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cover of 98 BPM Guitar Strumming
98 BPM Guitar Strumming

98 BPM Guitar Strumming


This audio track, titled "98 BPM Guitar Strumming", presents a soothing rhythm and melody that transports the listener into a harmonious realm of music. It features the rich, resonant sound of an acoustic guitar, a classic instrument known for its versatility and warmth. The pace is set at 98 beats per minute, an unhurried tempo that allows each strum to fully resonate, creating a laid-back atmosphere. The looped nature of the track provides a sense of continuity and rhythm, making it easy to lose oneself in the rhythmic harmony. The steel-string guitar employed in this track adds a bright, punchy tone that is distinctive and appealing. The combination of these elements results in an audio experience that is both relaxing and engaging, perfect for those seeking a serene musical escape.

Sound Effectsguitaracousticloopsteel-string

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