This audio piece, titled "Percussion using Glass," is a fascinating exploration of the delicate yet resonant sounds derived from a variety of glass objects. The track begins with a series of soft, high-pitched tinkling sounds, similar to the clinking of champagne flutes, which gradually transforms into a rhythmic pattern. A steady beat is established, mimicking a typical percussion rhythm. As the audio piece progresses, the listener can discern a broader range of notes and tones, demonstrating the versatility of glass as a musical instrument. This transformation is marked by a shift from the earlier, delicate clinks to deeper, resonant sounds, akin to the booming echo of a gong. These sounds, although distinct, blend harmoniously, creating an almost hypnotic rhythm. The latter part of the audio marks a return to the soft tinkling sounds, but this time they are layered over the rhythmic beat established earlier. This juxtaposition of delicate high-pitched notes and deep, resonant soun