The audio, titled "Virginie Sivaloganathan's Time from 2019 to 2020", offers an immersive journey through Virginie's experiences from 2019 to 2020. The soundscape is punctuated by a metronomic rhythm, reminiscent of a ticking clock, symbolizing the passage of time. The rhythmic pulse provides a steady undercurrent, an aural reminder of the relentless march of hours, days, and months. As the audio progresses, this rhythm becomes more pronounced, intensifying the sense of time moving forward. The tempo fluctuates, reflecting the highs and lows, the moments of calm and the periods of activity that characterized Virginie's year. It's an aural diary, capturing the essence of her experiences and emotions during this time. The audio has an ebb and flow, mirroring the cyclical nature of time. It's not just a linear journey from 2019 to 2020, but a spiral, circling back