The audio titled "Cracking Egg 17" begins with a distinct crunching sound, resembling the initial break of an eggshell. This is followed by a squishing noise, vividly painting the picture of the egg's interior being exposed, the yolk and albumen escaping the confines of the shell. As the audio progresses, you can hear the peeling sound, likely the person meticulously removing the fragments of the shell, each piece causing a soft crackling noise as it separates from the whole. This meticulous peeling creates a rhythmic pattern that is both soothing and oddly satisfying. Then comes a more definitive break. It's louder than the previous sounds, indicating the final rupture of the eggshell. This sound resonates, creating an echo effect that adds depth to the audio. A gory sound follows, an unpleasant, almost guttural noise that could be associated with the messy, slimy part of egg cracking - perhaps the yolk breaking and spilling. It