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Believe TogetherBelieve Together



This weekend in UK is Fathers Day! And the king's birthday! We interview a couple from a Watoto orphans choir, and a street preacher. We throw in some Dad jokes.... And hear Big Daddy Weave sing My Story. The fun quiz is about ..... fathers.... We report on a prophecy workshop, including an encouraging story. Plus music and news headlines from around the world.

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🎶 The King of love is my dear life His eyes are fire, His face is light The first and last, the living one His name is Jesus And from His mouth there comes a sound That shakes the earth and spins the ground And gives His voice, His life to me The voice of Jesus And I will sing my song for love Calling out across the earth The King has come, the King of love has come And troubled minds can know His King Chariots with arms can be ready The King has come, the King of love has come I love His breath, His sweetest wine I am His bride, He is mine How can there be no such joy Because of Jesus The wounds of love are in His hands The price is paid for simple man Accepted child, forgiven son Yes, because of Jesus And I will sing my song for love Calling out across the earth The King has come, the King of love has come And troubled minds can know His King Chariots with arms can be ready The King has come, the King of love has come My God, and my desire to have You here Lord, You know that You are welcome here For such love, for such grace I will never walk alone And I will sing my song for love Calling out across the earth The King has come, the King of love has come I am His bride, He is mine How can there be no such joy Because of Jesus The wounds of love are in His hands The price is paid for simple man Accepted child, forgiven son Yes, because of Jesus And I will sing my song for love Calling out across the earth The King has come, the King of love has come And troubled minds can know His King Lord, You know that You are welcome here For such love, for such grace I will never walk alone And my desire is to have You near Lord, You know that You are welcome here For such love, for such grace I will never walk alone Alone Now, that song was about the King of love Obviously Jesus is the greatest King But, King Charles III has just had, or is about to have His birthday on the 15th of June So we say happy birthday to the King Indeed, and also the 16th of June Is known as Father's Day in the UK anyway And yes, it's a great day for celebrating parents And enjoying family life And we're going to move on now to a song Called Thank You Daddy Brought to us by the Martins family He wakes up very early To go to work each day There is so much for him to do So I can laugh and play My daddy always tells me He doesn't even mind And even when I break his tooth He's always very kind Thank you daddy For everything you do Thank you daddy I love you Thank you daddy Bless you I want to be Thank you Jesus For giving him to me He tells me about Jesus How he came down to save And every time I am afraid He helps me to be brave When something breaks in our house I know just what to do I quickly run to daddy He'll make it just like new Thank you daddy For everything you do Thank you daddy I love you Thank you daddy Bless you I want to be Thank you Jesus For giving him to me And one day when I grow up I want to be like him I want to serve my savior With everything within I want to pray like daddy I want to be God's man I want to live for Jesus Christ And follow his commands Thank you daddy For everything you do Thank you daddy I love you Thank you daddy Bless you I want to be Thank you Jesus For giving him to me And when I have a heartache I know he will be there To listen and to give advice And speak a silent prayer And when I have a heartache I know he will be there To listen and to give advice And speak a silent prayer And when I have a heartache I know he will be there To listen and to give advice And speak a silent prayer Like father's love is soundless His patience has no end I know that I can count on him He is my faithful friend Thank you daddy For everything you do Thank you daddy Thank you Jesus For giving him to me Thank you daddy For everything you do Thank you daddy I love you Thank you daddy Bless you I want to be Thank you Jesus For giving him to me Well Peter I think this calls for a few dad jokes don't you? Oh So let's see what have we got here Ah right I found a book called How to Solve 50% of Your Problems So I bought two Does that sound good to you? Very sensible efficiency yes Yes Now what's next What is the best present? I don't know what is the best present? Broken drums you can't beat them Ah yes ok That's a dad joke is it? Ok I'll give you one more for now Um I made a song about Tortilla once Now it's more like a rap Oh dear Ok that'll do for now Well thank you Jenny Well this week we've got a real mixed bag in this show today Yes we've got stuff about We've got stuff about Preaching Prophecy And Parents And Uganda Well just listen out Sit back Enjoy it all And then maybe tell us what you think afterwards That would be really great And now it's time for our Just for Fun quiz Time for question one Well thank you Blaze Now this week I thought being Father's Day We'd have a quiz about fathers So here is question one Presidents George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush Were the second father and son pair To become Presidents of the USA Who were the first? William and Benjamin Harrison Or Theodore and Franklin D. Roosevelt Or Andrew and Lyndon B. Johnson Or John and John Quincy Adams So Which of those pairs Were the first pair to become Presidents In the USA? A couple of weeks ago Jenny and I had a real treat We went to the Watoto Children's Choir Concert In Bath Abbey A beautiful occasion And some excellent singing When we turned up We enjoyed chatting with some old friends outside Before we went in When we got in We were pleased to be able to interview the director Who was travelling around with the Children's Choir We asked him particularly How they managed to cope When they took these children out From their schools in Uganda For so many months at a time Here's what he said The Watoto Children's Choir Use a schooling It's called ACE schooling Accelerated Christian Education We actually bring over one of their teachers From Uganda Travels with them on tour And so every day They spend the first couple of hours Of what would be the normal school day They spend studying together In the church And then before heading off To whatever they're doing for the tour that day So It's like home school On steroids They get to travel the world And be home schooled at the same time They're loving it It does sound fantastic I'm sure I'm sure they're having a wonderful time Then we had the privilege of interviewing A couple of the girls from the Children's Choir A little girl called Betty And an older girl called Fiona We asked them a variety of questions How old are you? I'm ten years old Do you do any sightseeing? Oh yes We do We've been to the museum The London Eye We haven't been on the London Eye We come from London We've been to a couple of places in London When I grow up I would like to be an artist A gospel artist Right Oh wow That's good Yeah We pray it will happen Indeed I'm sure you'll work hard to get there Has there been a best part of your tour so far? Best part of the tour? Yes My best part of the tour was going for swimming Going for swimming That's so lovely I hope it's a nice warm pool Yes it was Alright My best part was the big church festival Seeing thousands of people gathering together Just to worship Jesus Which festival? The big church festival Just last weekend Yes We went there And we hear it on the radio Oh really? We were given an opportunity to perform We went to the big stage We went to the garden stage And the kids tent We took off time to go to the worship tent And just enjoy that beautiful worship I think it's something that really warmed my heart Jenny and I sat near the back of the old abbey And we just relaxed and soaked up The beautiful singing and music As it reverberated around that beautiful old place Here's a few clips from it No No No No No No Yes we really enjoyed our evening out there at Bath Abbey And don't forget that those children Had all been rescued as orphans by Watoto And were answering our questions And singing in a foreign language English Of course coming from Uganda They'd been taught English It wasn't their native language I think they did really well Now we asked the director Whether the tour was working and been successful financially Because it cost so much money And he explained to us that their real aim Although they were welcoming donations of all sorts They really wanted to have people sponsor the children And yes he said They'd raised 400 child sponsorships During this 3 or 4 months of touring around the country So yes they were succeeding and very pleased with the whole tour Now let's just hear one of the proper songs From one of the CDs When they came about 10 years ago One of their choirs came Here's one of the lovely songs from it Let's just sit back and enjoy this This is simply called Beautiful More than words More than life More than anything We love you We love you You're beautiful More than hope More than dreams More than anything We love you We love you You're beautiful You are beautiful Beautiful You are beautiful Beautiful You are beautiful More than words More than life More than anything We love you We love you You're beautiful More than hope More than dreams More than anything We love you We love you You're beautiful You are beautiful Beautiful You are beautiful Beautiful Open my eyes Let me see In your voice Whispering You are beautiful You are beautiful Open my eyes Let me see In your voice Whispering You are beautiful You are beautiful You are beautiful Beautiful You are beautiful Beautiful You are beautiful You are beautiful Beautiful You are beautiful Beautiful Now let's share some international news headlines Peter Kerridge, who developed Premier Christian Radio has died aged 63 after suffering from Leukemia A radio pioneer committed to Christ Washing creation's feet Archbishop of Canterbury blesses first Anglican communion forest in Central America Several hospitalised with heat exhaustion at Trump Megachurch Rally Christian magazine editor speaks out on the return of popular lads mag I pray for you D-Day veteran shares heartfelt moment with Zelensky Lib Dems sued by deselected Christian who claims he was mocked and abused over his faith Art helps Guz children turn despair into hope at Christian AIDS shelter Church banners call on party leaders to make tackling poverty a priority Trump supporters trust Jesus bus crashes hours before rally One million ditch United Methodist Church After changes to marriage definition and LGBT clergy ban Pope Francis invites comedians including Rupi Goldberg to Vatican Jesus in all creation Jesus was not raising Nor was he dying He is now born and has made it Jesus is Lord The unique and pre-eminent Son of God in heaven Christ Jesus is Lord Jesus is Lord Jesus is Lord Thank you, hallelujah For Jesus is Lord Jesus is Lord Check out his holy cross His heavenly face to my face All shall be free Jesus is Lord The unique and pre-eminent Son of God in heaven Christ Jesus is Lord Jesus is Lord Jesus is Lord Thank you, hallelujah For Jesus is Lord Jesus is Lord The king of life and honor From heav'n he rose And for his own shall all be free Jesus is Lord The king in the highest heaven King of all the world's power And king of the world Jesus is Lord Jesus is Lord Thank you, hallelujah For Jesus is Lord Thank you to Chet Valley Churches for bringing us that lovely well-known hymn Jesus is Lord Creation's voice proclaims it And now it's time for our Just for Fun quiz Time for question two Now another question about fathers In the Bible it tells us about a father who was prepared to sacrifice his son Now who was that father? Hey you Have you ever felt like listening to our sister program to kick-start your weekend early? Then prepare for the opposite of calm It's The Lighter Show Hey, every Friday here at 4pm on KTCR FM Join us for the best possible way to start your weekend Remember folks, you're listening to The Lighter Show on KTCR FM Top tunes, unique radio features Guaranteed to leave you feeling lighter Leave feeling lighter or your money back Father's crazy That's it, The Lighter Show Friday, 4pm We'll be seeing you You're listening to Believe Together A Churches Together in Keynsham and Salford production for KTCR FM 105.8 and online One day last week I was down Keynsham High Street wandering around the charity shops as you do and while I was there I was aware that there was a noise in the high street there was a voice down the other end of the high street and I wandered along to find out who it was talking When I approached this person it turned out that it was a guy with a pedal bike and in his saddle bag he had a sort of a loud speaker system hidden away and it was gently playing music and he was simply chatting into a microphone and talking over the music What was he saying? He was quoting Bible verses one after another and occasionally just simply challenging people around to respond to these Bible verses Well I was really quite fascinated and interested to listen to him No one was actually talking to him I think people tend to be a bit scared of people like that which is a great shame Anyway, a bit later on I managed to sort of catch up with him down the other end of the high street because he moved from one end to the other and I managed to chat with him for a bit I found that his name was John and that he came from a church in Bristol We had a lovely chat and I was asking him why he was doing it and what he was doing and we ended up just with these final words Thank you very much John God bless you and what you're doing out here Bless you indeed You're doing a good job Thank you Really great to have that encouragement and I just want to quickly say to anyone out there I just want you to know that you are blessed that you are highly favoured that you can do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthens you and let's just come together in unity Let's stand together in the blood of Jesus and let there be no division for the Lord says the greatest of these commandments is to love your neighbour as yourself And just today I just want you to reach out and just tell somebody that Jesus loves them Just reach out to a complete stranger step out in faith and just say to them Jesus loves you and those words can just plant that seed for God to use God bless you all Thank you very much indeed John Thank you Well we've been talking about Father's Day We've been hearing from John as he brings the story of Jesus to anyone he can talk to on the high street And now before we bring our report ourselves on the prophecy workshop we went to last weekend Here's a song from Big Daddy Weave who's trying to tell his story The song is simply called My Story If I told you my story You would hear hope That wouldn't let go And if I told you my story You would hear love That never gave up And if I told you my story You would hear life But it wasn't mine If I should speak Then let it be Of the grace that is greater Than all my sin Or when justice was served And when mercy wins Of the kindness of Jesus That draws me in Oh to tell you my story Is to tell of you If I told you my story You would hear victory Over the enemy And if I told you my story You would hear freedom That was won for me And if I told you my story You would hear life Overcome the grave If I should speak Then let it be Of the grace that is greater Than all my sin Or when justice was served And when mercy wins Of the kindness of Jesus That draws me in Oh to tell you my story Is to tell of you This is my story This is my song Praising my Savior All that's been wrong This is my story This is my song Praising my Savior All that's been wrong Of the grace that is greater Than all my sin Or when justice was served And when mercy wins Of the kindness of Jesus That draws me in Oh to tell you my story Is to tell of the grace That is greater Than all my sin Or when justice was served And when mercy wins Of the kindness of Jesus That draws me in Oh to tell you my story Is to tell of Him Oh to tell you my story Is to tell of Him This is my story This is my song Praising my Savior All the day long Now as Peter said just now We did manage to get to the prophecy workshop That we had advertised on Believe Together It was in Bath So I have to admit we did cheat a bit When we say we got to it We actually sat in our front room On Zoom because they were doing live streaming There were only a few people on Zoom Most of the people were there Which of course is much better really For this sort of thing But we did enjoy it We had worship We had something about growing in prophecy And then there were several video clips This one was wonderful It's about a Malharishi Who has been searching for something missing in his faith And he has a dream When Jesus came to him And told him to go to a certain place At a certain time And meet up with a certain man That certain man Who is a Christian Had also been told by Jesus To go to this certain place At the same time And meet up with a man with a white beard And a garment of a specific colour So he went along with his friend And then they met up with the Malharishi And to cut a long story short The Malharishi became a Christian And taught all his disciples about Jesus And many of them became Christians There is, as I said, a lot more to that story And it's lovely So it was a wonderful story about hearing from God About learning to discern And that's what we were learning about too In different sessions on this workshop We also learnt about how prophecy works And in the afternoon there was more practical stuff It was all very good And I'm looking forward to learning more And using all this knowledge somehow I wonder if you are experienced in prophecy It's time for Jenny's diary verse for the week I think I can bring it this time It's a very short one from Psalm 147 verse 4 It goes like this Be strong and take heart All you who hope in the Lord Be strong and take heart All you who hope in the Lord Be strong and take heart All you who hope in the Lord Be strong and take heart All you who hope in the Lord Be strong and take heart All you who hope in the Lord Be strong and take heart All you who hope in the Lord Be strong and take heart All you who hope in the Lord Be strong and take heart All you who hope in the Lord Be strong and take heart All you who hope in the Lord Be strong and take heart All you who hope in the Lord Be strong and take heart All you who hope in the Lord Be strong and take heart All you who hope in the Lord Be strong and take heart All you who hope in the Lord Be strong and take heart All you who hope in the Lord Be strong and take heart Strength will rise, strength will lead I'm falling, falling away I'm falling, falling away I'm falling, falling away Strength will rise, strength will lead I'm falling, falling away I'm falling, falling away I'm falling, falling away But I've got the spirit forever I've got the hope I've got the feeling forever You are the apple I desire The apple I desire You do my best You are the glory You're the defender of the weak You comfort those in need You lift us up for the weak Like eagles Like eagles I've got you in forever I'm hope, I'm strong deliverer I've got you in forever I'm hope, I'm strong deliverer You are the apple I desire The apple I desire You do my best You are the glory You're the defender of the weak You comfort those in need You lift us up for the weak Like eagles Like eagles Like eagles You are the apple I desire The apple I desire You do my best You are the glory You're the defender of the weak You comfort those in need You lift us up for the weak Like eagles Thank you to Brenton Brown for bringing us that beautiful rendition of Strength Will Rise You know I'm beginning to get the feeling in this show that God's trying to say something to us and just to gently encourage us that when challenges come which of course they do come for all of us that we can draw strength from Him to do things His way Are you getting that feeling too? You're listening to Believe Together A church is together in Caitsham and Salford Production for KTCR FM 105.8 and online OK let's have just a few what's uns Peter OK then Sunday the 16th of June 9.30 in the morning messy breakfast at Caitsham Baptist Church it's usually on the third Sunday in the month so it's this Sunday the 16th of June That's good Now something extra special nothing to do with churches together but there's a Christian film going out and by looking at the review it does look really good It's called Unsung Hero it's a PG film showing at Bristol Avonlea's Showcase Cinema on Friday the 14th of June at 7.15pm Saturday the 15th of June at 4.30pm Sunday the 16th of June at 4.30pm and Tuesday the 18th of June at 7.15pm It's based on a true story The unsung hero of the film's title is a dad whose six children have musical ambitions even from a young age How about going to see the film as a treat to celebrate Father's Day You can see a trailer of the film details about it and how to book at unsungheromovie.co.uk Right on this Saturday the 15th of June there's the next Men United Breakfast Sorry ladies, this is a men-only one We look forward to welcoming you, they say On Saturday the 15th of June for our third Men United Breakfast of 2024 where our speaker will be Daniel Guiteau I don't know how to pronounce it correctly because it's a Kenyan name He's a bishop from Kenya The time is 9 in the morning going through and finishing by 11 I know it's an excellent breakfast I hope to get there myself The venue is The Globe at Newton's and Lowe Bath Free on-site parking No need to book, you just turn up on the day Well, who is this guy speaking? Daniel was born in Kenya to parents who were the founders of the Mau Mau movement Wow! Which was a violent rebellion against British colonial rule I do remember people talking about that He grew up in the tradition of worshipping the dead, witchcraft and demonic initiations Anyway, he's got a great story to tell He'll be encouraging and inspiring Well Peter, how about a few more dad jokes for Father's Day, eh? OK Right, this one What did the mother broom say to the baby broom? I've no idea She said, time to go to sleep Oh, right Now, what else can I find? Right Why did the teddy bear turn down a slice of cake? He wasn't hungry? Well, yes, sort of He was stuffed Oh And now it's time for our Just for Fun quiz and time for question three Thank you, Blaze Number three What type of animal species has fathers who give birth to their young? Are they kangaroos? Seahorses? Toads? Or spiders? Hmm, that's interesting With that encouragement to think about how great our God is in his creation let's have How Great Is Our God? sung here at the Great Keswick Convention How Great Is Our God? The name of Nero, the king How majesty that on the earth we join on the earth we join He rises, he lies He rises, he lies to his last voice to his last voice How great is our God in his creation How great is our God all of creation How great is our God all of creation The nature waits his time the time he takes his time the end, the end the end, the end God every one God every one for our spirit's song for our spirit's song life and love life and love life and love How great is our God in his creation How great is our God all of creation How great is our God He's a name above all names He's a name above all names He's worthy above all names How great is our God He's a name above all names He's worthy above all names He's worthy above all names In my heart I sing How great is our God How great is our God Dear to me I praise Dear to me I praise All to me I praise How great is our God Now if anyone would like to contact the team here at Believe Together it could be answers to the quiz it could be a birthday dedication or you could be dedicating a track maybe to some other big moment in your life or another person's life it's all good we'd love to hear from you or you could just contact us about anything at all that's interesting I mean that's what local radio is so much fun for isn't it here's how you can get in touch we've got multiple ways so get your pencil at the ready the first way is easy it's if you want to text message us or use the WhatsApp application on your mobile phone this is the number for WhatsApp or texting 07879402114 that's 07879402114 now if you prefer email you can email bt at melted.com that's bt at melted.com perhaps you prefer Facebook not a problem we have a Facebook page where you can contact us as well and you can search in Facebook for Believe Together Radio and you'll find us on Facebook that's Believe Together Radio and finally if you go to your place where you normally get your podcasts from there are many places but wherever that is for you just search for Believe Together and you'll find us wherever you get your podcasts from we hope to hear from you soon go on get in touch now it's time for the answers for this week's quiz hey I wonder how many answers you got correct today for our just for fun quiz okay number one I asked you who were the first father and son presidents of the United States well it was the Adams family John Adams and John Quincy Adams number two which father was prepared to sacrifice his son that was Abraham who was prepared to sacrifice his son Isaac in order to obey God and he got everything ready to make the sacrifice but it was God testing Abraham's obedience and God stopped him from making the sacrifice then number three which animals have fathers who give birth to their babies well it is seahorses after completing an elaborate courtship dance that may go on for hours or days the female seahorse transfers her mature eggs into the male's brood pouch where they're fertilized at the end of a gestation period usually lasting from two to four weeks the pregnant male's abdominal area begins to undulate rhythmically and strong muscular contractions eject from a few dozen to as many as one thousand fully formed baby seahorses into the surrounding water and after that the offspring will fend for themselves these large litters are necessary because only about 0.5% will survive to adulthood amazing so I wonder how many answers you got right this time then now it's time for me to say goodbye until next time I do trust that you have a good week and so it's goodbye from me Jenny and it's goodbye from me Peter as well now before we do finish the show this week we'll be playing out with one of those lovely songs that we've played before but it's good enough to play again I Speak Jesus and it's brought to us by Here Be Lions and Darlene Sheck now of course also before we wind up we can bring you another blessing from Des assisted by Celia but we must mention at this point that Des and Celia recorded these blessings some months ago and we're gradually using them and reusing them sometimes because they're good and they're worth repeating but Des himself is now rather ill and so if you are a person of prayer we would ask you to please be praying for Des and Celia at this time which is very difficult for them and they've been so faithful to us and bringing us blessings in various ways so thank you again to Des and Celia and over to you for this week's blessing it's time for the blessing now Des Father Almighty you are the God of peace in moments of calm and silence you help us to just pause and to see afresh give us grace to notice both the signs of your presence and also the needs of others today you hold our past and do lighten our future so may we find rest and many blessings in being so close to you today in Jesus name, Amen I just want to speak the name of Jesus over every heart and every mind cause I know there is peace within your presence over every heart and every mind cause I know there is peace within your presence I speak Jesus I just want to speak the name of Jesus till every dark section starts to break till every mirror is open and free I speak Jesus cause your name is power your name is healing your name is life break every stronghold shine through the shadows burn like a fire I just want to speak the name of Jesus over fear and all anxiety to every soul held captive by depression I speak Jesus cause your name is power your name is healing your name is life break every stronghold shine through the shadows burn like a fire shout Jesus from the mountains Jesus in the streets Jesus in the darkness over every enemy Jesus for my family I speak the holy name Jesus shout Jesus from the mountains Jesus in the streets Jesus in the darkness over every enemy Jesus for my family I speak the holy name Jesus shout Jesus from the mountains Jesus in the streets Jesus in the darkness over every enemy Jesus for my family I speak the holy name Jesus cause your name is power your name is healing your name is life break every stronghold shine through the shadows burn like a fire your name is power your name is healing your name is life break every stronghold shine through the shadows burn like a fire I just wanna speak the name of Jesus over every heart and every mind cause I know there is peace within his presence I speak Jesus

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