Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
That's right, I'm eating ice. I'm eating ice! Alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright. Can we get all candidates to their allocated seats, please? Because I'm feeling a little horny. What? Josh, you. Cool. Okay. Now, I want this to be a fair election. That means no killing, no injuring, and no summoning armies to vote for you. Okay, the audience will be here any second now. So everyone to their podiums. Nice. Oh my god, is the next one the absolute? Yes! Yas or fuck? Yas! Yas, queen! Hello! Is that like what we're doing? Hello and welcome back, guys, to another election. No? No. Hello and welcome to the... Okay. Hello and welcome to the 2023 election. It's 2024. This is said in 2026. Ah, okay. Hello and welcome to the 2023 election for the new mayor of Heresy. As you know, I was the... Was the crackhead. Josh! Hello and welcome to the 2023 election for the new mayor of Heresy. As you know, I was the previous mayor. I will be stepping down when voting has ended. Alright, let me get used to reading. Okay. You can zoom in if you want. Alright. Is somebody watching this on TV? No. Alright. Nope. Alright. Hello and welcome to the 2023 election for the new mayor of Heresy. As you know, I was the previous mayor. I will be stepping down when the voting has ended. So whether you're watching this on TV or with me in this room, in one hour, after every candidate has given their speeches, you will be forced to vote. Good luck, and may the best candidate win. My heart. I don't know. Okay. Alright, let's start with... Maybe get... Mr. Box! Is that you? Yes! More energetic with it. You sound like you're asleep. I am asleep. Alright, let's start with... Mr. Box! Is that you? Alright! Alright. Well, I thought it's like he's checking the list like, oh, yeah, but let's... Yeah, but he's also staying out late at night. Alright, let's start with... Mr. Box! Say Mr. Box again. Mr. Beast. Start with the Jimmy Beast. Let's start with the... Mr. Box. The king of... Staten Island! Hi, Mr. Box! Okay, okay. This one, and... Oh! Alright, okay. Hey, Dixie. You scared? The gnome on the mountain, yeah. I fear nothing. Cool. Why are you giving such a strong verdict? Next. Next. Alright. Next to speak is... Pikachu? My bad. I mistook. Alright. Next to speak is... Pyko? Yeah. Thank you, boss. Alright, thank you, Pyko. Alright. Thank you, Pyko. Good. Good job, Pyko. Alright. Next could we have... Oh, golly. How about six in a line? Okay, okay. Alright. Next could we have... Oh, no. I have more fear in your voice than you. Oh, jeez! Tarmac? That was more like... The first game. The first game. Tarmac? When... Why? Why did you do that? Tarmac! Alright, that's fine. Next... Next to... Voting... Do you wanna... Zoom in? Zoom in to it? Alright, can you say it this way? Yeah. Okay. Leo Dixie! Chapter nine! Can you zoom in? Voting... Can you do it? Why? I got it. Okay. No, I can read it. Do I have to re-say that? Surely not. No, you don't. Eve Lyons, by the way. Dendro? Oh, what? What's that? This is a stupid joke. Alright, that... Oh! Just... Alright, then. Oh. Hm. Like that? Hm. Alright, then. Could we have... Paul, please? Okay, you're also voting this guy. That was in there. Is that what you want? Is that what you wanted us to look at? Yeah. Just the next. Next, could we have... Paul, please? Okay, you're also voting this guy, so... Dear Sweet Feet, Citizens of Heresy! Like, what's his voice? You can do that, if you want. Okay. Hello, my Sweet Feet, Citizens of Heresy! Okay, maybe... Maybe, like, slow it down just a bit. Let's not slow it down. Dear Sweet Feet, Citizens of Heresy! It is me, your great, soon-to-be-leader, Paul! I encountered a non-Paul-ever today. It's a sad day for many. But mostly me. You want to know what I do to non-Paul-evers? I hurt them. And when I hurt them... Oh, boy. I hurt them bad. With peanut butter! Thank you for listening, my Sweet Feet, Paul-evers. I love you. And I'll be back soon. As your leader! You're just going... Is that good? Yeah. And now, our final candidate, Dixie. Hello, Heresy! Fantastic, Dixie! It sounds like an adventurer outfit. Fantastic, Dixie! No. No. I went too British. Fantastic, Brixie? Fantastic, Brixie. Fantastic, Dixie. Now, for the thing you've been waiting for. Voting will start now! Now, the thing you've been waiting for... Voting will start... Now! Wait, I just need to say... What? What? I can't say it. Say the line. Say the line, Bart! Okay, they'll... Okay, they'll start firing in exactly one hour. So that way, 100% of Heresy could've voted. Would've voted. Okay. Say it like you're talking to a TV. In a TV. Okay. Okay, they will start firing in exactly one hour. So that... So that way, 100%... So that way... So that... Oh. So that way. Mm-hmm, okay. Okay, they will start firing in exactly one hour. So that way, 100% of Heresy would've voted. Thank you, buddy. It's a mystery! Wait, does Paul have any words? Oh, wait, okay. Can you voice that line for me? Heh-heh-heh. Heh-heh-heh. Alright. So basically, they just appear and take care of the vote, and then... So basically, they just appear and take vote and... Take vote of the care. So basically, they just appear, take care of the vote, and then... You good? Are you good? I'm just taking a photo. Can I see it? No. Pretty cool. Did you say it? Did you say it? I said it. Okay. I'll just trust you. I've said it three times, actually. Wait, what? Dude, is my dude caked up? No. Hell yeah! Is that, like, a way? We've already gone through the ten minute mark. Oh, really? Could we get all the candidates to their podiums, please? Say it more yelling. Could we get all the candidates to their podiums, please? No, no, no, no. No? Yeah. Could we get all the candidates to their podiums, please? No. Oh my god. Really? What's wrong with you? Alright. Keep going. Oh my god. Gross. Alright. Dude, get that dick out. Okay, with five minutes left until vote finishes... If you just stay in this room, just skip the line, then. Okay, okay. Okay, with five minutes left until votes finish, I would just like to... With five minutes left until votes finish, I would just like to say a couple words. As the previous mayor of Heresy, I want to congratulate whoever wins now. The adventure you are about to embark on is one of the utmost important. So now, whoever wins... So, whoever wins now, good luck! Wait, hold on. You know what I was about to do, right? So, whoever wins now, good luck. Because you're going to need it, daddy. I have that sound quite forever. Yeah, well now you have you farting on clear. I mean, that inventory I did of you is pretty accurate. More accurate. They don't know I'm mewing. I'm mewing. And would you look at that. And would you look at that. Votes finished a bit early this year with only 27 casualties. Casualties. Ah! Hey, my casualties! You know what I'm saying? Ah! Casualties. You know what I'm saying? Ah! And would you look at that. Votes finished a bit early this year with only... And would you look at that. Votes finished a bit early this year with only 27 casualties. Alright, so as it's counting the votes, please stay quiet. Can you have a little sniffle? What? What? What? What? What the devil? Oh, bollocks. Well, that was unexpected. Dixie is our new Mayor of Heresy. Why is that unexpected? Heresy is the main character. So true. You're still going. You're not done. Come on. Come on. 15 minute mark. Let's go. Okay. Bye bye. Speccy! Space! I went up at the end. Space! Space! Space! Space! Everyone, please. Space! Christ, oh crikey. Hey, say that again. I interrupted you. Actually, oh my god. Space! Please, everyone, give me some... Give the man... Oh wait, that's actually... Give the man some space. Hey, Dixie, do you want to say a couple words? Sure! Yeah! Alright! Alright! Yes, that's my mayor! Alright, baby! Hell yeah, that's my mayor! Yeah, alright! Boo! Nuh-uh, we don't like you. Boo! No one likes you. Hey, no one likes you, bro. Hey, go away, bro. Can you just say boo? Yeah, boo, yeah. Woo, Dixie! Yeah! There you go, you should have enough clips. Like, what, seven crowds now? All good. Yeah, uh... Before we... Let's just have a look what other characters I've put you down for. Put you down... I'm a hacker. This is not my bag. I'll just get mine. I just dropped your bag. Why is your laptop like that? It's not like that. I have a cable app on the edge. I could have just broke your laptop. Nah, I'll fix it. Peter! Let's have some more lines, other than that one line. Alright. Is that a venomized Dr. Sturge? It's pretty normal. I see. Then what is that? Oh, I just pressed whatever that is. It's an algaeve! It's an algaeve! You know what I'm saying? Okay. Okay. Alright, let's find some more crowds for you to do. Crowds for you to do... Can you just say... Woo! Woo! Alright! Woohoo! Hey, alright! Hey, let's go! Woohoo! Woohoo! This isn't talking. This is inaudible talking. This is inaudible talking. This is inaudible talking. This is inaudible talking. This is inaudible talking. This is inaudible talking. This is inaudible talking. This is inaudible talking. This is inaudible talking. This is inaudible talking. This is inaudible talking. This is inaudible talking. This is inaudible talking. This is inaudible talking. This is inaudible talking. This is inaudible talking. Alright, nice! Hey, that's what I've been waiting for, baby! Woohoo! Hell yeah!