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The speaker is showcasing a basketball player build called "Shade" that was created before the release of a template for the same build. They go through the player's attributes and skills, highlighting strengths in driving layups, mid-range shooting, and defense. The speaker also mentions some recommended badges for the build. They mention that the player doesn't focus on dunking and has average free-throw stats. The speaker concludes by mentioning their plans to return to playing the game and streaming, and encourages viewers to ask questions about builds. Okay, so we're in the second part of the video, and I wanted to obviously show you the build. And clearly as you see, I made this build January the 8th, 2024, so this is before all the Shay this, Shay that, Shay build, Shay season, whatever you want to do, or whatever you want to say. I don't really care. But basically, come over here, and by the way, they already have a Shay template, so you want to use that, go ahead, but in mine, to me, I don't think it's that good, or it's a little bit different in my opinion. And I made this pre-Shay template build, or whatever you want to call it, whatever. So obviously, whenever we do this, you're going to see that, oh, why is there no Shades of Shay, da, da, da, da. Well, they have a template. They want to get, obviously, newer players in, like Jamal Murray, and other templates like that, in the game. So yeah, this is before they did all the Shay template stuff, and all that, the NBA templates. I made it, and obviously, I got Shades of Shay, so, okay, so before y'all get crazy, and start, you know what I'm saying, going at me in the comments, this was what it was before, obviously. And we're going to go ahead and go through it, so obviously, point guard, 6'6", 195, there's the weight, 7 foot wingspan, you got to have that long wingspan, like I said, he can shoot, but obviously, for defense-wise, he's a really good defender as well, too, okay? Post shot, 71, driving layup, 91, obviously, he's really good at driving layups. He doesn't dunk as much, so obviously, you can do that 65 dunk, get you some small dunk packages, nothing too crazy, but yeah, post score, you got to get that 81, just so that I can get a goal, because, you know, it's just one of those things, man, you're a guard, you know, you're going to get spammers, like I did the other day, I'm in the red, man, and I'm over here, just getting spammed to death by nothing but five defenders, I'm like, what is going on? But, yes, mid-range, he's a really good mid-range player, he's really, really good, nice, too, mid-range player, okay? So, obviously, you got to, you know, goal, blinders, goal, dead eye, catch and shoot, green machine, space, trigger, goal, spot finders, you can get on bronze, but you can get on silver, if you can, you know what I'm saying, tweak a little bit, and obviously, I'm not going to, you can tweak it to whatever you want it to do, but I'm just letting you know, this is how it is for me, you know? So, mid-range, obviously that, three-point, you can do 81, like I said, he's a pretty decent shooter, in my opinion. Free-throw, 67, you don't really care about those, I'm only going to park for where the red guy would go in every now and then, but, like I said, I'm not really getting spammed crazy, I'm usually passing the ball, shooting the three, or mid-range, for the most part, so I'm not really going to the paint, unless somebody decides to jump at me, like really crazy, but that's not really the case, but, ball handles, excuse me, pass accuracy, 77, ball handles, 92, speed with ball, 76, and, from their defense, 81, steals, 91, you don't really need anything else on this defensive part, just because, you know, he's not really getting a lot of, he can get a rebound every now and then, but he's not the type of person to, you know, like a Russell Westbrook, you know what I'm saying, that's just not really his game, you know? Speed with ball, 81, and, acceleration, 66, strength, 65, vertical, who really cares, because, I mean, yeah, you care, but not really, 51, stamina, obviously, 95, and yeah, this is the shade build, obviously, when you get the shades up, you're literally not going to get them, because there's no, there's a template already for it, so, yeah, this is the LB rush you come up to, but they're pretty much the same thing as this game, for the most part, so, as you can see, this is the shade build, clearly, as you can see, there's no shade build, but, you know, it is what it is, but yes, if you guys have any more questions, man, just hit me in the comment section, you can DM me, my socials are in the description as well, too, so you can hit me on there, if you have any questions about anything, any builds, and yes, I will be returning to 2K as soon as possible, I know, it's a lot going on, but hey, it's life, it is what it is, so, eventually, I'm going to start streaming a little bit more, getting more into the rhythm, and especially for 2K25, I'm trying to start pretty heavy, just because, you know, my experience 2K24 early was packed up, because, you know, I was streaming, and I got banned for, you know, weeks to months, so, yeah, and I don't want to get into that either, but, it is what it is, man, it's your boy Tazmanian, appreciate you guys watching the video, and I'm out, peace.

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