Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
That's how we line it up. That's how we line it up. Welcome back to the Burn Barrel. This is episode two, season three, changed it up a bit. Tyler Sherbert is not in the house. I know we said we're going to interview him this last time, but he actually has some family emergency thing or whatever else. They're sick and they're trying to take care of that, so here we are by ourself, rocking solo tonight. Turn the camera like this so it's not weird looking at it on YouTube. That's where we put it at. Nobody really watches this shit, but I mean, whatever. We're trying. Eventually, they will. Eventually, they will. This is not a Stanley. This is off-market. This is off-market right here. This ain't even a real deal. If you think stand-up comedy is hard, imagine setting up all this shit right here when you don't know how to do any of this shit, and then trying to do a podcast while recording yourself or whatever. Shit's kind of weird, dude. I mean, I'm not going to lie to you, it's fucking weird. When I see other people doing it, I'm like, oh, they got it made. They got it licked. They know exactly what they're doing. They know what they're going to talk about. They do it. You know, back when I was doing it at my old shop, I used to put up notes and shit like that. I'd be able to look at it, and then you'd never know that. You'd think it was just flowing freely, but I can't do that in here. We are in the audio room and the video room at the drop zone because it's the quietest place, and they let me do it here because they love me, and I love them. Anyways, we're having hot coffee. I'm going to shoot the shit. Twelve interesting facts about marijuana, about cannabis. Can't say that on YouTube, we get banned. I'm so fucking timid to do anything that's me these days because I used to be able to put me up, and it sold pretty well, meaning that motherfuckers used to watch that shit. They'd be like, oh, yeah, do this, do that, do this, do that. I'm talking about Facebook specifically, do this, do that, do this, do that, guiding me, scaring me away from being myself. They would ban me and do all that dumb shit, and I don't know. Got to a point to where I'm timid as fuck to do anything or say anything, but right now we're going to talk about twelve interesting facts about cannabis, and the only reason we're doing that is because I'm going to kill a little bit of time, warm up to you a little bit, let you know a little bit about myself, who obviously I enjoy cannabis. There's no secret to that. I don't take pharmaceuticals. I just enjoy this stuff, neither here nor there. Let's get it started. All right, twelve interesting facts about cannabis that you didn't know. Fact number one, cannabis is 2,500 years old. Now, when they tell me that kind of shit, I don't, like who's counting, dude? Who's counting that cannabis is 2,500 years old? You know what I mean? Let's read what they wrote about it. Cannabis was first recorded on the Easter Tibetan Plateau. I don't know where that is or where that's from, but Chinese farmers would grow the plant for oil and fiber to make ropes and clothing and paper. It's no secret that people do that kind of shit. It's no secret that that happens, making hemp necklaces since high school. Anyways, the first psychoactive use was reported 2,500 years ago in the, I guess, Premier Mountains of Western China. Are they saying that weed's made in China? Surely they're not saying that weed's made in China. The Chinese would boil the cannabis flowers with water to make tea. Herodotus, the Greek historian who wrote about some shit, I don't know, man, they used to make, said they made tents and heated rocks and smoked hemp, which caused them to shout for joy. Marijuana's a close relative of the hop, beer, but when they consumed this, they would shout for joy, is what they're saying to you, so I guess they're telling us that weed's made in China. They're trying to put a fucking label on it. They're trying to put a label on that shit. Interesting fact number two, only female cannabis plants can get you high. Only female cannabis plants can get you high. I guess we knew that, because only female cannabis plants make buds with THC. Of course, I don't know that. Maybe that's not true, too. Who fucking knows? I don't know shit. Keep it scrolling. There are about 100 cannabinoids in the marijuana plant. No clue what that is. Not very interesting. Gonna keep it scrolling. Number four, Bob Marley was buried in marijuana. All right, then. I mean, that's not interesting, either. I mean, that is kind of ... I would assume safely that Bob Marley was buried in marijuana. I figured I'd roll him in a big ass doobie and light him on fire. I'd do it like a Jamaican Viking. That would be interesting. That's why I tossed a doobie in there. I've done that to at least 10 friends that have passed away. I've definitely tossed a little doobie in there. Little nickel bag. Little dime bag. That's not interesting. Keep it scrolling. Morocco is the largest producer of marijuana in the world. That's interesting, because I don't know who's documenting that right there, but I know some boys around town that do a pretty good amount. You'll never know, because I'll never tell you, but they're by God. That's just the ones I ... There's God up there. This is just ramblings by these people. They're just making it up. They're just making it up. Anyways, Washington is the first United State to legalize recreational cannabis. I think they should legalize it in all of the other fucking states. I think that would make sense. Not interesting. Chocolate effects can be the same as marijuana effects. I disagree. I disagree. I can't tell you how many times I've picked weed out of my carpet to get high with a bag full of chocolate sitting in the cabinet, because I knew ... I mean, I knew that the chocolate wasn't going to do it. This is bullshit. Scientists in San Diego said they found three related chemicals in chocolate that affect the same parts of the brain cells that are turned on by smoking marijuana. Now, no surprise they're from San Diego. They just sit around getting fucking stoned, sitting around getting stoned, and damn, California call ourselves scientists, because they got a college degree, because their parents paid their way through college, and they made it through, because they did just enough homework or just enough cheating, but now they're scientists, and now they're smoking marijuana and eating chocolate, and they're like ... Anyways, let's keep it rolling. Drinking cocoa, eating chocolate, and smoking marijuana all resulted in dopamine increases. Well, if you do all three, that's pretty cool, too. I've had some hot cocoa on the front porch while I smoked a doobie. I've done that, you know? Anyways, not interesting. There are 1,200 slang words for cannabis, the first one being marijuana, then weed, pot, that good good, dank, doobie, and then it says broccoli on here, but I've never in my life called weed broccoli. That's never happened. It never will. It's just not going to happen. Anyways, not interesting. Interesting fact number nine, 420 is code. All right, now check this out. Why should this not be on this list? I don't know who the fuck wrote this list. It has their name at the top, but listen, somebody actually specifically put this. It said 420 pronounced, 420 is code term for consuming cannabis. Whenever people can't be candid about what they're doing later, they can simply say 420, and those in the know will understand. The 420 code has become interwoven in the cannabis culture with 420 merchandise, 420 references in music, even hidden in plant signs, 420 Easter eggs in movies. Not fucking interesting. Okay, why did I Google this? I don't even know if we're going to be able to even make a podcast out of this. I've had too much coffee at this point because I've already ... I poured me a nice cup. I'm going to tell you what I did. I poured me a nice cup. I went on SoundCloud or whatever, SoundTrap, like I normally do with my podcast, and I tried to record this motherfucker. I did one take already like I normally do. I do normally one take and I try to post it, but when I try to save the audio from SoundTrap, it fucking didn't save, so then I had to record it again. Then I had to go make another coffee, and my buzz is starting to wear off, so now I'm all tweaking half-ass on coffee, and my damn ... my buzz cuz it ain't doing what I want it to do. Anyways, interesting fact number 10, George Washington was a grower. Before I even read this, we already knew that. Dazed and confused. We saw dazed and confused. When he told the story when he's out on the hood, when he talked about how when he used to come in from a long day of doing whatever he does, she'd have a fat bull waiting on him. We already knew that. Not interesting. Fact number 11, probably the most interesting one I've seen thus far. Shakespeare smoked weed. Eh, it's not really that interesting. I changed my mind because I'm not surprised. He was a fucking artist. He's all twacked out. He's all doobied up on that good, good dank, that broccoli. Then he's in there, he's like, I'm just going to paint some shit. Then other people are like, damn, this motherfucker's brilliant. No, he's stoned and creative. Y'all need to ... I said creative. He's stoned and creative. Y'all need to do the same. Not interesting. Fact number 12, cannabis can be used in construction. We already talked about that. The first one we talked about, they used it to build shit. It's not interesting. I think I could do better than this. Let me tell you some interesting facts about marijuana, cannabis that you might not know. All right. Fact number one, it's nothing short of crack rock because people will do all kinds of shit for crack rock. I'm telling you, I will do all kinds of shit for cannabis. I'll drive to the ends of the earth. One time, there was a storm. There was a storm brewing and it was probably like a flash flood or some shit like that. It was probably about 2008. I can't remember what year it was. 2008 or 2009. I went out to go get me some. Called up the dude. He said, yeah, come on, man. I knew it was raining. I knew it was all jacked up outside. I was like, well, I can make it over there. It ain't that far. It's right down the road. They said flash floods. It was pretty bad. I went to go leave my neighborhood. I drove this little like half pipe, like this little, I don't know. You had to go downhill and go back uphill. And it filled up with water, but my dumb ass was texting while I was driving. And then I didn't even get to look up before it splashed into it. My head hit the steering wheel. I done drove straight into this fucking like five foot, six foot deep, like little half pipe of water that's coming through the area or whatever. Flash flood. Flood this whole fucking car. Freaked the fuck out. I had to bash the window to get out of there, motherfucker. I was all fucked up. Cut my elbow up. Had my neighbor help me push it out of this five foot of water. It was the hardest thing we did. I don't know. It was fucking weird. But then like the water went away. The water went away and the fire department got there and they was like, well, they said your car was stuck in the water. And I said, well, believe it or not, motherfucker, there was water here. Nothing 15 minutes ago. And it ain't here anymore. Flash flood, my boy. And then I opened the door to the damn little Chevy Envoy and water comes flowing out of that motherfucker. He said, damn. I said, damn. He said, where was your head? And I said, not telling you. Going to get some of that good, get some of that broccoli. So anyways, we will do. That's not that interesting, too, but we will do some shit for it. You know what I mean? Another interesting fact about cannabis is that it's good. It makes me feel good. Makes tons of people feel good. They don't have to take pharmaceuticals. Anyways, keep moving right along. I don't know what we're going to talk about. We've been talking for a few minutes already, but we'll talk some more. I'm going to keep it short and sweet. I just wanted to get one out here since I already fucking did the other one. I'm kind of demotivated. But I was like, no, we got to pull one out. Now, talk about the same shit you talked about before. It lost its luster. You can't say shit off the cuff twice. Know what I'm saying? Anyways, I did give myself a few subjects earlier to talk about whenever I was fucking off. Oh, the first one. Always thinking that you're going to make enough money later to pay for your bullshit now. I don't know what I meant by that. Other than I think it's a bad move. I've learned this the hard way. I've done it multiple times in my life. More than I can count. So much that I'm disgusted by that. I want to just stop fucking doing this. And that's just making short-term decisions. Decisions for the short term, meaning to get by right now. To have shit right now. To do the thing right now. Don't worry about later. It's a no-brainer that if you save your money, you'll have money. It's a no-brainer that if you do less things and you work, you will make money and save money. But sometimes you do too much shit. Sometimes motherfuckers are addicted to drugs. Sometimes motherfuckers are addicted to gambling. I used to be addicted to gambling. I'm not addicted to drugs. I do like my fair share of cannabis. We do talk about that now. That is technically a drug, but not really. It's related to hops and beer and people. It's all a drug. Breathing is a fucking drug. If you like it enough, you'll do it. You'll do anything for it too. I don't know what point I'm trying to get at. I'm just trying to tell you. Especially the older you get. Don't be out here having fun on credit. Not just credit card, credit time. All that bullshit. Meaning if you ain't got time for it, don't do it. Unless it's hustling or a progressive move towards something, your goal or your dream. Outside of that, if it's just like a little want. Don't do it. Don't fuck around and have to pay for the fun you're having now, fucking later. Because nobody wants to do that shit. You know what I mean? Anyways, moving right along to the next one. Getting back to where you used to be. This is probably the best part of this podcast. If you made it this far, it's probably about 10 of y'all, 15 of y'all. That's good with me. Talking to y'all specifically. At no point ever should you try to be getting back to where you used to be. This is just me talking and learning through my talking right now or whatever else. I've already had these thoughts tons. I feel like talking about it is like getting it out there or whatever. I've had a hard time. Right when I came out in comedy, I was doing the open mic. People was like, hey, you want to get booked? I got booked. I've already talked about all that shit on previous podcasts and previous conversations or whatever else. I fast tracked to headlining. My Facebook page was popping. I was getting paid a lot of money and all that shit. Started two brands, but the one brand, Mullet Gang. I started Mullet Gang and it was really successful and shit like that. I was doing too much. I literally was in charge of all that shit. At most, I had somebody helping me stack shirts or pick the little vinyl or whatever else. It was all really successful. Then it went away. I got banned on Facebook or whatever. For whatever reason, I was doing too much and got deluded. No excuses, but it went away. From there, I've had moments of time where I'm like, I struggle to get shows being banned on social media. At the same time, I've done a good enough job where some of these people trust me and they're like, yeah, we'll hook you up. Then they keep booking me, but leave it up to me for the ticket sales. I'll get discouraged and be like, man, I got to get back to where I used to be. Going to the gym now is more of a maintenance thing and I enjoy it now. For the longest time, I was like, man, I got to get back to where I used to be. Used to have this business, that business. I've always tried to do progressive moves that were real successful and they locked in my brain as successful. It's like, man, if I could just get back to where I used to be. Where'd you used to be? Constantly progressing and constantly living where you used to be. Maybe you were successful before. Maybe you'll get to a spot where you're successful again, but you will never get back to where you used to be. Even if you could turn back time and change something, you'll never be able to change it because you won't have the same perspective. Most of the shit we do out here that's fucked up pushes us into a different direction. Anticipated moves where we're doing it like, okay, saving up our money to buy a car. Okay, cool, you save up money to buy a car, get in a car wreck, it's gone, boom. Insurance pays for it, whatever, whatever, whatever. I don't know why I use that scenario, but I'm saying, the progression of your life is never to be going backwards. It's always forward. You might feel like you're going backwards because you lose things or you get fucking sidetracked or you get those detours that come from tragedies or financial bullshit or whatever. You're living life, man. You're living life. You didn't ask to be here. You're just out here fucking living. But at no point again will you ever go back to where you used to be. So, always, at any point, you can just stop thinking about that bullshit and just keep progressing. And that's what it always is going to be if you don't think about it, the past and all this bullshit. Remember it. Remember your mistakes. You don't make them again, but fuck going back to what it used to be. Make what is about to be badass. You know what I mean? Anyways. Keeping it moving right along. I think I got one more. I think I got one more. Mistakes you made and how to take care of them and which ones to let go. Mistakes you made, how to take care of them, and which ones to let go. I don't know what mistakes you made. I've made tons, tons of mistakes financially, with the shows, in life, driving, being a person, being a human being. I've made mistakes. I can't, I mean, small mistakes, mistakes that cost motherfuckers, not their lives, but seriously, you know, hardships for myself. I'm still living through hardships. I just get on here and do the podcast and keep showing up for shows and people motherfuckers think it's all sweet, but hey, it really ain't. We keep making mistakes. But the ones that you let go are all of them. You remember them, but you let them all go. If you made the same mistake a hundred fucking times, so fucking what if you fixed it and you didn't die and you didn't do anything else that made anybody else die or whatever else on the first hundred. So what if you fix it on 101? You let them all go. That was easy to get through that little subject because you're going to constantly make fucking mistakes as you get older. If you get older, if you get lucky enough to get older, you're going to be, you're going to make some fucking mistakes. There's no doubt about that. You know what I mean? Anyways, I don't know. I've been doing the whole soul searching thing myself, dude, here lately. You know what I mean? I mean, I have, I've been like really trying to figure out what the fuck I want to do and where I want to go. Really trying to figure out what the fuck I want to do and where I want to do it at and how I want to do it. You know, life ain't panned out for me the way that I've wanted it to pan out almost this entire time. But you know what? It's panned out pretty fucking good. And I know those two things sound contradicting, but they're not. I'll get mad about the process. A lot of times I'll be like, no, that ain't what the fuck I wanted or that ain't what the fuck I expected or that ain't what the fuck I anticipated. But often times am I looking around at this motherfucker like, damn, you know what? It ain't so bad. Now there's other times when I get down. I get down. I want to, I'll be like, man, I want to end all this shit. Put it all up. Go back to work. And I say go back to work. All this shit is work. Doing two march lines and fucking being here and doing that. I know, you know, coaching skydiving doesn't sound like it's work or being active in it and learning. That doesn't sound like it's work, but it is. Comedy shows, searching them, always having to get down whatever. This is just me going out my neck or whatever, kind of using me as an excuse or not an excuse, but as an example. I get fucking bent, dude, with no money. Borrow from Peter to pay Paul. Sell this to do that. Pawn this. Said to do whatever. Fuck for it. Had a guy out in Texas asked me, said, man, what the fuck you out here for all the way? I said shows. He looked around the room. It wasn't that many people in the room. And then he said, you drove all the way out here for this. Hell, yeah, man. He said, damn. I didn't say it, but I thought it was. That must be the difference between me and him. I'll go out there and I'll keep fucking going out there. Until it until it pops, until it happens. And when it does happen, I'll keep I'll keep doing these little podcasts. I'll keep I can't go and do the skits and shit anymore because I can't I can't stress that enough that these motherfuckers don't like it. I'm not inclined to do clean stuff. I'm sure I could if I wanted to. But my want to make money on there is not. I've never done my my comedy or my style of comedy so I can make money on Facebook. I did it and made money, but I didn't do it for the money. Then they fucking trick me because they start giving it to you. Then they take it away from me. They tell you they took it away from me. If they never would have told me that they fucking took it from me. I don't know how I feel about it, but I never did this shit for the money. So it's hard for me to just listen to the crowd as they're unfollowing the page or they're putting in the comments. Man, go back to them skits. Man, go back. You go back. We already talked. We don't go back to back. We're learning. We're progressing. I do stand up comedy. I do stand up comedy. I want to put up as many stand up clips as I want to or as I can on my page. That's what the goal is. Stand up comedy. That's what the fuck I like to do. That's what I quit my job for. It wasn't to do skits in my truck on Facebook. I enjoy that shit because I like connecting with motherfuckers that are just like me. Or that that thing is funny. But it don't always work out like that either. We keep marching. The band keeps fucking marching. I've been rambling on. I don't know. I feel pretty good about everything. Even the shit I don't feel pretty good about. It's all going to work itself out. A lot of things have been working themselves out. There's one thing I'd like to talk about but I can't talk about it today because, you know, it's not out yet. But there, you know, we'll talk about it later. It ain't got nothing really to do with me. But, you know, I want to give a shout out to Nick Grew. Moment of silence for Nick Grew. We'll talk about that on the next podcast in a couple of weeks. Right now I'm just doing them every couple of weeks. They're kind of fucking hard for me to squeeze in there. Once I start down making money and shit again like with the comedy outside of having to spend it right back, having to spend it right back, having to spend it right back. Once I've been able to put a little coin in the bank, I'll be able to step up my game. I've yet to learn discipline though. Because somebody told me it ain't how much money you make, it's what you do with it. Nah, my dumb ass have just, you know, whatever. People think it's because skydiving. But skydiving, it's not because skydiving. Skydiving, once you get your license and you get your own gear, skydiving will cost you about $26 a jump if you want to jump from 5,500 feet and about $32 a jump if you want to jump from 14,000 feet. I don't drink or do any of that stuff. And I coach. The coach jumps. You'll jump with somebody and do a coach jump and it's free for me to do it. You get a little tip. That's how you keep doing that. But it's a progression into something that I'm trying to do. But I try to keep myself busy so I can do comedy. I find great joy in being a skydiver also. I've been doing it for about to be two years. I just did my 391st jump today. 391. That's how many I got. And I want to do as many shows as I can. I've done 287. Some shit like that. Know what I'm going to not do is give up on myself. I hear people all the time, you should just get a regular job. You should just quit. You should do this. Bullshit. That's shit I tell myself too sometimes. But you got to fight fucking through that shit. And get your shit done because the end of your time is coming one day. Whether it be the same as everybody else's with some nuclear shit or something like that. Or if it's natural selection and it's your time. Your ticket is going to get punched one day. So I'm going to leave you with this. Go for the mustard. If you fuck it up, be willing to pay for your mistakes no matter what. But go for it. Just keep on going and keep on trucking and keep on hitting that shit. That's really all I can say. Outside of that, I love you. Next time I'll have a little bit more structure. I like the interviews. I can't wait to interview Tyler when he gets back on here. We'll have a couple of microphones. We'll be able to do it a little bit different. But I appreciate you all stopping by the burn barrel. And we're talking to you. And I'm also sorry that you had to listen to me for like 30 minutes. Go like this. And like this. And like that. I don't know why the fuck I do that on my damn podcast. I think it's because I'm talking to myself. So it's like I have to back and forth. And I have to stop. Anyway. Neither here nor there. The burn barrel. Season 2. Episode. Fuck. Season 3. Episode 2. I'm the fuck out of here. I hope you enjoy your Monday. Because you'll probably be listening to this on Monday. If it's Sunday night when I finally get this uploaded. I hope you enjoy it. And I thank you for your time. And your service. I'm Average Joey. And I'm the fuck out of here. Bye. No. No. Seriously. Bye. Like stop.