Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
This is a guided relaxation exercise that uses progressive muscle relaxation to help relax the body and mind. It starts with deep breathing and letting go of stress and tension. Then, it guides you to relax different muscle groups from head to toe, allowing any tension to melt away. It emphasizes the importance of deep and rhythmic breathing and encourages positive and calming thoughts. The exercise continues by visualizing a staircase leading to a state of deep relaxation. It then guides you to a special place of calm and serenity, where you can feel safe and at peace. It teaches techniques for managing anxiety, such as focusing on the present moment, visualizing calming colors, and using deep breathing. It also encourages a sense of grounding and strength. The exercise concludes by using hypnosis to release negative emotions and beliefs associated with pain and promoting healing and relief. What we are going to do today is go through a simple and surprisingly effective process of relaxation. All you need to do to begin is simply make yourself as comfortable as you possibly can. And it's okay to adjust your position at any time to get even more comfortable. This simple process we will be going through is often referred to as progressive muscle relaxation, and it is precisely that. We will gradually and increasingly relax the muscles in your body, and as a wonderful consequence of that, you will find your mind relaxing also. Maybe you want to start by taking a nice deep breath in and out. And as you breathe in, just imagine that you are breathing in peace and calm. And as you breathe out, you can let go of any stress and tension. Peace and calm, letting go of stress and tension, and you can do that a few more times. If you find it more comfortable to close your eyes as you do so, feel free to do that. Letting go of stress and tension. Now, as you continue to relax, maybe you can draw your attention to the muscles at the top of your head, the muscles in your brow, the muscles along your eyes, your temples, your cheeks, and simply notice and let go of any tension in the muscles of your face or in the top of your head. Notice especially any tension in your jaw, where we can carry so much of the stress of the day, and as soon as you notice any tension there, you can simply let it go as you relax even more. You may have already noticed how rhythmic and calm your breathing is becoming, and that's a good thing, as you enjoy allowing your body to experience this state of relaxation. It's perfectly natural to let the mind wander and think of anything that brings you calm and relaxing thoughts. Continue to move down your body now, relaxing the muscles in your neck, along your shoulders, and in your upper back, allowing the tension to simply fade and in time to disappear. As you focus on your shoulders and back muscles, you may notice any tension there, or you may feel those muscles flex as you become aware of them. Now let that tension just melt away. Let your shoulders slouch as you relax those muscles, and notice how you sink deeper into that chair as you relax even more deeply, noticing how easy and regular your breathing has become now. It may even seem as if you can feel tension or stress from the muscles in your upper back and in your shoulders and in your arms begin to move down to your forearm and through the hands and out the fingertips. In your mind, you can picture all the stress of the day leaving your body as you relax now. Pay attention to the muscles in your chest and stomach and in your lower back. If any of these muscles are tense or become tense as you focus on them, simply let go of that tension. Let it out and notice how good that feels. Your muscles are becoming relaxed and loose as you experience the calm and peace spreading throughout your body. As your body becomes more and more relaxed, your mind becomes increasingly relaxed as well. As you breathe in, gradually tighten all the muscles in your legs from your feet to your glutes. Do this in a way that feels natural and comfortable to you. Hold it, and as you breathe out, release all those large, strong muscles. Enjoy the sensation of release as you become even more deeply relaxed. Sometimes the tension of the day can be stored in the muscles along the hip or glutes or in your upper leg. If you still notice any tension in those places, let that tension simply flow from the top of your leg through your calves and through the muscles of the feet and ankles out through your toes. You can allow yourself to thoroughly enjoy this experience of deep relaxation. In this state, we can feel tranquility and peace, feeling at ease with ourselves. From the top of your head to the tip of your toes, you have allowed yourself to become completely and totally relaxed. Your mind also has the capacity to relax, and I'm sure you have already begun to experience some of that. This simple process is teaching you skills at a deep, deep level that you will be able to apply in a number of different areas in your life. Your body is now loose and heavy and relaxed. Notice how your body is sinking even deeper into relaxation. And now, to simply reinforce what you have already achieved, you can imagine a wave of relaxation slowly spreading through your body, beginning at your head and going all the way down to your feet. Enjoy that feeling. Rest in that experience for a moment. As you allow your entire body to be, and increasingly become, loose and feel relaxed, you can recognize the gift that you have given yourself in this time. You have gifted yourself a new skill and a valuable resource, the ability to positively influence your own body and emotions. As you sit there, very comfortable and very relaxed, you become aware of a staircase, a beautiful staircase with a polished, ornate banister running down alongside and a deep, rich carpet underneath your bare feet. As you look down the stairs, you notice that there are ten steps leading gently down. Ten steps leading down and down and down. These are the steps that will lead you deep into dream time, deep into relaxation. And in a moment, I'd like you to walk down these steps with me, and I will count them off for you one at a time. You will find that the deeper down you go, the more comfortable and the more relaxed you will become. So when you are ready to walk down the stairs, I want you to gently place your hand on the banister and begin to slowly descend the stairs as I count them off for you from ten to one. Ten, deeply relaxed, deeply comfortable. Nine, deeply relaxed, deeply comfortable. Eight, more and more and more relaxed. Seven, deeply relaxed, deeply comfortable. Six, nearly halfway there. Five, more and more and more relaxed. Four, deeply relaxed, deeply comfortable. Three, more and more and more relaxed. Two, almost at the bottom now, just one more step to go. And one, going deeper and deeper, down into hypnosis now, all the way down to that deeper, healthier level of mind. And as you reach the bottom step, you can let go of the stairs and the ordinary, everyday world, further and further down, as you go deeper and deeper. You are now standing at the bottom of the steps and feeling very comfortable and very relaxed and at peace with the world. In front of you is a large oak door. The door is closed, but you can open it. You have the key to this door. You really want to go through the door and see what is there on the other side, for you somehow know that a wonderful place is there, waiting for you. So move now toward the door. Push it open. Push the door open. Push, push and push. Suddenly the door creaks gently open and you push it even further open and walk through. Now close the door behind you and turn and find yourself in a very special place, a place of calm, safety and serenity. Anytime you may feel the onset of an anxiety attack, remind yourself that you are safe and secure in this moment, surrounded by comfort and calmness. Breathe in. Count to four slowly and hold your breath for a moment. And finally exhale to the count of six, feeling tension melting away with each exhale. Realize yourself in your happy place, surrounded by tranquility and peace, letting go of all worries and anxieties that may trouble you. Focus on the present moment. Let go of any concerns about the past or future, embracing the peace that exists in the now. Imagine a protective shield surrounding you, deflecting any negative thoughts or emotions, leaving you feeling safe and secure. Feel your breath entering and leaving your body. And as you exhale, release any tension or negativity that may be weighing you down. You are safe and feel a sense of peace here and now. See a calming color, such as a soft blue or gentle green, surrounding you with each breath, covering you in its soothing embrace. Picture yourself standing tall and strong like a mighty oak tree, rooted firmly to the ground, unshaken by the storms of anxiety that may pass through. You are grounded, feeling the sensation of your feet firmly planted on the ground. You are anchored in the present moment and are free from all feelings of panic, stress, and anxiety. As you inhale deeply, visualize drawing in pure, revitalizing air. And as you exhale, imagine releasing all tension, stress, and negative thoughts from your body. Know that you have the ability to calm your mind and your body through the simple act of breathing. Visualize a bright star shining in the night sky, its steady light a beacon of hope and guidance, leading you out of the darkness and into the embrace of peace and tranquility. As you continue to breathe deeply, remember it can be a powerful tool for managing anxiety and promoting inner peace. Your anxiety is temporary, and you have the strength and tools to overcome it. You are calm. You are in control. You are at peace. As you relax deep into hypnosis, allow your subconscious mind to release any negative emotions or beliefs associated with your pain, replacing them with feelings of comfort and ease. Feel a gentle warmth spreading through your lower back and down your legs, soothing every nerve and muscle fiber. Picture a dial in your mind labeled pain, and with each breath, slowly turn it down, reducing the intensity of your pain until it fades away completely. Visualize yourself moving freely and effortlessly as your body responds to the healing power of your mind. Imagine a soft cushion of support beneath your hips, providing relief and allowing you to move with ease and comfort. With each exhale, release any tension or resistance you may be holding onto in your body, allowing your muscles to relax, relieving the pressure on your sciatic nerve and any other surrounding areas of discomfort. See yourself walking easily and effortlessly, engaging in activities you love, free from any pain or limitation caused by your sciatica and arthritis pain. Imagine a soft, golden light surrounding the areas where you feel discomfort, bringing you relief and relaxation, and a soothing warmth enveloping you, melting away any tension or discomfort. With each breath you take, feel the muscles surrounding your hips and back relaxing and releasing, easing the pressure on your joints. Allow yourself to surrender fully to the healing process, trusting in your body's incredible ability to heal and regenerate. You are calm and relaxed. You are in control. You are at peace. In a moment, I'm going to count up from 1 to 10, and I want you to awaken one-tenth of the way with each number. 1. Preparing to return to life as you know it. 2. Bringing with you all of the changes you have made. 3. Employing all of the resources you have discovered. 4. Ready when we reach 10 to implement this into your life now. 5. Embracing all the lessons you have learned. 6. Energy beginning to fill your body as it has your mind. 7. Every muscle fiber an inch of your body returning to normal. 8. A rush of energy filling you now, ready and raring to go. 9. As you prepare to open your eyes and live your new life. 10. Open your eyes. There you are. Welcome back.