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cover of Closing of the Front Door, 2011
Closing of the Front Door, 2011

Closing of the Front Door, 2011




The audio piece titled "Closing of the Front Door, 2011" begins with the ambient sounds of a quiet, possibly suburban environment. The soft rustling of nearby trees and the distant hum of life outside set a calm backdrop. Suddenly, the focus shifts, and the listener is drawn to a more immediate sound, the main subject of this audio piece - a wooden door. The wood has an old, well-used quality to it, evoking a sense of nostalgia. The sound of the door closing is a rich, layered symphony of distinct auditory elements. It begins with the subtle squeak of hinges, telling tales of years of faithful service. This is followed by the resonating, solid sound of the door meeting the frame. It's a sound that speaks of a sturdy, well-crafted structure. The closing isn't rushed, but rather unhurried, giving the listener ample time to appreciate the different nuances of the sound. The slight echo that follows the closing,

Sound Effectswoodenclosingdoor

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