The audio titled "Somewhat Confused" begins in a calm and tranquil manner, reminiscent of an ambient soundscape. It's like stepping into a serene, ethereal world that's shrouded in a veil of mystery. The initial tones are atmospheric, almost like whispers from an unseen realm, creating a sense of being somewhere between the world we know and one we can only dream of. As the composition progresses, a dreamy melody seeps in, gently weaving its way through the ambient noise. This melody is tinged with a melancholic hue, reflecting a sense of uncertainty and confusion. It's like a pensioner's reflection of life - a mixed bag of emotions, experiences, and stories that are both clear and hazy, certain and unsure. The composition continues to flow, gracefully ebbing and flowing like the tide, carrying the listener along on a journey filled with ambiguity and contemplation. It's a dreamy yet confused state of mind, evoking a sense of wandering in