In this audio titled "Closing Bag 17," we are transported into the familiar setting of a classroom inside a school. The bustling ambiance of students exchanging notes and humming with activity subsides momentarily, drawing our attention to the main event. The distinct sound of a schoolbag, or 'batoh' as it's called in some places, comes into focus. The bag, presumably filled with the day's textbooks and assignments, is being closed. The listener can hear the rustling of materials inside as they stir at the movement. The sound of the bag's zippers follows next, a distinct 'zavirani' noise, resonating in the classroom's silence. The zippers' journey from one end of the bag to the other is audible and precise, echoing the careful action of 'zavrit' or closing. The final click of the fastening buckle provides a sense of completion, a task accomplished. The audio concludes, leaving behind the image of a closed schoolbag