The audio titled "Metropolis" unfolds a vibrant, bustling cityscape through a rich tapestry of sounds. It starts with the ambient noise of a busy city, a symphony of honks and engine roars that paints a picture of heavy traffic in the listener's mind. The city's pulse is felt in the constant hum of activity, the bustle of people, and the distant chatter that forms the city's unique dialect. As the audio progresses, the distinct wail of police sirens cuts through the traffic, hinting at the city's undercurrents of tension and urgency. It's a sound that's all too familiar in this concrete jungle, blending seamlessly with the everyday cacophony. It conveys a sense of constant vigilance, a city that never really sleeps. Field-recordings of street noise add an element of raw realism. You can almost feel the city's heartbeat, its vibrancy, its chaos, and its life. There is an alarm that echoes intermittently