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cover of "Brawling Cats on a Sunny Day in a Suburban Area, with Pigeons and Minimal Traffic"
"Brawling Cats on a Sunny Day in a Suburban Area, with Pigeons and Minimal Traffic"

"Brawling Cats on a Sunny Day in a Suburban Area, with Pigeons and Minimal Traffic"




The audio begins with the peaceful morning sounds of a typical suburban neighborhood. The distant hum of minimal traffic is subtly present, providing a quiet city ambience. Suddenly, the tranquility is broken by the unmistakable sounds of cats locked in a playful brawl. The cacophony of their hisses and meows resonates through the alleyways, dominating the soundscape. Intermittently, the cooing of pigeons can be heard, adding a delightful contrast to the cat fight. These birds, unperturbed by the feline drama, continue their daily routine, their coos acting as a calming backdrop to the ongoing skirmish. The sounds of the city and nature intertwine, painting a vivid audio picture of life in a suburban neighborhood. You can almost feel the warmth of the sun and see the shadows cast by the buildings on the city streets. The field recording captures the essence of an ordinary day, bringing to life the unique character of the neighborhood, from the brawling cats

Sound Effectscityneighborhoodfield-recordingalleyfightambiencecatbirds

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