The audio titled "Major Key Dissonance" begins with the clear, vibrant strumming of an electric guitar. The guitarist expertly manipulates the instrument, initially playing a series of chords in a major key. The sound is bright and upbeat, creating an atmosphere of positivity and lightness. As the audio progresses, the musician begins to introduce dissonance into the melody. The light, major chords are suddenly contrasted with darker, more complex ones. The dissonance creates tension in the music, a juxtaposition to the previously played major chords. The electric guitar, with its versatile timbre, amplifies the effect of this dissonance. The sounds of the guitar distort, adding a layer of grit and edge to the audio. The once bright and cheerful atmosphere now carries a sense of unease, intrigue, and depth due to the dissonant chords. Throughout the audio, the oscillation between the major key and the dissonant chords is consistent,