In the audio titled "Lathered Palms", the primary soundscape revolves around a rich, tactile experience that invokes vivid imagery of hands being washed. The audio begins with the distinct noise of a soap dispenser, indicating the application of soap onto hands. This is followed by the immersive sound of hands rubbing together, the friction amplified, creating a foley effect that's both realistic and enhanced for listeners. This squelching sound, reminiscent of soap bubbles popping, conveys the sensation of lathering soap in one's palms. The thoroughness and intensity of the hand-washing process are highlighted through the recurring squishy sounds, adding a touch of gore to the audio. The listener can almost feel the soap's slick texture against their skin, the crinkling froth, and the warm water washing it all away. The audio concludes with a final, satisfying squelch, painting a complete picture of a meticulous hand-washing routine.