The audio, titled "Twinkling Star 04," starts with a gentle, magical tone, reminiscent of a starlit night. The mystical sound of a wand weaving through the air sets the scene, followed by a soft, mesmerizing melody that seems to narrate an ancient saga. As the audio progresses, an audible sign, like a cryptic message from another realm, resonates, propelling the listener deeper into a realm of fantasy and fable. The rhythm then takes a turn, transforming into a wandering tune that carries the listener along a path of adventure and mystery. It's like a film score, perfectly synchronizing with the events of an unseen storyline, guiding the imagination through a series of twists and turns, ups and downs. Midway, the audio intensifies, shimmering like a shining star, creating an atmosphere of revelation or a significant turn in the story. This is the point that would match with a cutscene, a dramatic highlight where the narrative takes a new direction