In the audio titled "Alice's Story in English," a male narrator unfolds the whimsical tale of Alice's adventures. Implementing a variety of vocal modulations and tone changes, the narrator successfully brings each character in Alice's story to life. In the beginning, the listener is introduced to Alice with a calm and gentle voice that perfectly embodies her innocence. As the story progresses, a sense of intrigue and excitement is injected into the narration, mirroring Alice's feelings as she steps into a world full of wonder. The voice-over artist's unique ability to switch from one voice to another seamlessly is commendable. Each character, from the Mad Hatter to the Queen of Hearts, is given a distinct voice, making it easy for the listener to identify them. The pace of the narration is well-balanced, ensuring the listener can follow the storyline without any difficulty. Incorporated with the right pauses, the voice-over artist builds suspense and anticipation, keeping the list