The audio clip titled "Highway Congestion" begins with the continuous, steady hum of numerous automobiles. The soundscape captures the essence of a bustling freeway, teeming with vehicles of various sizes. The drone of engines, the occasional honk, and the subtle whir of tires on the paved surface create an immersive background noise. The ambience is thick with the noise of traffic; every so often, the roar of a larger vehicle passing by punctuates the general hum, adding depth to the field of sound. The chaos of the congestion is palpable, yet there is a rhythm to it, a sort of organized chaos that is characteristic of busy highways. The audio is rich with ambient sounds. There are subtle layers of noise - the distant hum of the city, the rustle of trees lining the freeway, and the occasional faint siren. These field recordings paint a vivid picture of a day in the life of a bustling city highway, providing a real-time experience of being stuck in traffic