway Oh lord, how you love me I am the thorn in your crown But you love me anyway I am the sweat from your brow But you love me anyway I am the nail in your wrist But you love me anyway I am Judas' kiss But you love me anyway See, now I am the man who yelled out from the crowd For your blood to be spilled On this earth-shaking rally And I turned away with a smile on my face With this sin in my heart Tried to bury your grave And then alone in the night I stood cold out for you So ashamed of my life, my life, my life But you love me anyway It's like nothing in life that I've ever known Yet you love me anyway Oh lord, how you love me Yes, you love me Yes, you love me How you love me How you love me How you love me Well, I do hope you enjoyed that lovely song You Love Me Anyway by the Sidewalk Prophets That's a good opener to this week's Believe Together So hello, I'm Jenny And it's good to be with you all again I hope you enjoy this next hour And I'm Peter And what have we got in this next hour? Well, we're going to bring you something from the Chelsea Flower Show Yes, I know it happened a couple of months ago But why not? An up-to-date Glastonbury And less up-to-date perhaps? Saints Always around? Taysay And just coming up The Keynesham Town Music Festival We're going to be talking about all of these things A little bit at least And now it's time for our Just For Fun quiz Time for question one Right, well I thought this week We'd do something different again for our Just For Fun quiz And it's going to be about collective nouns What do you call things when there are lots of them? Now I think this might be an easy one this week Because either you know the answers Or you can even guess Because I'm going to tell you For question one Three sort of collective nouns And each one The letter it begins with Is the letter of the animals So, no let's not give an example For instance though If I said a parliament of You probably know that that is owls But of course I'm not going to give that one Because parliament and owls don't begin with the same letter Alright? So the animals begin with the same letter As the collective noun So are you ready? I've got three animals for question one Army of Next one Coalition of And gaggle of So you've just got to think of an animal That begins with A to go with army of An animal that begins with C to go with coalition of And an animal that begins with G to go with gaggle of I wonder if you've done it already Well thinking about collective nouns of animals That's a lot to do with nature isn't it? A bit more nature now Now this previous Sunday I did again have a little look At the BBC songs of praise on a Sunday afternoon And I was quite surprised they were talking about the Chelsea flower show Because that was in May wasn't it? But it was an interesting thing Apparently the Chelsea flower show has been going since 1912 But the minister of a certain church Seemed to think that this was the first time That there's been a church garden in the Chelsea flower show She wasn't quite sure But that's amazing But it's lovely that it was there Now this church I'm talking about Is St James's Church Piccadilly Yes and of course that was just round the corner From where I used to work in London I was there in St James's Square for some years And yes I popped into St James's Church A few times for lunchtime events happening there Yeah a very beautiful place I can't recall seeing the garden But then that was a long time ago Well I'm sure that churchyard garden place Has also been there for a long time Peter I expect so What they were saying was They decided to have this church garden At the Chelsea flower show And they sort of transferred ideas into the flower show From the garden at St James's Piccadilly And it included They copied a little building I think That must be in the churchyard Plonked a copy in the flower show garden And it was a lovely place where people Could go to be quiet Or even to talk with someone if they needed to So that was good And what they were thinking of Was the garden at St James's Piccadilly Was inaccessible all these years That means inaccessible to wheelchairs Because of the steps So what they're going to do now Is they're taking bits back from that garden At the flower show And of course they'll add to it And they're making the whole churchyard garden Accessible to wheelchairs So that's good isn't it And what this minister said was She reminded us of what's in the book of Job in the Bible And it says Ask the animals and they will teach you Ask the natural world And it will show you the way Yes so when we look at God's creation It makes us think of God Because it is so amazing So we need to play a song about The natural world and its beauty And how God has created it Well here's one For the beauty of the earth Sung now by Signature For the beauty of the earth For the beauty of the sky For the lavish prominence Of man around us lies Lord of all, to thee we raise This our happy song of praise For the beauty of each hour Of the day and of the night Ill and frail and free and strong Sun and moon and stars of light Lord of all, to thee we raise This our happy song of praise For the joy of human love God is the fairest child Friend of earth and friend of all Precious pure and undefiled Lord of all, to thee we raise This our happy song of praise For the joy of human love God is the fairest child Friend of earth and friend of all Precious pure and undefiled Lord of all, to thee we raise This our happy song of praise For each perfect gift of thine To our race so freely giv'n Gracious, true, and undefined God of earth and God of heaven Lord of all, to thee we raise This our happy song of praise For thy church which is of God Lifteth holy hands above The faithful God in the show The pure sacrifice of love Lord of all, to thee we raise This our happy song of praise And after singing about the beauty of the earth Let's look all around the earth and find some news headlines Right, Ukraine's Zelensky says Clergy among ten civilians released from captivity in Russia and Belarus Oklahoma orders schools to teach the Bible in every classroom Senior Cardinal asks Vatican to stop displaying art by priests accused of abuse More than 400,000 people left the Catholic Church in Germany in 2023 Church pastor and five others arrested and imprisoned in Laos Expert at Vatican conference warns about being colonized by AI US presidential candidate insists he was never an atheist I never imagined this in our country Indian Christians jailed as persecution builds Trump says Franklin Graham called him out for using foul language Cathedral dean withdraws from Palestine rally Death toll rises to 20 after gunmen attack churches and synagogues in Dagestan Archbishops of Canterbury and York urge respectful debate and high voter turnout as election week begins In Doncaster church roof destroyed in suspected arson attack Dick Whittington's church near Cannon Street station in London is up for sale Prominent Church of England clergy to create alternative province if same-sex service trial goes ahead God is blowing my mind! Reports of signs and wonders breaking out among Gen X, sorry Gen Z Russell Brand discusses Christianity with The Chosen Star Jonathan Rumi That was our round-up of news headlines for this week, which of course this week starts the month of July So Jenny, what's your calendar verse for the month please? OK, well it comes from 1 Chronicles and it says Honour and majesty are before him, strength and gladness are in his place So let's hear the Maranatha singers singing He Has Made Me Glad I will enter his gates with great feeling in my heart I will enter his courts with praise I will say this is the day that the Lord has made I will rejoice for he has made me glad He has made me glad, oh he has made me glad I will rejoice for he has made me glad He has made me glad, oh he has made me glad I will rejoice for he has made me glad I will enter his gates with great feeling in my heart I will enter his courts with praise I will say this is the day that the Lord has made I will rejoice for he has made me glad He has made me glad, oh he has made me glad I will rejoice for he has made me glad He has made me glad, oh he has made me glad I will rejoice for he has made me glad I will rejoice for he has made me glad Alleluia! He has made me glad Alleluia! He has made me glad Alleluia! He has made me glad Alleluia! He has made me glad He has made me glad, oh he has made me glad I will rejoice for he has made me glad He has made me glad, oh he has made me glad I will rejoice for he has made me glad He has made me glad, oh he has made me glad I will rejoice for he has made me glad He has made me glad, oh he has made me glad I will rejoice for he has made me glad I will rejoice for he has made me glad I will rejoice for he has made me glad And now it's time for our Just for Fun quiz. Time for question two. Thank you Blaze. Right, so here we go again with collective nouns. So if I say kindle of, you're going to think of animal beginning with K, aren't you? Right, so here we go. Kindle of, then leap of, pride of. Now it can't be a pride of lions. We all know about prides of lions. Because lion doesn't begin with P. So it must be another animal I'm thinking of. Pride of. Hmm, I wonder what you'll come up with. Oh, I can think of one. How about a pride of pigs? Hmm, maybe we'll find out later. Now, here's an interesting fact for us all. Four times a year, there are five Sundays in a month. So what? Well, the Churches Together use this as a very good excuse to have a special Churches Together service where all the local churches are invited to come along on a Sunday evening on the fifth Sunday in the month. And that was last Sunday. And yes, we met in St. Dunstan's Roman Catholic Church for a very interesting little service, quite short, but with some very interesting information given to us during it. Because it was a Saints' Day. It was the celebration of St. Peter and St. Paul. But they used that as a very good reason, and our visit as well to the Church, to explain a few of the statues that were around the inside of the Church. There was a statue of St. Dunstan, of course, the patron saint of the Church. Another one of St. Anthony of Padua. And another one of St. Teresa. There's also a statue of the Virgin Mary. And a picture of the Archangel Michael. And we had a quick explanation and a few words said about each one of those during the service. It was really quite interesting to learn about these people, or hear more about them, as it were. So yes, we had a pleasant evening. And there were other things going on. We had some beautiful music, which we'll talk about later. And it was interesting, Peter, wasn't it, when they were telling us about the statues around the Church. Because we had to sort of turn round each time to see the different statues. Oh yes, that's right. So it was more interesting than just sitting there listening to a talk. Facing the same way all the time. That's absolutely true. It was interesting. Yes, it was good. Anyway, and after the service, which we really enjoyed, we went through to the Church Hall and had some yummy homemade cake. Oh yes, yum yum. Yes, and something to drink. And of course, it was good to catch up with other people. Some we knew, and some we didn't know from the different churches there. And I also had a quick chat with the person who was ministering that evening. He was called Deacon Lester Yale. And he also gave a little homily during the service. And as he pointed out, and of course I agreed, it's lovely just to be with other Christians from different denominations and see how different people like to worship God. And it's all good, just different ways. This leads us very neatly into another song from Signature this week. This one is called For All The Saints. We sang this on Sunday evening, and now we can enjoy it together again here. For all the saints, who from their labor stretched To hear Thy praise, hear from our heart's content, Thy name, O Jesus, be forever blest. Alleluia! Alleluia! Thou, Lord, their God, their fortress and their might, Thou, Lord, their God, their King, Thou from whose might Thou in the darkness didst come to light. Alleluia! Alleluia! O that communion, fellowship divine, With peace in struggle, faith in glory shine, That hope of life may be for all of thine. Alleluia! Alleluia! The golden evening brightens in the west, True to grace, all for His Son and Brethren. This is the time of paradise, my friends, Alleluia! Alleluia! Unto their praise, by death for glory praise, The saints' triumphant, rising triumph away. The King of glory has shepherded His way, Alleluia! Alleluia! From earth by fire, from ocean far and close, Today from earth He is our comfort close. He is good God, the God of all people, Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia indeed! One of our good friends, David Brisington, produces a very different show on this radio station. Let's hear him tell you all about it. Hi, I'm Dave Brisington, and it's my pleasure to present The Country Hour on KTCR 105.8 FM. You will hear classic country hits, old and new, plus news on local clubs and gigs. I'm looking forward to spending this hour with you. Until then, keep it country. Alleluia! Alleluia! You're listening to Believe Together, a church's together in catering and software production for KTCR FM 105.8 and online. And now it's time for our Just for Fun quiz, and time for question three. So, thank you again, Blaise. This is number three indeed, with three parts. Collective nouns coming up. Shiver of... Animal beginning with S. Turn of... Oh. Zeal of... How many animals do you know beginning with Z, I wonder? So there you are. That's the rest of your collective nouns. Done. Answers later. Ah, right. Now, this week, we asked our roving reporter, Mary, if she could give us an update on the prayer table in the Methodist Victoria Centre on Keynesham High Street. Hello, listeners. It's Mary here. And this month, it was my turn to put up a new display at the prayer table in Victoria Church. And so I had a free choice, and I chose something easy. It was on the theme of community. And community really is quite close to our hearts, isn't it? We all live in community. And Keynesham is a particularly nice community to live in. Well, I think so anyway. So I chose a nice, colourful display. I thought of the celebrations that will be happening with the picnic in the park and the Keynesham Music Festival. And so I found some bunting, and I put that up, as well as a lovely picture of the bandstand. And I had some musical notes going round that. Our theme really was loving one another. And so the words Jesus said was, love your neighbour as yourself. I think the nicest thing about community is that there are people around who can help us if we need it. We don't always choose to be vulnerable and to make our requests known. But if we do, I think we will find that there are people in our community who will help us. At the centre of the display was a prayer for community. And I would just like to finish this short talk by reading it. And it says, I start near home and pray for my family, friends and neighbours. I pray for children and young people for their education and leisure. There are so many societies, groups and sporting activities that we can take part in in Keynesham and Salford. And I remember them in prayer. I pray for our churches and the guidance that they give. Finally, I pray for myself and my part in the community. Lord bless our community and guide and lead us in your ways. Amen. Thank you so much for that, Mary. That's really lovely. I'm sure it's quite a bit of work. Not only thinking what to do, but then getting your resources together and setting it all up nicely with your gift of creativity. So thank you for that. And with the prayer at the end as well. Indeed, we all like to be a part of the community, don't we? We do. Now, what Mary, I don't think she said this time, but we've said it before, what happens, or Mary has said before. If you go into the Victoria Methodist Centre on a Monday, Wednesday or Thursday, when the coffee morning is open from 10am to midday, then you will see there at the back of the church, a prayer table. Well, the prayer table that Mary's talking about. And they do have little bits of paper for you to write down any prayer you would like prayed about, any of your situations you might like to have prayed about. I can't remember if the paper goes in an envelope first, but they go in a box and people periodically come round and take out the prayer requests and they are passed on to people who will pray about them. They can be anonymous or you can put your name on them. So that's an excellent thing there, isn't it? A prayer table. So well done, Mary, for all you do with that. And thinking of prayer, when we were at the Churches Together service in St Dunstan's Roman Catholic Church, we had a time of quiet prayer. Of course, that can happen in any church in the town. Now, there were some singers quietly singing some Taisei chants while we prayed. You might think that the singing was a distraction, but it wasn't. It really helped us to experience the presence of God while praying. The wonderful acoustics of St Dunstan's church did help too. So, here is a sample coming up of Taisei music, in case you have not heard any before. One of the features of Taisei music is that it is repetitive. There aren't many words, but the music is gentle and beautiful. And indeed, it helps you to pray. So, these are the words in this song. Jesus Christ, bread of life, those who come to you will not hunger. Jesus Christ, risen Lord, those who trust in you will not thirst. Jesus Christ, bread of life, those who come to you will not hunger. Jesus Christ, risen Lord, those who trust in you will not thirst. Jesus Christ, bread of life, those who come to you will not hunger. Jesus Christ, risen Lord, those who trust in you will not thirst. Jesus Christ, bread of life, those who trust in you will not hunger. Jesus Christ, risen Lord, those who trust in you will not thirst. Jesus Christ, bread of life, those who come to you will not hunger. Jesus Christ, risen Lord, those who trust in you will not thirst. Jesus Christ, bread of life, those who come to you will not hunger. Jesus Christ, risen Lord, those who trust in you will not thirst. Jesus Christ, bread of life, those who come to you will not hunger. Jesus Christ, risen Lord, those who trust in you will not thirst. Jesus Christ, bread of life, those who come to you will not hunger. Jesus Christ, risen Lord, those who trust in you will not thirst. What beautiful music! It might have just put me to sleep, but it was actually acting as a beautiful background to encourage private prayer. Yes, that was a lovely time. It wasn't exactly that song, but it was very similar. A lot of the Tay-Tay music sounds very similar until you start listening to the exact words. They're all beautiful. Now, reporting back on that event from last weekend, there was another event happening last weekend which you might have heard of. Football? No. Tennis? No. Oh, fair enough. That other little event known as Glastonbury, you may have noticed it in the news. Well, yes, one of our good friends, Simon, who presents our sister program on this radio station... The Lighter Show. The Lighter Show, indeed. He was there, apparently, and we'll try to ask him what happened to him while he was there, but we haven't had that chance yet. But we did find out something that happened there, on Facebook, of course, where people can find out so much of what's happening in the world. The Bishop of Bath and Wells was there, and he had the chance to speak from one of the main stages. And he asked all the people there at the Glastonbury festivals to contemplate a different reality. He said, I wonder how you're seeing things during this time that you've stepped out of everyday life into the very different reality that is Glastonbury. And then he went on, and he did a very brief and short talk, but it was very much to the point. And he ended up like this. If you have not encountered Jesus' life, might you like to find out more? And he finished with these words, I invite you to discover in Jesus a different reality altogether. Sounds as though the Bishop took his full opportunity to use that stage experience. Go Bishop! Now for some what's going to be on. What's on? Saturday the 6th of July is another Who Let The Dads Out? We've mentioned this before, but we don't mention every time it's on. It takes place sometimes at St Francis Church, sometimes at St John's Church. This time on the 6th of July is at St Francis Church from 10am to 1pm. And it's for dads with their children who are babies up to 5 years of age, I think. So that's good. And on Sunday the 7th of July, a Faith in Action service about working in the health service. This will be held in St Francis Church. The guest speaker will be Chris Pocock who is a GP in South Gloucestershire and Bristol. He will be talking about the impact being Christian has on his work as a GP. The service starts at 9.30am with a light breakfast. That sounds good. Now at the Kingsham Methodist Church in the Queen's Road Centre there's another messy church. Of course we have the Olympics coming up next, don't we? So this is Messy Olympics on Monday the 8th of July from 3.30pm to 5.30pm. It's for primary aged children and all children must be accompanied by an adult carer. There are limited places so please make a booking by contacting the Methodist Church office. There will be activities, crafts, songs, worship, food and fun. And we have some more music coming after the Kingsham Music Festival which of course is this week ending on Sunday. The Saviours Band featuring Chris Pocock. Ah, now, you just mentioned Chris Pocock, the GP. We did, yes. I think it must be the same person. Sounds likely, doesn't it? Well, it's Chris Pocock, Richard Calverley, Paul Greaves and Simon Perkins that'll be playing again at Comedia Club. Comedia, spelt K-media, in Bath on Friday the 12th of July. Doors open from 7pm. It will be an evening of great music and dancing and we'll be helping to raise money for Genesis Trust, a Christian charity for homeless and vulnerable people. Tickets are available on the door or in advance via the Comedia website. Now, we've mentioned before the Kingsham Library. They have all sorts of events on. Oh yes. So it's very interesting and if you know about them you can go to what you want them or nothing. So I'll just quickly mention some things going on in the near future. But Baby Bounce and Rhyme is every Tuesday from 9.30 to 10 or 10.30 to 11. There's a Reading Friends group which is dropping and that's this Tuesday the 9th of July from 11 till 12. Then another every Thursday thing in term time only is Storytime and Craft. That's a drop-in suitable for parents and carers with children aged 0-5 from 11 till 11.30am. And then on Thursday the 11th from 11 till 11.30am there's something interesting called Centenary Storytime. They say, join us to celebrate our favourite stories from the 1970s. There was an old lady who swallowed a fly and the Lorax. I don't know what that is. Anything else? Let's see. Yes. There's the ASP Poetry Circle which is a drop-in poetry group on the third Thursday of the month from 11 till 12. And then this is an interesting one a lace making group also drop-in so you might like to go along and see how to make lace. It's suitable for all ages and it's every Thursday from 2 till 4pm. Now this could be for anybody couldn't it? On Saturdays every Saturday did you know that there's a Bald Games place in Keynsham? Well, there is at the library. Bald Games Saturdays a drop-in suitable for all ages from 12.30 till 4pm. I know some people who might like to know about that. You're listening to Believe Together a Churches Together in Keynsham and Salford production for KTCR FM 105.8 and online. I wonder if you've got to any of the events at the Keynsham Music Festival during the week. The local, smaller events musical happenings going on around the town in different pubs and places. Well, I hope you enjoyed them if you have. If you've got any report on what happened and how much you enjoyed it please let us know. We'd love to hear from you. Now, the main events of course are on the Saturday and the Sunday. These take place in Keynsham Park and yes, there'll be so many different events and things happening at different platforms for different types of music but all sorts of other activities and people selling things and people displaying things. The Water Board will be there with their usual supply of free water for anyone who's thirsty. It's a great time right across the whole weekend and I'll be down there on the Sunday afternoon with a few other guys from the FGB and a few others and we're going to be just ready to pray with anybody about anything and we'll be giving away books called The Happiest People on Earth. If you haven't heard of that book then you're welcome to come along and find us in our tent there around the centre of the park and we'll happily give you a copy of this book The Happiest People on Earth but also we're there to pray for anybody about anything. We're very happy to help. And here's my diary verse for the week. It comes from the book of 2 Timothy. For God didn't give us a spirit of fear but of power, love and self-control. So let's listen to Virgil Mears singing The Spirit of Power. God has not given us God has not given us a spirit of fear a spirit of fear but he has given unto us but he has given unto us a spirit of power a spirit of power God has not given us a spirit of fear God has not given us a spirit of fear but he has given unto us a spirit of power a spirit of love and of self-control God has not given us a spirit of fear God has not given us a spirit of fear but he has given unto us a spirit of power a spirit of love and of self-control Wait on the Lord and be of good courage Wait on the Lord and be of good courage for he has given unto us a spirit of power a spirit of love and of self-control God has not given us a spirit of fear God has not given us a spirit of fear but he has given unto us a spirit of power a spirit of love and of self-control He's strong in control and in the power of his might He's strong in control and in the power of his might for he has given unto us a spirit of power a spirit of love and of self-control God has not given us a spirit of fear God has not given us a spirit of fear but he has given unto us a spirit of power a spirit of love and of self-control God has not given us God has not given us God has not given us God has not given us a spirit of fear Here is a list of the information on how to listen again and contact us You can do it by phone, text message or WhatsApp Or through Peter's phone whose number is 0787 940 2114 That's 0787 940 2114 You can use your email at bt at ktcrfm.com Or through Facebook message at Believe Together Radio To listen live, you can listen on the radio at 105.8 FM and DATS+. Or you can go to our website at www.ktcrfm.com However, if you would like to listen again go to audio.com slash believe dash together Thank you again Blaise Well before we look at the answers to this week's Just for Fun quiz let's have another thought about the wonderful world that God has made us Here's Louis Armstrong I see trees of green red roses too I see them bloom for me and you and I think to myself what a wonderful world I see skies of blue and clouds of white The bright blessed day the dark sacred night and I think to myself what a wonderful world The colors of the rainbow so pretty in the sky are also on the faces of people going by I see friends shaking hands saying how do you do they're really saying how do you do I hear babies cry I watch them grow they'll learn much more than I'll ever know and I think to myself what a wonderful world yes I think to myself what a wonderful world what a wonderful world Now it's time for the answers for this week's quiz So, thank you Blaise and here are the answers to our collective nouns First of all we had an army of ants did you get that one? Then we had a coalition of this is harder cheetahs I wonder if you got that one Then, I think you might have known this one a gaggle of geese Yes, I knew that one Alright then Then the next time I asked you a question it was a kindle with a K of kittens Then there was a leap of leopards I guess they do leap Now how about this pride Peter you thought it was pigs but I'm sorry to disappoint you it's a pride of peacocks Oh, that makes good sense They're beautiful tails Then for the third question I asked you about these a shiver a shiver of sharks Oh I guess it would make you shiver if you saw one coming towards you Then there's a turn of turtles I wonder why they're called a turn They seem to roll over and over, don't they? Strange Anyway And I'm sure you all got the last one a zeal of Zebras Yes, Peter Zebras I don't know if I know any other animals beginning with Z but I'm sure there are plenty So I hope you enjoyed that collective nouns quiz and knew some of them or learnt some How about that? It's nearly time for us to play out again at the end of this week's show but before then we've still got time to say bye for now and hope to see you again next week and then to hand over to Celia and Des for this week's blessing I think it must be time for the blessing then at the end of the programme Yes, yes OK, Celia Give us wisdom, Lord Jesus that we may understand your will for each day and give us also the grace and the power to respond in order that we may receive your blessings Amen Now, of course I need to say goodbye too until next week when hopefully you'll be tuning in we have a very special special next week so do tune in and find out what it's all about Hmm But first of all we have something else special Wendy it's your very special 60th birthday, isn't it? I'm sure you don't mind us telling the world that, Wendy Thank you, Wendy for being such a good friend to me and to Mary and many other people and Mary suggested something we might play for you but also she said she would like to say this to you Wendy, which is The best is yet to come Ah, so remember that, Wendy and Mary suggested that we play something for you that you might have heard at Faith Camp Kingdom Faith because you went there for a few years, didn't you? We went there every year every summer for 30 years to Faith Camp in Peterborough until it closed in 2018 Yes, we do miss it, don't we? So here's something to help you remember Faith Camp It comes from Kingdom Faith and it's that one called So Amazing and we're going to play out with it now Wendy So we do wish you a very happy birthday and in fact a birthday weekend as we know you'll be spending time with different parts of your family Happy birthday, Wendy Happy birthday You're extraordinary You're so worthy, Lord You're love incredible So amazing So amazing You're extraordinary You're so worthy, Lord You're love incredible Jesus Jesus Highest of all Jesus Highest wonderful Wondrous King of angels How wonderful you are Duncan and Daniel Seated on your holy throne Rose of majesty The glory shining from your face Forever Forever I adore The glory you bring, my Lord So amazing You're extraordinary You're so worthy, Lord You're love incredible Jesus Highest of all Jesus Sovereign King Sovereign King of heaven and earth Mighty is your power Victorious in your reign Holy, that's wonderful You are so worthy Jesus name above all names Forever I adore The glory you bring, my Lord So amazing You're extraordinary You're so worthy, Lord You're love incredible Everything you are Everything you are Everything you do Everything you say Everything you are Everything you do Everything you say Everything you are Everything you do Everything you say So amazing You're extraordinary You're so worthy, Lord You're love incredible

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