The audio, titled "Space Rock," opens with the foreboding hum of a spaceship. You are immediately transported into a realm of science fiction, the dark expanse of the universe stretching out before you. There is an imminent sense of danger, enhanced by the eerie silence that follows. Suddenly, a distant rumbling grows louder, resonating with the threatening aura of a colossal asteroid hurtling through space. As the audio progresses, the sound of advanced weaponry whirs to life, piercing the silence. There's a clear indication of a futuristic battle, the frantic energy of a last-ditch effort to avert catastrophe. The audio is charged with tension, the rhythm quickening as the asteroid gets closer. There's a palpable shift when the catastrophic impact occurs - a deafening crash, followed by an eerie silence, as if space itself is holding its breath. The aftermath echoes with the remnants of destruction, painting a chilling picture of a sci-fi catastrophe. The audio ends with the slow