As the audio titled "Assortment of Tiny Metals" begins, the distinct clinking and clattering of small metallic objects are heard. The first sound that comes to light is that of keys jingling, a familiar, everyday sound, reminiscent of unlocking a door or starting a car. This is closely followed by the light jangle of a dog tag attached to a collar, creating a gentle rhythmic sound as if a pet is moving around. The audio then transitions to the sound of coins, with their unique clinks and clatters, evoking images of loose change being handled or dropped into a container. This sound of coins is further specified to be that of a phone recording, giving it a slightly distant, echoey quality. Next, the unmistakable jingle of a dog leash is heard, hinting at the presence of a beloved pet, ready for its walk. This sound has a slightly heavier metallic tone, contrasting with the lighter, higher-pitched sounds of the