The audio titled "Quartet of Airplanes" begins with the faint, distant hum of engines, suggesting the presence of airplanes in the far-off sky. This hum gradually increases, growing louder and more distinct, mirroring the approach of the airplanes. The sound is crisp and clear, indicating that it's a field recording, perhaps captured by an enthusiast or a professional in the field of aviation. The audio then transitions into the distinct roar of airplane engines, creating a vivid image of four aircraft soaring in unison through the sky. The precision and synchronicity of their movements are implied through the harmonious blend of the engine sounds. The listener can almost visualize the quartet of airplanes, their metal bodies glinting in the sunlight, contrails streaking behind them against the backdrop of a vast, cloud-dotted sky. The audio also captures the underlying rumble of ground transportation, hinting at the bustling activity beneath the sky. The presence of these sounds pai