The audio titled "Training with You" begins with the strumming of an upbeat tune. It then transitions into a voice that sounds somewhat misplaced, a voice that feels somewhat "wrong" for the setting. It's as if the voice doesn't quite match the lighthearted background music. The voice is deep and gravelly, seemingly out of place in the cheerful ambiance. The voice starts to question, asking "What?" repeatedly. It seems to reflect a sense of confusion or misunderstanding. The voice's tone and the word "what" become recurring themes throughout the audio. The voice seems to be questioning the process, the methods, or perhaps the very concept of the training happening. Despite the initial dissonance, there is a sense of progression and development. The voice continues to ask "What?" but the tone changes. It becomes more understanding, more accepting. It seems as though the voice is gradually coming to terms with the training, adapting, and growing. Towards the end