The audio titled "Swine" is a captivating 5-minute and 17-second auditory exploration that invites listeners into the intriguing world of pigs. This unique creation is crafted by UAM, known for their immersive soundscapes. The audio begins with a series of imitation pig sounds, drawing listeners into a realistic barnyard scenario. The audio kicks off with a distant, low grunt of a pig, echoing as if in a spacious farm enclosure. The sound gradually becomes more distinct, indicating that the listener is getting closer to the source. Simultaneously, a subtle backdrop of typical farm noises - soft clucking of chickens, the rustling of hay, faint sounds of a farmer at his chores - provides a sense of authenticity and immersion. As the audio progresses, the pig sounds become increasingly varied, ranging from soft, contented grunts to eager, anticipatory squeals. There's an impression of pigs in various activities - rooting around for food, interacting with each other, or simply lazing