This audio recording titled "Open Door Recording from November 13, 2013 Using H2nextXY Microphone" begins with the distant sounds of a bustling campus environment. The chatters of students, occasional laughter, and footsteps echo, painting a vivid picture of a lively collegiate atmosphere. Suddenly, the attention shifts to the clear, distinct sound of a door opening. The creaking hinges and the subtle squeak of the handle resonate, suggesting the door's age and frequent use. The noise from the campus fades slightly as if muffled by the interior of a building. Subsequently, the door closes with a resonating thud that reverberates for a moment, creating an auditory contrast to the previous outdoor noises. The closing door muffles the campus sounds entirely, leaving a quiet, almost serene atmosphere in its wake. This recording was captured using an H2nextXY Microphone, known for its exceptional ability to record stereo sound, providing a realistic and immersive listening experience.