In the tenth episode, the listener is taken on a journey through the realms of the digital world. The episode unfolds in a unique environment known as the 'localhost', an abstract concept in computing that refers to the device used to run an application. As the episode progresses, the listener is introduced to the mysterious 'aethernet', a creative play on the term 'ethernet', which refers to a system for connecting computers within a local area network. The term 'aethernet' is used here to suggest a more ethereal, otherworldly internet existing in this digital universe, hinting at undiscovered, limitless possibilities. Throughout the episode, a recurring theme of 'n6' weaves its way into the narrative, a possible reference to a specific protocol or code within this world. The meaning remains shrouded in mystery, enticing the listener to keep tuning in for further episodes. The episode is presented under the 'cc0' tag, indicating that it is free of