The audio track titled "February 11 Gong Session" unfolds an intriguing blend of sounds that transports you directly into an unusual setting. It commences with the striking resonance of a gong, its deep, sonorous toll echoing in the air and instantly capturing your attention. As the gong's vibrations gradually fade into silence, a new sound emerges - the hum of electricity, a distinct, continuous buzz that lingers in the background, adding an unexpected layer to the audio composition. As the track progresses, the tolling of the bell becomes more pronounced. The rhythmic clanging gives a sense of school-like atmosphere, conjuring images of students hustling in corridors, responding to the urgent summons of the bell. The bell's chime is clear and crisp, contrasting with the background hum of electricity and the occasional reverberation of the gong. Throughout the audio, the gong, bell and electric sounds harmonize to create a soundscape that is both nostalgic, reminding one of school d