The audio titled "Spacecraft Booster" begins with the unmistakable sound of an alarm, its piercing tone echoing through the emptiness of space. This alarm, representing a signal or warning, adds an immediate sense of urgency and tension to the audio. Then, we are introduced to the main sound effect – the powerful roar of the spacecraft booster. It's a complex noise, composed of a deep, rumbling bass that conveys the raw power of the booster, layered with higher-pitched, mechanical sounds that hint at the intricate technology at work. Intermittently, other sound effects punctuate the aural landscape. These are the beeps and blips of various signals, reminiscent of the sound effects you might hear in a video game or a sci-fi movie. These SFX contribute to the impression of a high-tech environment, filled with complex systems and machinery. Throughout the audio, the booster’s sound effect continues to dominate, its constant hum serving as a reminder of the space