Welcome to "Guitar 1 Lesson 1". This lesson takes you on a journey through the rich, rhythmic world of reggae music, focusing on a modern take on this timeless genre. The lesson begins by exploring the fundamentals of the A minor scale, or "Amin," a key element in the roots reggae sound. As the lesson progresses, you'll be introduced to a selection of samples, giving you a taste of the wide array of sounds and techniques that can be employed in reggae guitar playing. These samples range from the deep, resonant basslines that form the backbone of many reggae tracks, to the high, bright leads that dance over the top. Throughout the lesson, there's a strong emphasis on the roots of reggae music, exploring its origins and how it has evolved into the modern form we know and love today. By the end of "Guitar 1 Lesson 1", you'll have a deep understanding of reggae guitar playing