This audio track, titled "TV Screech", is a captivating audio representation of a classic television phenomenon. It starts with the familiar hum of a CRT, or Cathode-Ray Tube, television set being turned on. The sound is reminiscent of the old television sets that were once a staple in every household, taking listeners on a nostalgic journey back to simpler times. Shortly after the initial hum, the audio gives way to a high-pitched, squealing noise. This screeching sound is symbolic of the interference or technical glitches that were common with CRT TVs. The sound is sharp and piercing, almost jarring, perfectly capturing the essence of a television screech. Despite its harshness, the noise has a strangely captivating quality, drawing listeners in with its raw, unfiltered intensity. The auditory experience is akin to the static noise and visual snow one would encounter when the TV signal was lost. It brings forth feelings of anticipation and uncertainty, as if waiting for the picture