Title: "Stress Level 2" As the audio track titled "Stress Level 2" begins, an ominous and foreboding aura quickly establishes itself. The tension is palpable, almost as if you're preparing for flight, the adrenaline spiking as your heart races in your chest. This isn't the stress of a busy day at work; it's the chilling, sinister tension of a horror movie. The soundtrack is clearly designed to evoke fear and suspense, instantly transporting listeners to a dark, eerie cinematic universe. The audio track uses elements of morphagene, a complex sound manipulation technique, to create a sense of disorientation and unease. The increasingly intense rhythm and sudden audio peaks are reminiscent of a classic suspenseful film, building a sense of impending doom. The audio track, while not visually explicit, effectively paints a terrifying picture, creating a hauntingly realistic horror movie experience. As "Stress Level 2" progresses, the tension escalates,