As the audio titled "Speech Therapy Session 04" begins, the sound of a coin dropping into a slot is unmistakable. With a resounding clink, it settles, signifying the beginning of an exchange. The setting seems to be a public space, perhaps a bustling train station or a busy street corner, with the soft hum of people's chatter and the faint city noises in the background. The main focus of the audio is a phone call. The dial tone rings out, soon replaced by an engaging conversation. The speaker’s voice, initially hesitant, grows in confidence as the session progresses, demonstrating the effectiveness of the ongoing speech therapy. Towards the middle of the audio, there is a shift. The familiar sound of coins being counted out echoes as the speaker pays for the call, each coin dropping symbolizing progress made, words spoken, and hurdles overcome. Towards the end of the session, the speaker's voice becomes clearer, more assertive. The therapy is evidently working