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cover of "Semi-Automatic Handgun 080870"
"Semi-Automatic Handgun 080870"

"Semi-Automatic Handgun 080870"


The audio clip titled "Semi-Automatic Handgun 080870" is a brief yet comprehensive sound recording that captures the distinct sounds associated with a semi-automatic pistol. The clip begins with a sharp, sudden noise of the handgun's slide being pulled back and released, a sound that indicates the preparation for firing. Seconds later, the listener experiences the startling, powerful blast of the pistol's discharge, a noise that reverberates with intensity. This is followed by the metallic echo of the spent shell casing being automatically ejected, bouncing off a hard surface. The audio ends with the quieter click of the handgun being readied for the next shot. This immersive audio experience provides an authentic representation of the operation of a semi-automatic handgun.


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