Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker is excited about their first episode of a podcast about culinary arts and catering. They discuss the connection between love and food, mentioning that certain foods can act as aphrodisiacs. They share a funny anecdote about oysters from the movie "White Chicks" and list other aphrodisiacs like chocolate, figs, and chili peppers. They also mention their personal background and the inspiration behind their podcast. ស្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្� ស្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន� ស្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន� ស្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន្រាន� and love in any relationship whether it be romantic platonic or professional since the holiday season has approached us i begin to think to myself wow love is definitely in the air but how is one related to food what is the science behind love and food as a pair of home what is the history of love and how it relates to food is there such a thing i ask myself hmm i guess i never really thought about it until i became passionate about culinary arts and catering which shocked me you know as is as inquisitive as i normally am i found that rather odd that this topic never crossed my mind so now that has me excited and thinking where do i start to find the answers to those deep questions i mentioned not long ago yeah folks i searched high and low for the answers to those questions and to my surprise i found a ton of articles on love and how it relates to food so yeah we'll definitely be hopping into that uh topic here in a bit here but today is a very exciting day out here folks you know want to know why two things two things here so first and foremost this is my very first episode yay so welcome welcome welcome if you have just tuned in this is my very first episode i'm excited about that and secondly um this is a great topic um you know that i chose so two exciting things first episode first topic great great great right and yeah we're gonna have a great time on the show um i plan to do these shows weekly so if you want to tune in weekly and we'll also have some listener letters uh every Wednesday there's some short little snippets here for those letters as well but i am really excited i mean i have been working on this and thinking about this podcast and not only that but just hey like what can i do or say to start a community for like-minded folks like me that love culinary arts and catering that are in the business or planning to go into the business that you know just want to hear some good fun clean you know talk and research and and you know love or anything like i said surrounding food uh that's what we're here to talk about you know it doesn't have to necessarily be boring about just straight food and culinary arts but i'll i definitely want to continue to wrap my show around different topics but yes it will circle around back to food for sure so yeah guys uh welcome welcome like i said this is definitely a great day exciting day right first episode and allow me to introduce myself so if you do not know me you will definitely definitely uh find out who i am um first and foremost again i'm april fontano i'm a native houstonian i'm a mother of four and i have very beautiful beautiful children uh i'm also a bonus mom i have a 14 year old uh son bonus son rather uh since becoming married um but yeah we have a full house i have from 13 14 4 3 and 2 guys so yeah yeah i was pretty busy uh as you can see but i love it i love it uh and also i am an alum of the university of denver and i also attended the university of houston downtown uh some time ago here so a little bit of background about me and of course i am the owner and founder of koopies american cuisine and seafood um also i have an instagram of koopies catering and seafood as well so that's in relation to the podcast but i also wanted to share that the inspiration behind this podcast and my business um it comes all from my mom i lost my dear mom at the very beginning of the pandemic uh or in the midst of it rather she passed away in october of 2020 uh yeah it was pretty pretty tough for me but uh in the midst of all that i took a career pause uh you know to spend time with family care for family and kind of you know grieve her death or what have you and just kind of get to know my children uh you know kind of spend time with my husband and things of that sort but in the midst like i said of all of that um i had this podcast in the making and it was just stirring and brewing in the pot for a while and finally i got that green light that said you know what april what are you waiting for just go go go like a rocket let's go let's do it let's get this going so that's where we are today um my fears are gone my children a little bit older not that much older but the you know it's where i can definitely start to do a little more with my career here so that is exactly what's going on so i'm excited i i i'm happy to be here i hope you guys will tune in after today's episode i hope you're going to enjoy what we're going to be talking about but yeah let's get right into it so back to food and how it relates to love um like i said i found a ton of articles on love and how it relates to food so i found out that food is like an aphrodisiac you know um as we eat certain foods that makes the doping dopamine in our brains react differently when we eat certain foods right so to name a few um there is the old one that everybody's familiar with i know you've heard this years and years ago uh oysters oysters has been known for symbolizing love since the ancient times and this is according to um i'll tell you what i know they say it's the number one one of the number one aphrodisiacs but i i'm not a fan of oysters don't laugh i have never tried oysters i don't care to try oysters the texture and i'm sure the taste is horrific i've never desired to eat oysters so i i would not know but i know that is what comes to mind when most people hear aphrodisiac and love and you know how it relates to food but i'm here to tell you folks there are some other aphrodisiacs out there um that that you can try you know so speaking of that before we get into that you know when i think of the oysters that i was just speaking of um it reminds me of that funny funny comedy uh starring Sean Wayans and Marlon Wayans um and Terry Crews uh which are great actors they're funny comedians made it big in hollywood and things of that sort if you don't know them look them up right uh but they made this movie called white chicks right um so let me give you a little bit of background about the movie so basically Sean and Marlon Wayans are two uh you know cops and they want to graduate to become FBI's um for their prospective uh priest in or field or what have you so the movie is based on them taking on a project um that involves uh this filthy rich guy and he has two spoiled brat daughters uh the wilsons uh so what they do um in order to you know to sting them and kind of bring them down they decide to go undercover to play the wilson sisters right so they're imposters of the wilson sisters in the movie uh which i thought was just hilarious but to make a long story short here Terry Crews which play he plays with Charles Spencer in the movie um he is a star football player um and he's infatuated with Tiffany Wilson which is one of the the sisters that they um you know that has the filthy rich father but one of the scenes in the movie or two of the scenes rather the first one uh Terry Crews which is played by he plays Latrell Spencer rather he goes to an auction and the wilson sisters are actually there to be auctioned off which is quite hilarious right um so he's he just kind of spends all his money and he wants to make sure that he gives Tiffany Wilson one of the sisters he just he just thinks she's so hot right so he wins the auction and he gets her and he takes her out on this date and he orders this big plate of oysters right and it is so hilarious this movie and mind you this is not the actual wilson sister in the movie um Marlon Wayans is an imposter he's intimidating not intimidating so imitating i'm sorry um her or trying to be um Tiffany Wilson right so he's dressed in you know this suit that has to like cover his private party wears all this makeup and look like a caucasian or white woman per se uh with the wig and he has all the little cute skirts and the clothes and he is so uncomfortable at this table right and uh Terry Crews again the star football player with Charles Spencer is like all up on him and just loving on him and he is just so uncomfortable and he brings this little chihuahua with him everywhere he goes and he has to pretend to be her to be uh Tiffany Wilson so i you know like i said just getting a little into the oysters it always kind of reminds me of that i thought it was so funny but yeah i just wanted to share that movie with you i thought it was pretty funny but yeah um like i said Terry Crews doesn't realize that um Marlon Wayans is you know portraying or pretending to be Tiffany Wilson so when he finds out he's like oh my god instead of saying you're a guy he goes you're not a white i mean you have got to check this movie out if you haven't seen it it's pretty old but yeah speaking of aphrodisiacs and oysters and just if you love comedy period check it out yeah it's called the white chicks so yeah let's get right into it here um so like i said there's other um aphrodisiacs on the list um and again Terry Crews expresses his love uh for Tiffany Wilson with oysters in the movie but uh the others on the list um from sources on the web um so i'm gonna get right to it so chocolate which is most of our favorites right that's uh definitely on the list uh oh who doesn't love chocolate right um oh gosh the figs i was like figs really you know was totally shocked me because you know figs remind me of like my grandma or something and i don't mean to insult the older generation but it's just not that sexy of a food choice for me you know uh but hey it's on the list right then we have chili pepper whoo spicy i can see how that relates to love it's a little spice and you know hot and spicy right we have avocado yum yum yum yum i love avocados garlic mmm garlic can always be used in a sense of love i guess right and i love garlic i like i said i love culinary arts so i'm always using garlic in the kitchen or at home when i'm cooking at home right honey mmm yum yum yum honey of course is great pomegranate okay that's a good one bananas i love bananas they're sweet uh but don't think of a aphrodisiac you know like i said some of these are quite surprising to me here uh asparagus yeah that's not a sweet food but you know hey whatever floats your boat right asparagus is on the list we have basil that's even a weird one for me um i guess if you like spices again right wine yes yes yes yes wine is definitely a great choice for an aphrodisiac i mean who doesn't like a great glass of wine right with their steak or whatever meal you're eating and last but not least uh i found this very interesting apples apples is oh my god so great i love them everybody doesn't love apples that i do but i mean wow when i saw this you know like i said i laugh because i eat a ton of those foods on the list quite often especially garlic you know like i said i love to cook with garlic and i use it with most of my dishes and apples is a favorite in my household as well my children love them so it's become a regular item in our home you know um and it's such a shocker that apples i found when i did my research is the number one fruit or food for love yep yep you heard it right guys yes ladies and gents you heard me right like i said apples is the number one food that relates to love and this is according to um it's also mentioned in the book of Galatians if you want to get into the bible or your biblical or do some theology here that love is the fruit of the spirit so it's not necessarily apples in this case um in relation to Galatians but more so how love is the fruit of happiness uh in the spirit right so yeah you know if you relate love to um the biblical times uh it's definitely um apples right or not apples but fruit of happiness i'm sorry um so yeah so apples on the other hand during the middle ages um they say the europeans believe that the apples was um in aphrodisiac right so they use it in love rituals hmm that's pretty interesting right and it says that the color red and the shapeliness of the apple symbolizes or are close to the heart right that is and have been correlated with love and now with valentine's day so yeah right right how exciting and romantic is that right so um yeah like i said those are some aphrodisiacs on the list and how they relate to love and i hope you've kind of taken some notes here and if you haven't you can play this back to kind of get some ideas like i said if you don't like oysters oh god there's a ton of them out there right so yeah like i said i found that very interesting um so now what we're going to do guys is go ahead and spin this around a little bit right um according to i also found that around the world food often forms the very core of the courting process between couples right so uh whether it's an all-important first date or a sunday lunch with the female family as food and love are emotionally and scientifically linked how wonderful is that right and oh my gosh like like i said before i'm excited but on another note if you don't know you will know i love to learn right i love to do research i like to roll my sleeves up uh get into the nitty-gritty of things and just i just love to learn i love school i love to be educated i love the library i love doing research so this was so much fun for me finding and researching the foods and the aphrodisiacs that relate to love this is a really really fun topic right guys so i had a fun time with that i hope you're having a lot of fun as well um so yeah so another source from says or quote it rather uh and this is by uh george bernard shaw and it reads there is no love sincere than the love of food i love it guys i love that that is so awesome right just romance everywhere awesome awesome um and let's see here we also have um some other ones here but now let me go ahead and get into my profession colonial arts right did you know a lot of it goes into the preparation of meals and cooking down to the last step which is serving the food to others right yes you heard me we as chefs we love to use love and art as a form of appreciation and gratitude for those who eat our delicious meals and want to try them right uh for me you know the most rewarding part of all of this is actually getting the chance to sit down with family and see the smiles on their faces after whipping up a delicious meal it's always a great way uh you know to enjoy quality time with those you love at home i even enjoy seeing the smiles on my client's faces as it just warms my heart knowing i put love and happiness into preparing this the meal for them right um same thing with family so like i said before when we tend to think about food and how it relates to love it's not always about our romantic partners it is also known that true love comes in many many many forms as it's just one of them right but our friends and family are often the most epic love of our lives and feasting is central in celebrating them so yeah yeah again i i'm finding so many wonderful wonderful phrases and quotes and that was not mine guys uh i found that uh that's from the so check those those links or websites out yeah if you're interested in learning more about food and how it relates to love and those topics but like i said it's a belief of mine as well but again i have a lot of sources on um quoting here so yeah folks those are some of the ways of love and how it relates to food you know as we wrap up here i just want to hear your thoughts and perspectives on that give me a shout out by email um it's at and if that's too long for you you can do april like my name um as well i'd love to hear your thoughts and i want you know to you to share some of those on my listeners letters day episodes uh which will be starting every wednesday right um so yeah yeah guys it has been so fun talking and getting to know you all my very first episode again thank you so much for listening today and tuning in i hope you will return i know you will because we have some more exciting podcast episodes coming up for you like i said i'll try to have a new one every week but on wednesdays it'll be a little short um or maybe not um if i start to get any listeners letters if not i'll still find some snippets you know something to talk about to keep it interesting because yeah we got to keep those episodes going and i i definitely want to keep you interested and hear what you think so thank you thank you thank you for tuning in i've had a great time tonight um and i hope today's episode was impactful and enlightening until next time be well my friends peace light and love thank you for tuning in to the let's talk food podcast again i'm your host april fontenot be safe be well and enjoy your holiday season guys good night bye