The audio titled "Street of Cuba" begins with the distant, yet insistent rhythms of a busker, echoing through the famous Cuba Street in Wellington, New Zealand. The hustle and bustle of the cityscape is palpable even in the audio, an ambient orchestra of urban life. The steady hum of a bus engine serves as a backdrop to the soundscape, its regular stops and starts painting an auditory picture of Wellington's vibrant public transportation. The bus, a constant presence, is as integral to the audio as the heartbeat is to the body. Meanwhile, the lively chatter from a nearby cafe adds a layer of warmth to the scene. The clinking of cups, the occasional laughter, and the murmur of conversations blend with the faint aroma of coffee and freshly baked pastries, an experience so vivid it almost transcends the boundaries of audio. Suddenly, the everyday sounds are pierced by an eerie, chilling tone. There is a psycho-killer on the loose. The audio subtly hints at