The audio titled "Appeal for Intelligence" begins with an eerily calm backdrop of desolate streets, capturing the eerie ambiance of a post-apocalyptic world. The sound of distant moaning and shuffling feet gradually intensifies, suggesting the impending danger of a zombie horde. The audio masterfully weaves in suspenseful notes, hinting at a zombie stampede drawing closer with every passing second. Throughout the audio, there is a recurring theme, an appeal for intelligence. This plea is articulated through the desperate cries and intricate discussions on survival strategies. The characters in the audio constantly emphasize the importance of using their brains, both literally and metaphorically. They discuss the importance of outsmarting the zombies, highlighting the significance of mental agility in their fight for survival. Every so often, the listener can hear the chilling sounds of undead creatures closing in - a grotesque reminder of their unending hunger for brains. These mome