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cover of "iPhone Water Test in the Kitchen Sink"
"iPhone Water Test in the Kitchen Sink"

"iPhone Water Test in the Kitchen Sink"


The audio begins with the distinct sound of water splashing against the metallic walls of a kitchen sink. The noise is followed by the soft, rhythmic dripping of water, creating a serene atmosphere. Suddenly, the calm is broken by the robust sound of more water being poured, this time directly onto an iPhone lying in the sink. The rush of water hitting the device produces a unique, somewhat muffled sound, indicating the water's direct contact with the iPhone. Amidst these sounds, the faint echoes of the kitchen in the background add a subtle layer to the audio, creating a sense of realism and relatability. The audio concludes with the cessation of the water pour, leaving behind the continuing soft drips as the remaining water drains away, leaving the listener in anticipation of the iPhone's fate.

Sound Effectswaterdripsinkpourkitchen

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