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cover of 1985 Church Bells Echoing in a Side Street of Pamplona
1985 Church Bells Echoing in a Side Street of Pamplona

1985 Church Bells Echoing in a Side Street of Pamplona




The audio titled "1985 Church Bells Echoing in a Side Street of Pamplona" begins with the faint, rhythmic tolling of church bells. It's a sound that resonates with the solemnity of tradition, the echoes bouncing off the ancient stone structures of Pamplona, a city that's steeped in history. As the chimes continue to roll out, they are overlaid by the hum of the city's life - the soft murmurs of conversations, the distant laughter of children playing, the occasional revving of a car engine passing by, and the subtle rustling of leaves stirred by a gentle breeze. The recording has a vintage quality, reminiscent of sounds captured on a Sony walkman, a popular portable cassette player from the 1980s. The sounds are crisp and clear, suggesting the recording was made on a high-quality TDK D90 cassette. The audio transports you to that side street in Pamplona, making you feel as if you

Sound Effectstdkcitynoisefield-recordingpamplonad90sony-walkmanstreetcassettechurch

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