Trees feature again this week! Creation appears as well. Plus quiz questions - and answers! With news and What's On. And various music.
Trees feature again this week! Creation appears as well. Plus quiz questions - and answers! With news and What's On. And various music.
Trees feature again this week! Creation appears as well. Plus quiz questions - and answers! With news and What's On. And various music.
Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. Welcome to Believe Together, a Churches Together in Kingcham Saltford production for KTCRFM 105.8 and online. I loved this song as a kid, and it means even more to me now. This song isn't really about Grandpa. It's about how far we've strayed from the simple good values that the previous generation represents. I long for the days where we loved more than we fought. I love this song, and I hope you do too. Well, thank you, Dave. Yes, it's a beautiful song. Now it's time for our Just for Fun quiz. Time for question one. Thank you, Blaze. Now, just before I read out question one, I'd like to remind everybody that we're really looking forward to you giving us any sort of questions at all for our Just for Fun quiz. Well, this week, though, I just have a few sort of odd questions for you. So here is that number one. Which country has the highest life expectancy? Oh, that must be a very healthy, very advanced country. I wonder. I wonder which one it is. It's our country, Peter. Well, I don't know. It could be, I suppose. But there's lots of other countries. You'll find out later. Indeed. And now, for the Thought for the Week for the Kingcham Talking Newspaper. I've been given the privilege of sharing the epilogues for the Kingcham Talking Newspaper and the Believe Together radio show during the month of February. And I began last week by introducing my theme, trees. We saw how many physical benefits we receive from living close to trees. But I went on to suggest that they also have a deeper significance and influence on our lives, touching us emotionally and spiritually. As a church minister, I am very aware of how big a role trees play within the pages of scripture. They serve as important channels of God's communication throughout the biblical story. We see them first in the creation accounts in Genesis, bearing fruit for the first humans to eat. Among them is the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, which we will return to in a later talk. The next appearance, however, of trees comes in the story of Abraham. When he first arrived in the land of Canaan, we are told that he built an altar to God next to the great tree at Moray. There must have been something spiritual about that tree. A bit like the sycamore gap tree next to Hadrian's Wall, whose cutting down last September felt like sacrilege to so many people who had renewed their wedding vows beneath its canopy, for example. Maybe the great tree at Moray was already a sacred place for the local people before Abraham arrived. Maybe it just exuded a sense of permanence and strength that was reassuring to a traveller feeling vulnerable in an unknown land. Perhaps its branches resembled giant arms opening wide to offer Abraham welcome and protection. Whatever it was, Abraham sensed God's presence there. Later, Abraham would encounter God again, while camped under another clump of trees. It was in their shade that he heard three mysterious visitors tell him that his elderly wife would have a baby. Trees in the Bible are often symbols of God's blessing. An example of this is when the Israelites returned from exile in Babylon. To describe their change in fortunes, the prophet Isaiah, in one single verse, lists out seven species of tree that will shoot up. In chapter 41 he records God as saying, I will put in the desert the cedar and the acacia, the myrtle and the olive, I will set pines in the wasteland, the fir and the cypress together. Later he says that as the people travelled back to their homeland, it was as if the trees of the field clapped their hands with joy. In describing the future peace and prosperity God's people will enjoy, several prophets use the expression, each person will sit under their own fig tree, which is a lovely image of contentment as people enjoy the shade and the fruit of their own personal tree. Much later of course, instead of sitting under a sycamore tree, a certain short tax collector climbed up into its branches so that he could see Jesus passing by. That tree became the means by which Zacchaeus was able to meet Jesus and have his life changed for the better. I want to finish this brief tour of some of the trees mentioned in the Bible, by reading some more words of Isaiah, later referred to by Jesus. In chapter 61 Isaiah says that the spirit of the Lord is on him because the Lord has anointed him to preach good news to the poor. He then lists out the changes his ministry will make to those who are struggling, before saying that, quote, I hope you find that wonderful image uplifting. I hope that the next time you find yourself admiring a majestic oak tree in all its glory, as it lifts its swaying branches in praise and spreads the incense of its aroma all around, that you realise this is how God sees you. However poor, broken-hearted, blind or imprisoned you may feel, Jesus came in order to make that image true for you, in order that you might become an oak of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of his splendour. Thank you for listening. The mountains and the hills will ring forth before you. There'll be shouts of joy, and all the trees of the field will clap, will clap their hands. And all the trees of the field will clap their hands. The trees of the field will clap their hands. The trees of the field will clap their hands. While you go out with joy. Shall go out with joy, and be ignored with peace. The mountains and the hills will ring forth before you. There'll be shouts of joy, and all the trees of the field will clap, will clap their hands. And all the trees of the field will clap their hands. The trees of the field will clap their hands. The trees of the field will clap their hands. While you go out with joy. And all the trees of the field will clap their hands. The trees of the field will clap their hands. The trees of the field will clap their hands. While you go out with joy. And all the trees of the field will clap their hands. The trees of the field will clap their hands. The trees of the field will clap their hands. While you go out with joy. And all the trees of the field will clap their hands. The trees of the field will clap their hands. The trees of the field will clap their hands. While you go out with joy. Out with joy. Out with joy. Thank you again, Kevin, for bringing us more stories about trees from the Bible. And thank you to the Gaithers for that live recording of Trees of the Field. Now, I read something else interesting not so long ago. But I wonder if any of you have been recently or maybe the last couple of years into the Broadmead Shopping Centre in Bristol. Well, I only recently went in there to Broadmead and I passed by something with a big sign over it saying Sparks. And then I happened to read up something about Sparks. It's in place of the old Marks and Spencer store there. And there's all sorts of things going on there. Everybody seems to be more interested nowadays in sustainability, etc. Well, this place has got something to do with it. They've had loads of children and young people visit the store to learn about sustainability and repair skills. People have received energy advice. And companies are trying to improve their sustainability credentials through a range of workshops there. All sorts of things going on. And the ground floor of Sparks houses the Department of Fashion, Reuse, Food, Education, Nature, Travel and Energy. And in 2023, Sparks supported over 120 local ethical traders. Anyway, what was distressing news, apparently, they thought it was about to close Sparks. The money's not there to sort of do whatever they need to do there. But now some grants have been put forward and they say that Sparks will definitely stay till at least Christmas 2025. So I'm sure that's good news. Now when I was there, I didn't have time to go inside. I had to pass by quickly. But I'm hoping to go inside soon and see what it's all about. So, if you're in the area, why not have a visit to Sparks and see what things are going on in there. Hey, you. Have you ever felt like listening to our sister programme on a Friday evening to kickstart your weekend early? Then prepare for the opposite of calm. It's the Lighter Show. Hey, every Friday here at 4pm on KTCR FM. Join us for the best possible way to start your weekend. Remember folks, you're listening to the Lighter Show on KTCR FM. Top tunes, unique radio features. Guaranteed to leave you feeling lighter. Leave feeling lighter or your money back. Barbra Streisand. That's us, the Lighter Show. Friday, 4pm. We'll be seeing you. You're listening to Believe Together. A church that's together in Catesham and Salford. Production for KTCR FM. 105.8 and online. Nature shines with beauty. Bringing us the revelation of the Maker's glory. Leading us in adoration. Nature shines with beauty. Bringing us the revelation of the Maker's glory. Leading us in adoration. O God who made the sky and formed its splendor. You'll set the world on fire and hold your wisdom. You'll set the world on fire and hold your wisdom. Nature's born to lead us longing for the revelation on the day of liberation. Nature's born to lead us longing for the revelation of the Maker's glory on the day of liberation. O God who made the sky and formed its splendor. You'll set the world on fire and hold your wisdom. O God who made the sky and formed its splendor. You'll set the world on fire and hold your wisdom. You'll set the world on fire and hold your wisdom. O God who made the sky and formed its splendor. You'll set the world on fire and hold your wisdom. You'll set the world on fire Nature shines with beauty bringing us the revelation of the Maker's glory. Leading us in adoration. That beautiful song about creation was called Nature Shines with Beauty and was brought to us by Resound Worship. Thank you so much to them for that beautiful song. Now we're going to move on with a short report from what happened last Sunday evening. Well the way it went was this. It's almost the fourth birthday of Believe Together. So when Jenny and I were asked to come along to Cafe Church at Cainsham Elam Church we decided it would be a good idea to celebrate our fourth birthday of the radio show at that event which we did. Now there was a 40 minute interview while we were there at the Cafe Church and you can see the whole thing if you'd like to go to our Facebook page the Believe Together Facebook page Believe Together Radio is the way you find it or you can go into YouTube and simply search for Cainsham Elam and then scroll down until you get to the Cafe Church event. But we'll just play you a quick excerpt here about, well, we were trying to explain how we got involved with this radio show so we tried to explain what happened. There was, on the Churches Together Rick came along from the station manager of the new station which hadn't actually started yet and he said, Please churches, can you give us an hour a week or more of radio shows? Can you do us something? No cost. Will you please give us a radio show? Yes. I mean, it's a no-brainer, isn't it? All you have to do is produce it. And it goes out. So we said, I jumped up and said in the council and said, Yes, we'll do it. And then we had to find people to do it. Anyway, we did get a team together we got Simon, who's here tonight George, Celia, Des, Lisa and a variety of different people but then, I say, when COVID struck instead of being able to go down to the studio and record we'd done it for a few times we couldn't. But we were still allowed to have six people meeting in our front room at home so we did that. And then restrictions got more and we couldn't have anybody in our house but just the two of us. So, the two of us kept it going. I wasn't going to be on it at all I was just making the tea. Yeah, that's right. And I was literally sitting in the corner watching the others do the recording and all that and we weren't presenting or doing anything but then suddenly we had to get on with it and... And the rest is history, as they say. We may well bring you some more clips from that long interview another time but right now, over to Robin Mark for his version of the great classic hymn Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah Guide me, O Thou Great Jehovah Children, through this barren land I am weak, but Thou, Almighty Hold me with Thy powerful hand Bread of Heaven, Bread of Heaven Feed me, Thou Jehovah Feed me, Thou Jehovah Open now the crystal fountain Open now the crystal fountain When the healing streams unfloat Set the dark and cloudy pillars Lead me on my journey through Strong deliverer, strong deliverer Be thou still my strength and shield Be thou still my strength and shield When I tread, when I tread The verge of Jordan In my anxious fears subside Death of death and hell's destruction Let me stay on Canaan's side Songs of praises, songs of praises I will ever give to Thee I will ever give to Thee When I tread, when I tread The verge of Jordan In my anxious fears subside Death of death and hell's destruction Let me stay on Canaan's side Songs of praises, songs of praises I will ever give to Thee I will ever give to Thee Songs of praises, songs of praises I will ever give to Thee I will ever give to Thee I will ever give to Thee I know it's time for our Just for Fun quiz. Time for question two. Okay, question number two. Queen guitarist Brian May is also an expert in what scientific field? Right, that doesn't mean guitars. No, science. Right, I think it's time for our international news headlines. Pope condemns anti-Judaism, anti-Semitism amid new wave of attacks against Jews. Vietnamese man given four and a half years in prison for hosting prayer meetings. Church of Ireland Archbishop urges clergy to model unity in new era for Northern Ireland's governance. MP calls on Met to better train their officers following Christian Busker shutdown. Churches urged to provide space for pharmacies as chemists gain more powers. Study suggests people with religion coped better during COVID pandemic. Many of us won't have heard these news headlines until now and if you want to find out more about them please feel free, just go off onto Google or somewhere else, of course there are other search engines and find out, read up about them. Some of it is very interesting stuff. Now for my verse for the week from my diary. This is from Philippians 4 verse 6. Are you weary? Are you heavy hearted? Tell it to Jesus, tell it to Jesus Are you grieving? Oh rejoice, be guarded Tell it to Jesus alone Tell it to Jesus, tell it to Jesus He is a friend that's well known You have no other such a friend or brother Tell it to Jesus alone Do the tears flow down your cheeks unbidden? Tell it to Jesus, tell it to Jesus Have you sinned that two men's eyes are hidden? Tell it to Jesus alone Tell it to Jesus, tell it to Jesus He is a friend that's well known You have no other such a friend or brother Tell it to Jesus alone Do you fear the gathering clouds of sorrow? Tell it to Jesus alone Do you fear the gathering clouds of sorrow? Tell it to Jesus alone Do you fear the gathering clouds of sorrow? Tell it to Jesus alone Do you fear the gathering clouds of sorrow? Tell it to Jesus alone Do you fear the gathering clouds of sorrow? Do you fear the gathering clouds of sorrow? Tell it to Jesus, tell it to Jesus Are you anxious what shall be tomorrow? Tell it to Jesus alone Tell it to Jesus, tell it to Jesus He is a friend that's well known You have no other such a friend or brother Tell it to Jesus alone Do you trouble at the thought of dying? Tell it to Jesus, tell it to Jesus Are cries coming, kingdom are you sighing? Tell it to Jesus alone Tell it to Jesus, tell it to Jesus He is a friend that's well known You have no other such a friend or brother Tell it to Jesus alone That was Tell it to Jesus sung for us there by Willie Nelson That was simple words but so profound I know I like to tell it to Jesus and offload everything on my mind before I go to sleep every night And now it's time for our Just for Fun quiz and time for question three Here is question number three Who discovered that the earth revolves around the sun? You mean it isn't flat? Aha Anyway, I reckon it's always good to learn something, isn't it? It's always good for us to learn something new every now and then anyway So my ears pricked up When I was reading my Bible notes on the morning on the 1st of February I used notes produced by Nicky Gumbel the guy who looked after the Alpha Course got it going in the first place and he produces these Bible notes and you can either read them or you can listen to him reading them Anyway, back on the 1st of February he was talking about a couple of difficult long words that I'd only heard in a sermon by our friend David Morton that was the only other time I'd ever heard them used but they were very interesting so I thought, yeah, OK let's listen to him talking about this talking about one of his friends Nick Hills is one of the cleverest people I've ever met He's a scholar and an intellectual He has a brilliant mind We were schooling in university together About three months after my first encounter with Jesus Christ as a first year student he too had an experience of Jesus In fact, he went on to help Justin Welby who's now Archbishop of Canterbury find faith in Jesus Immediately, Nick started reading massive theological books I remember asking him what he was reading about He replied he was reading about the transcendence and immanence of God I had no idea what he meant I had to look up both words in the dictionary Transcendence and immanence describe the almost paradoxical nature of our relationship with God The transcendence of God means that God exists apart from and is not subject to the limitations of the material universe He is above and beyond surpassing and excelling greatly superior to us On the other hand the immanence of God means it's possible to experience his immediate friendship It's only when you understand the transcendence of God that you see how amazing his immanence is and what a huge privilege it is to be able to enjoy intimate friendship with God You're listening to Believe Together A Churches Together in Cainsham and Salford production by the KTCR FM 105.8 and online Now for a few what's ons You may want to have a pen and paper handy just in case you want to jot something down Yep, OK We'll start off with the Repair Cafe This Saturday the 10th of February It's the second Saturday of the month and that means the farmers market should be back Down at the Baptist Church on the High Street in Cainsham the one with the garden at the front It's open from 10 in the morning until 12 noon So what could you bring along to be repaired? Now the One Community Trust in Cainsham are again inviting anyone finding life tough at the moment to a free two course lunch on Saturday the 10th of February from 12 noon to 2pm in St John's Church Hall Anyone is welcome No questions asked Take away meals will also be available You can book your spot by popping into Cainsham Library or send an email to I know someone who's been along to one of these lunches and she says it was really lovely These are monthly lunches and there'll be one on Saturday the 9th of March Cainsham Methodist Church the Queen's Road Centre have Messy Church on Monday the 12th of February from 2 in the afternoon until 4 with their usual mix of craft activities Bible story, songs, food and fun Valentine is the theme for this month Now please book your place to help with catering with the office there's a phone number or an email address on our Facebook page or you can just pop in to the Methodist office at the Victoria Church on the High Street Now there's something new starting up I don't know, maybe you or somebody you know have just had their first baby and are finding things tough Well, how about Breakfast with Babies Community at 67 that's up Queen's Road opposite the Queen's Road Methodist Centre Community at 67 is launching a new mums group to support mothers with babies aged 0-6 months starting on Friday the 16th of February from 10 until 12 noon where new mothers can share their experiences exchange advice and build strong networks of support and friendship Amy Clarke from Community at 67 says As a mother of a young toddler I really appreciated the importance of a supportive community of other mums during the early months which can be stressful and you can feel quite isolated We hope the connections and support mums will build at the Breakfast with Babies group will have a positive impact on a mother's journey in those first few months of having a baby There'll be free tea, coffee and snacks Membership of the Breakfast with Babies group is free and open to all mothers with their babies aged 0-6 months Right, well that event is just for the ladies with their babies Now here's an event just for men Men's Breakfast on Saturday the 17th of February from 9 in the morning until 11 at The Globe, Newton's and Lowe, Bath There's free on-site parking No need to book, you can just turn up on the day It does cost, it's a good value breakfast I can tell you that, I've been there Now the speaker this time is Andy He and his wife Gayna moved to Bristol in 1970 and have been here ever since Andy is from Bristol's Trinity Tabernacle his senior chaplain to the Avon and Somerset Police and chaplain to the National Police Air Service He also coordinates the victim-focused faith community's response to major emergencies like the dreadful recent murders in Bristol On one of many visits to the Middle East Andy developed links with the largely Muslim Palestinian police and was given the honorary rank of Major with the Bethlehem Regional Command in 2008 in recognition of his support in facilitating first aid, stress management and critical incident debrief training Andy and Gay have two daughters, two grandsons and two dogs and you can be sure that whatever he's going to say is going to be really interesting Just as the Methodist Church are having their messy church well, Cainsham Baptist Church are going to have their messy breakfast again This will be on Sunday 25th February at 9.30am So there will be the usual things again craft activities, Bible story, songs, food and lots of fun Now another date for your diary Coffee morning with cakes Saturday 9th March at Victoria Centre of the Methodist Church from 10am to 12 noon in aid of Huntington's Disease Association Then an advance notice here for Saturday 9th March This is at the Cainsham Ealing Church in Balmoral Road It's their annual quiz The doors open at 6pm Quiz starts at 6.30pm This is a very popular quiz and it's for all ages So come on all you quizzers they say Join us for a great fundraising evening Now's the time to start watching the news reading and plenty of googling in preparation for this quiz You will even be fed There's a free buffet and drinks A fun and relaxed evening for all Will your team walk away with a trophy or even the famous wooden spoon All donations go towards the Romanian Summer Camp for disadvantaged children in Romania So get your team ready and register with Rachel or ask to be put in a team So see Rachel or text her or email her See our Facebook page for details And yes I can certainly vouch for it It's a very good fun evening and I think our team has once managed to get the wooden spoon Yay! Yay yes Now something else completely different Maybe you're involved with a church who already has a warm space an encouraging space for someone to drop into if they're feeling cold, hungry or alone Now maybe your church does a parent and toddler group or a food bank or a drop-in cafe or just does other things like hot meals or activities during the week Any of these could be a welcoming space for other people If you don't if your church or somewhere you know doesn't do it maybe you could suggest it Now Girls' Brigade we have mentioned this a bit recently because they were looking for more help The Girls' Brigade in Keynesham well people have been responding and now they have a lot of new girls joining so that's great isn't it? But this does mean that if there's anyone who could help them occasionally on a Tuesday evening from 6 to 7.30pm at the Key Centre in Keynesham they would be most welcome So if this is something that you could do please contact Linda Pillinger in person or else via the Methodist Church office Thank you Now we're bringing you something we don't often do which is a film review well sort of The Zone of Interest One of our friends David Brisington has been along to see the film and he said he can definitely recommend it as a good quality film The review goes something like this A beautiful family has a picnic and a fun time by a scenic river surrounded by an abundance of tall green trees The sun shines brightly as they enjoy time together Upon returning home the family goes to bed resting after a long day of fun The next morning is the father's birthday and after a mini celebration with his family he puts on his Nazi uniform and the camera shifts to show that this idyllic home is attached to the death camps of Auschwitz where the father is the commandant This is truly a cinematic masterpiece and should be shown in history lessons to remind new generations of not only the mass murder and war crimes but the behaviour of those that supported it The film is currently in one cinema in Bristol and one in Bath and the quick summary is that it's not a film you enjoy it's a film that you appreciate and value and go away and think about afterwards Now, if anyone would like to contact the team here at Believe Together it could be answers to the quiz it could be a birthday dedication or you could be dedicating a track maybe to some other big moment in your life or another person's life it's all good we'd love to hear from you or you could just contact us about anything at all that's interesting I mean, that's what local radio is so much fun for, isn't it? Here's how you can get in touch We've got multiple ways so get your pencil at the ready The first way is easy It's if you want to text message us or use the WhatsApp application on your mobile phone This is the number for WhatsApp or texting 07879 402 114 That's 07879 402 114 Now, if you prefer email you can email bt at That's bt at Perhaps you prefer Facebook Not a problem We have a Facebook page where you can contact us as well and you can search in Facebook for Believe Together Radio and you'll find us on Facebook That's Believe Together Radio And finally if you go to your place where you normally get your podcasts from there are many places but wherever that is for you just search for Believe Together and you'll find us wherever you get your podcasts from We hope to hear from you soon Go on, get in touch Now it's time for the answers for this week's quiz So, number one Which country has the highest life expectancy? It's Hong Kong Number two The Queen guitarist Brian May is also an expert in what scientific field? It's astrophysics And who discovered that the Earth revolves around the Sun? You may remember the surname but I wonder if you know his first name It's Nicolaus Copernicus I wonder if you got all those answers right today It's already time to go so I say goodbye to you and wish you a good week Now, we're going to play out with a song for Joel and this is Is He Worthy? sung here by Chris Tomlin Goodbye Lord Jesus Give to us and all your saints today the fullness of joy from your presence in our lives and may this come to us with your mighty blessing Amen Amen Do you wish you could see it all made? Amen Is all creation growing? Amen Is a new creation coming? Amen Is the glory of the Lord to be the light within our midst? Amen Is it good that we remind ourselves? Amen Is anyone worthy? Is anyone whole? Is anyone able to break the seal and open the throne? The Lion of Judah who conquered the grave He has saved His fruit and the Lamb who died for His Son to slay Is He worthy? Is He worthy? of all blessing and honor and glory Is He worthy? Amen Is the Father truly loving? Amen Does the Spirit move among us? Amen And does Jesus, our Messiah hold forever those He loves? Amen Does our God intend to dwell again with us? Amen Is anyone worthy? Is anyone whole? Is anyone able to break the seal and open the throne? The Lion of Judah who conquered the grave He has saved His fruit and the Lamb who died for His Son to slay From every people and tribe every nation and tribe He has made us a kingdom and preached to God and reigned with us all Is He worthy? Is He worthy? of all blessing and honor and glory Is He worthy? Is He worthy? Is He worthy? Amen He is He is Is He worthy? Is He worthy? He is He is He is worthy He is worthy He is He is