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Module 8 Assigment

Module 8 Assigment

Arabella Myers



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Arabella Myers shares her experience with social media and its impact on mental health. She regrets ever getting involved with it and believes it has contributed to her declining mental health. Social media presents a false image of a perfect life, with influencers profiting from others' insecurities, showing idealized families, bodies, and luxurious lifestyles. Arabella believes social media consumes people with these unrealistic ideals, leading to mental health issues. She concludes that social media fails to promote genuine human interaction and actually weakens mental health. Hi, I'm Arabella Myers, and today I'm going to talk about my experience of social media and how social media can affect us. Let me start by saying I wish I was never introduced to social media. I set up my first social media platform when I was around 13 years old. I have seen my mental health decline due to social media in recent years. Social media portrays a fake perfect life. The majority of influencers make money off of others' insecurities, show their kids perfectly happy and caring with a clean house, models show off their perfect bodies, and rich people show off their million-dollar homes and beach vacations. It's a nice dream, but for most, it is not reality. I think that social media consumes people with these ideas and feeds into mental health problems. Social media does the opposite of its intended use. It does not promote human interaction and, therefore, can weaken mental health. Thank you for tuning in to hear about my views on social media.

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